Chuck on the right side
In our crazy, upside down, environment when the term “racist” is used to describe someone with opposite or opposing views, we have the dichotomy that if you proclaim “All Lives Matter”, you are considered a racist.
The term “Black Lives Matter” is being promoted as that black lives are being systematically oppressed and, in too many cases, killed by brutal police tactics. The facts don't back up those claims as the statistics by the FBI and by author Heather MacDonald seem to prove. The false claims that police are killing unarmed blacks at an alarming rate doesn't meet the standards of proper reporting. In 2019, there was a total of 28 cases of police killing unarmed people. Out of that total, 19 were white people and 9 were black people. Do these statistics prove that police killings are endemic in our society? The answer is a resounding NO! Yes, there are cases of some police using excessive force, but with the millions of interchanges between the police with blacks and whites, the facts do not back up the case of “endemic police brutality”. In addition, FBI statistics show that a policeman is 18 ½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than a black male will be killed by a policeman. Look what is happening around the country today, this Marxist/Socialist group, BLM, (self proclaimed I might add), is shaming corporations, sports leagues and teams, and celebrities, into contributing to their cause and the approval of their disruptive behavior. This is a group that really doesn't have black lives as their main concern as their “modus operandi”. If it was, they would be protesting and demonstrating in Chicago and other cities where blacks are being murdered, not by the police, but by other blacks in the hundreds. It is in those cities is where the death rates of blacks is in endemic proportions by the hands (or guns) of other black people, not by the police. In observing these rioting protesters, you'll see many white faces (mostly young people) mouthing the slogans of “Black Lives Matter”, “No Justice, No Peace”, “Defund the Police”. “Hands Up, Don't Shoot” etc. Where did these young people get the idea that our country is a “racist” country? Could it be our schools that have filled these young people's “heads full of mush” with such an idea by their leftist teachers and professors? It seems they have been infused with “white guilt” which has resulted in many of them joining the “Black Lives Matter” movement (and also ANTIFA). The days of Dr. Martin Luther King seem to be long gone as these black racial anarchists believe violence is the way to go, not passive resistance as Dr. King promoted and preached. So, in conclusion, the specific term “Black Lives Matter” should be expanded to to include “All Lives Matter”. This violence must be stopped, otherwise, our society will not survive as our “Founding Fathers” had envisioned when they wrote the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. This phrase, “All Lives Matter” is not racist, it is common sense. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
1 Comment
It's about time this country recognizes and faces the reality of the problems plaguing us. Racism isn't the reason for protest, but a ploy used to further nefarious actions to transform our republic into a suppressive and oppressive socialist state.
The original disorder originated in May, with the unfortunate demise by questionable means, to put George Floyd into custody by a rogue cop, that blossomed into more than a protest, but a means to create havoc. When considering the composite of the so called protestors, it diminishes the legitimacy of the participants, who turned into a mob of anarchists, privileged white millennials, indoctrinated into the left by their pink-o professors, and black deadbeats, following in the footsteps of blacks who impregnate black females into fatherless black families. All hiding under the banner of an illegitimate organization using the slogan, Black Lives Matter. Using a phrase by the highly respected Dr. Thomas Sowell, " If it ain't broke, break it!" I fail to see or hear even one good thing that has come out of all this chaos. If the means that caused George Floyd's death is considered criminal, it doesn't compare with the criminality of the protesters and provokers in the deadly and destructive calamity that transpires in cities unabated, through the negligence of officials entrusted to maintain law and order. Anyone condoning the felonious methods of protest, is abetting fraud and should be prosecuted. If law and order is to ever return to sanctuary areas that is devastating the lives of law abiding citizens, which among them, are many whom the fraudulent protesters are claiming to be protesting for on their behalf. Conservative commentary by George Giftos Over the past few years we have been bombarded by the Marxist/Socialist group called “Black Lives Matter”, who has been protesting against police brutality, a rare occurrence, yet selectively omits any concern about the hundreds of shootings and deaths committed by blacks upon blacks throughout the country. Shouldn't all black lives matter? That's where the real “epidemic” of brutality is occurring, not with the various police departments. There is no “systemic racism” in the various police departments around the country. Yes, we have some bad apples and unfortunate police incidents, but it is the “systemic violence” against the police that we should be devoting more of our concern. It is a fact that a policeman is 18 ½ times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male would be killed by a policeman (FBI statistics).
