Chuck on the right side
Have you listened to the “news” broadcasts of CNN or MSNBC lately? Almost 100% of the air time on those stations is devoted to anti-Trump and anti-Republican bashing, it's like no other news is happening in our country and around the world. You could, in all honesty, call those media outlets, “Merchants of Venom”.
Both CNN and MSNBC (you could also include ABC, CBS, NBC, and NPR) have zero right of center “talking heads” manning their news programs. It seems most all the hosts have had ties to the Democrat Party at one time or another. A recent Harvard study found that 90% of stories in the main stream media and cable news shows, about President Trump and the Republicans, were negative in tone and substance. The exception to this lopsided approach to the news would be Fox News Channel and a few radio stations (ex: Rush Limbaugh, Larry Elder, Mark Levin etc.) which lean center-right. CNN prides itself as being “The Most Trusted Name in News”, but if you listen to them it is negative President Trump and negative Republican Party 90% of the time, that's “trusted news”? The same for MSNBC, it is almost like a broken record. You'd think, by listening to those stations, that President Trump was the second-coming of Adolph Hitler. They really do have an advanced case of TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). It is safe to say that Fox News Channel slants center-right in its opinion shows (Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham), but they at least have quite a stable of liberal contributors (Jessica Tarlov, Geraldo Rivera, Chris Hahn, Richard Goodstein, Juan Williams, Alan Dershowitz, Richard Fowler, Leslie Marshall etc., etc.) on most all shows to balance the conservative viewpoint. CNN and MSNBC have opposition guests (conservatives) only on occasion, and that person is almost always outnumbered by 4 or 5 to one. They sometimes balance off their opposition line-up by placing a RINO (Republican in Name Only) on a panel and then claim a political balance (ex: Ana Navarro, Max Boot, and Bill Kristol) when in fact they are really “Never-Trumpers”. Even the main stream broadcast stations of ABC, CBS, NBC, have only former Democrat operatives leading up their news shows (ex: Lesley Stahl, George Stefanopoulous, Andrea Mitchell, Van Jones, Chuck Todd etc.) with nary a conservative in sight. Also, the late night shows are almost all loaded with left-leaning hosts (ex: Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, Jimmy Fallon, Seth Meyers, and at HBO, Bill Maher). In addition, the comedy show on NBC, Saturday Night Live, is bashing President Trump and the Republicans almost every week. All of theses persons and shows listed above could very easily be called “ The Merchants of Venom”. People complain that President Trump should not attack the media like he does so often, but when the vast majority of the news media is trashing you day in and day out, what would you expect him to do, sit back and take all the slams, vituperation's, and brick-bats without defending himself and his policies? Ever since he won the election over their favored candidate, Hillary Clinton, the media has been on a crusade to drive him from office, come hell or high water. They never acknowledge any of the positive things that has happened, during the past two years, under President Trump, in the areas of the U.S. economy and foreign affairs. I'm sure, if the media showed him some semblance of fairness in its coverage of him, he wouldn't have to or need to fight back like he does now. So yes, the “Merchants of Venom” have found their prey, and President Trump is in their sights 24/7. It's amazing that President Trump's approval rating is around 50% with all the negativity surrounding him by the Democrats, and both in the print and on the visual media. You could say that President Trump is being judged by his actions and not by his words (or “Tweets”). Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
George Giftos
12/9/2018 10:26:51 am
Right on!
Larry Goldberg
12/9/2018 11:19:55 am
The Democrat Party is no longer a party of ideas. Instead it has become the party of invective. Its divisiveness and demagoguery have little new to offer beyond expanding the welfare state and appeasing our enemies. Sometimes the mental disease of liberalism (a/k/a Progressiveism) is irreversible.
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