Look what is going on in most of our inner cities today. Hundreds of shootings and multiple deaths are racked up on a weekly and monthly basis, with no end in sight. The police are being hamstrung in performing their law and order duties, by a bunch of feckless, mostly liberal politicians, who tell the police to “stand down” and not enforce the law. The police, on the other hand, are leery to try to enforce the law, as they might, by officials second-guessing them, be prosecuted at the worst or be fired at the least (NYC, Minneapolis, Atlanta and Chicago are prime examples). Now, the “Black Lives Matter” terrorists want to defund and/or disband the police, including, in that group, are a lot of young white people, with a total lack of historical perspective, who go along with the other black lunatics that sanction this nonsense. It seems the BLM terrorists are using the technique of “white guilt” in recruiting these young whites as they go begging for forgiveness over something they were not ever involved in. BLM is even claiming that black people deserve “reparations” for the past sins of slavery, a practice that was done away with with Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation in 1863. Slavery was legal up until that time, as it had been for thousands of years in countries all around the world. By the way, it still exists in parts of the Middle East and Africa today. It appears that BLM wants white people, who never owned slaves, to pay black people, who never were slaves. It is a convoluted idea if there ever was one. Since this radical, domestic, Marxist/Socialist, terrorist group (along with ANTIFA) started organizing after the “justified” killing of black teen, Michael Brown, in Ferguson, Missouri, a few years ago, by a white policeman, (an act justified by the Obama Justice Department), they have been on a tear preaching death to the cops and to harass the police, at every turn, as the police have tried to do their law enforcement duties (especially after the rare occurrence of a white or even a black policemen) who had a fatal encounter with an unarmed black perpetrator. This is the same group, a couple of years ago, that were chanting as they marched and protested, “Pigs in a blanket (referring to cops), Fry 'em like bacon” and “What do we want, DEAD COPS, and when do we want it NOW”. It's been downhill ever since and it has gotten worse. Race relations seem to be at an all-time low with the tacit help of spineless liberal politicians. If this group had any relevance at all, they would be protesting and marching in the neighborhoods where this inordinate amount of black on black crime is occurring, instead of causing racial turmoil by attacking the police who have, over the years, been responsible for trying to stabilize the crime in these poor minority communities. So, with my laying out the fallacies of what BLM stands for, it can be deduced that the one thing they don't stand for is, THAT ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER, only the few that would further their terrorist agenda the hell with the innocent law abiding black people. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann We are not a racist country. True there are some among us, white, black
and other ethnic hues, blemishing the landscape trying to advance their self interests. Considering that our lineage is composed from nearly all parts of the world, no other country has done so much toward human rights and equal opportunity. Unfortunately there are scamps using racial prejudice to roil the pot, to advance their agendas. The havoc plaguing our country was well planned, using the misinformed black community to fulfill their aims. On the road to improve racial relations, Black is Beautiful became a new phrase on the map, until the black family regressed to 70% fatherless homes, due to white democrat racist policies that offered them free stuff instead of opportunity to fend for themselves. Black lives matter is a misnomer, because all lives matter. Black life does not matter when life is not lived like it matters. Correcting it, it should be, "Black Family Life Matters!" Fortunately, many blacks didn't see themselves as victims and rose to the challenges, becoming highly appreciated for their contribution to the sciences, medicine, education, entertainment and other functions in society. Although my interaction with the black community has been limited in the course and circumstances where my life took me, I never compromised my friendships as white democrat liberals do, by having token blacks as a gimmick to show how empathetic they are toward diversity; "but not in my neighborhood!" When I'm critical about anybody's actions, I will speak my mind no matter who they are. To the leftist liberal, blacks should be off limits, indicating they are not my equal and speaking the truth is racist. My associations and friendships are developed through respect and commonality, not quotas, Although few, I cherish the friendship with the ones I had, who are no longer here. Among them, a Tuskegee Airman Conservative commentary by George Giftos That phrase was coined by the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan in trying to show that a society has a limit in tolerating bad behavior before it has to start lowering its standards. He also called it “moral deregulation”, that has eroded families, increased crime, and produced the mentally ill and addicted “homeless” population to expand it's tentacles. The late erudite pundit Charles Krauthammer, expanded on Moynihan's phrase by proposing the reverse - that not only are we “minimizing what was once considered deviant”, but we were also “finding deviant what was once considered normal”. Since the 1960's, the decline in ethical, moral behavior has steadily declined up to the present day where we have behavior that is not only crude in speech, but is dangerous in actions against our fellow man. The disrespect, by some in our society, against our mores and traditions is manifested in the violent crimes that occur all too frequently today in our once safe venues like schools, shopping malls, theaters, houses of worship etc., it is a clear signal that something is amiss in our society today. There is an old expression that if you reward bad behavior you get more bad behavior.
Once we take out the “moral purpose” in life, a society cannot remain free and civilized as there will be no constraints and duties required in a fair and just society (ex: the fall of the Greek and Roman societies are an example). Anything goes. Faith, which is condemned in many of our institutions, such as in schools and in government, is not a threat to a civil society, it is vital for its survival, but it is eroding at a fast pace in our screwed up society. The decline, which started in the 1960's with the passage of the “Great Society” promoted by then President Lyndon Johnson, changed our tenet of self-reliance, to relying on the government to solve most all our problems, a form of socialism that is undermining our capitalist system that is promulgated by most of our professors and educators in our schools and by many in the Democrat Party. The young people today have been indoctrinated into thinking that our culture and traditions are no longer valid, and that a “total transformation” (a phrase used by former Pres. Obama) is needed to achieve the “Nirvana” that has been pushed into their heads full of mush. Winston Churchill, in his infinite wisdom once said, “If a person is not a liberal (a/k/a Socialist) by the age of 20, he has no heart, but if he's not a conservative (a/k/a Capitalist) by the age of 40, he has no brains”. Look all around us today. We have taken God out of the schools and replaced it with sex education and free condoms and a “dumbing down” of the curriculum; we have mocked patriotism by banning the pledge of allegiance and national anthem in many of our venues; we have defaced and tore down statues of our past heroes and some non-heroes; we have reduced the concept of marriage, which for centuries was designated as between one man and one woman, to be any two (or more) loving people of any sex; we have expanded our welfare rolls, including illegal aliens, thereby making more and more people dependent on government handouts; we have made drug using acceptable, in some cases, while we have made tobacco using unacceptable (a noble gesture); and we have tolerated the total disrespect of the office of the president of the United States while overlooking the crimes of certain favored politicians of a certain party (a double standard of justice). Today we have groups that shroud themselves in names that connote peace and tranquility, but are actually the opposite of what they say they believe, an example being ANTIFA (which stands for anti-fascist). They are the masked thugs that go around disrupting political rallies, and shouting down speakers at forums that they don't agree with, along with destruction of private and public property, and then join up with another militant group with a sweet sounding sobriquet called BLACK LIVES MATTER, who have chanted “Pigs in a blanket, fry'em like bacon” and “What do we want, DEAD COPS - and When do we want it – NOW”. Both of those groups are the antithesis of what their made up names are trying to signify. They both champion the Marxist/Socialist form of government. And, of course, we have the spectra of that insidious term “political correctness” which tries to stifle free speech and free movement by unelected busybodies who try to force their views onto everyone else. A case in point, look what happened at a previous Winter Olympics. For millions of Christians, it is unnerving to live in a world where the sister of a despot (she is the Communication Minister of Communist North Korea) is normalized and glamorized, but a man of faith (V-P Mike Pence) is considered “mentally ill”. That comment was made by Joy Behar on that left-leaning show called “The View”, to laughter and applause by the audience. How low can you go? Just when you think Joy Behar can't go any lower she starts digging even lower. All these examples I've listed above, seem to justify, unfortunately, what Sen. Moynihan and Charles Krauthammer tried to convey about what is happening in our society today, and not for the better. It is a case of “Defining Deviancy Down”. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Getting rid of Aunt Jemima pancake syrup and Uncle Ben's rice in the name of racial neutrality?7/4/2020 On May 25th 2020, civility was put on life support. It is the day George Floyd
died at the knee of a rogue cop and humanity lost its reason. Local officials irresponsibly allowed ignorance to run amok and bring pain to persons who had nothing to do with what triggered the havoc that ensued under the pretexted of civil rights. Riots and lootings are not a justifiable form of protest, but it gives a venue for thugs, criminals, anarchist, subversives and vandals to do their thing to the detriment of decent people. A true protester that has been inflicted with pain, does not wish to inflict pain on others who had no part in causing that pain. Protesting is our First Amendment right, and we are also a nation of law and order, Therefore, the law should provide a permit and designate an area where protesters can express this right in an orderly fashion. Anything more or less than that can be considered contributing to the 'Kristallnacht' of the radical democrats. 106 shootings resulting in 14 deaths and 64 wounded in Chicago and the death of a 3 year old little boy and a 13 year old girl watching TV in her home in Austin, Texas over the Father's day weekend was the result from other blacks. Apparently Black Lives Matter doesn't apply when death is perpetrated by blacks. The fight for equality by guilt ridden whites and organizations like BLM is turning out to be just a power grab fight. Where history will no longer be in our heritage and color and racism is an excuse to change the face of America, and its Constitution relegated into oblivion. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos |
August 2024
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