Chuck on the right side
People who excuse violence committed against law enforcement stating that, “They knew the risk when they took the job,” show just how out of touch and radical they are in their disdain for law and order and the police. Yet, why can't we apply this same logic when criminals are killed during arrests? “They knew the risk when they committed the crime”.
Too often, confrontations between black suspected criminals and the police escalate as a consequence of non-compliance to police orders. Before all the facts of a case are confirmed, radical mobs turn these criminals into martyrs and use it as an excuse to cause mayhem and havoc in the areas where these confrontations occurred. The groups that have used these instances of police confrontations to perpetrate violence and destruction of property are BLM (Black Lives Matter) and ANTIFA. You could say that in the majority of confrontations, the black person (mostly black males) who is being confronted or arrested, resists arrest, sometimes with a weapon or a facsimile. In most instances, a confrontation would've been avoided if the suspect obeyed the demands of the law enforcement officer. When a perpetrator or an alleged perpetrator violently resists or attacks the police officer, bad things tend to happen, sometimes leading to the death of the resister. And so it is with most of the cases of excess police actions that sometimes results in the killing of the black person. It is reasonable to assume that if the person confronting or attacking the police would've just complied with the orders of the police, they would be alive today. With the rise of the radical domestic terrorist groups (both professing Marxist ideology) namely BLM and ANTIFA, we've seen a concerted effort to denigrate the police to the detriment of society, especially in minority inner cities where crime is out of control. Lawlessness seems to be rampant in some towns and cities as a result of this uncalled for campaign against the police and law enforcement. Feckless politicians have added fuel to the fire by abdicating their responsibility in keeping law and order in their jurisdictions. In addition, George Soros has funded radical district attorney's who have added to the problem by refusing to prosecute those criminal marauders causing all this illegal mayhem. It is amazing that one of our major political parties, the Democrats, have generally remained silent in not condemning these terrorist groups. Could this silence have come about through political considerations, as they think they can tie this insurrection upon the shoulders of President Trump? It seems just the opposite has occurred, as the people look upon Trump as being for law and order and not for appeasement of the mobs, which bodes well for his re-election. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
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You name it, if President Trump is in favor of it, the Democrats are against it, even if it is beneficial to others. They are infected with “moral paralysis”.
For example, when Republican Senator Tim Scott offered up a bill about reforming police methods, the knee-jerk response by the Democrats was NO. When President Trump says a drug might alleviate the ravages of a virus, the Democrats say NO. When Republicans come up with a proposal to help citizens financially hurt by the pandemic, the Democrats say NO. When President Trump nominates a judge with an A+ rating to the Supreme Court, the Democrats say NO. When does being in the political opposition turn into being morally deceitful even though they know what is good for the people is bad for their political agenda? It seems the Democrats can't accept defeat gracefully and lash out at the person or party that defeated them, at the time of their defeat, and in the years thereafter. A moral person would not attach themselves to carrying out a lie in order to undermine the victorious person or party. By advancing a lie as the truth, that is an immoral decision. That was the case of the Democrats accusing President Trump and the Republicans of colluding with the Russians when they knew it was bogus and untrue. Also, when the Democrats, through rumor and innuendo, purposely spun an innocuous phone call between President Trump and the Ukrainian President into a full blown impeachment charge by the partisan House of Representatives, the charge was debunked and Trump was acquitted in the Senate. This was a morally despicable, and thankfully failed attempt by Democrats to undermine our duly elected President. The “moral paralysis” which affects our elected representatives has had a negative impact upon our country, preventing beneficial legislation from being passed. Thus, it is 'We the People' who suffer most. The vile and slanderous rhetoric that is normal today in the dialogue between the President, the Democrats, and the Republicans leaves our country potentially becoming a violent country reminiscent of a civil war among factions of our society. We have seen this “moral paralysis” in its first stages as some of our towns and cities are being brought to their knees by violent protests. Two groups that are infected with “moral paralysis” are BLM (Black Lives Matter) and ANTIFA (anti-Fascist Fascists). They use the term fighting for “social justice” to camouflage their real intentions, which is overthrowing our Republic and our free enterprise Capitalist system. They riot, ransack, pillage, burn buildings and vehicles, and assault the police. In their attempt to take over parts of towns and cities, they harass local residents in their illegal, destructive activities. The Democrats are having a hard time condemning the actions of these out-of-control radical domestic terrorists. In fact, they make up excuses for their unlawful behavior which is a sign of “moral paralysis”. This was glaringly evident during the Democratic National Convention, when not a word was spoken in condemnation. Let's hope the re-election of President Trump will put an end to this nightmare once and for all. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Many people fall into dire conditions through no fault of their own, but a majority of others create there own dire situations due to bad choices. They are the ones who cause most of the problems of discourse confronting us, which we are forced to deal with everyday.
They contribute nothing to society and expect law abiding, productive citizens to carry their water due to their mistakes, while complaining how unfair life is being victims of white privilege. Black Lives Matter might sound good, but it has been taken over by a Marxist organization, making it a meaningless idiom from its initial intent, used as an excuse to riot, vandalize, harm and kill those opposing their aim to destroy our Judeo-Christian values. BLM was a prescription to be taken, one tablet a day, to contain racial sickness. Thinking that an increased dosage would be more beneficial, society has overdosed on BLM with fatal, consequential side effects , namely Antifa and anarchy. While Charlatans in elitist clothing continue to prescribe 'cures' that won't work, their victims remain hooked. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos To listen to the Democrats, the main stream media, and the radical domestic terrorists (BLM and ANTIFA), you'd think that the police are targeting black people for execution on a regular basis. The answer to that charge of “endemic racism” is an absolute NO.
According to the UCR (Uniform Crime Reporting program of the FBI) the claim of police misconduct (mainly racism) is grossly misleading. Here are the facts: In 2019, there were approximately 10 million arrests by police. Out of these 10 million arrests there were 1,004 police officer involved fatalities - that is .01% of all arrests. Out of those 1,004 police officer involved fatalities, 41 subjects were UNARMED. That comes out to be .00041% of all arrests. Out of those 41 police officers involved in unarmed fatalities, 19 were white (.00019%), 9 were black (.00009%). In contrast, 89 police officers were killed in the line of duty. Where are the protests about those deaths of law enforcement officers? In fact, the police are 18 ½ times more likely to be killed by a black man than an unarmed black man would be killed by a policeman. Maybe the word “endemic” should be applied to the killing of police? So if the charge of “endemic” police racism is debunked, what about the “endemic” killing of blacks by blacks in most of the inner cities of Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Baltimore, Oakland, New Orleans etc. In fact, in just one weekend in Chicago, 82 people were shot and 18 died. All were the result of black on black shootings. Why aren't the BLM thugs, if they care about the black lives, and the “race hustlers”, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, concerned enough to demonstrate against the black on black killings which far out shadow the killing of blacks by the police? It seems these professional “racial arsonists” only get excited when a white policeman kills a black person, but not when a black person kills a policeman (not only white policemen but also black policemen). Just recently a young black policeman was killed in St. Louis by a black killer. Also, awhile back in Minneapolis, a retired black policeman, David Dorn, was killed by a black person as he tried to defend a friend's store. Where are the demonstrations for those senseless black on black killings of police officers? We have two groups of “radical domestic terrorists” causing most of the havoc, arson, looting and police assaults and some murders of innocent people, they are BLM and ANTIFA goons who are attacking and pillaging Democrat controlled towns, cities and states. In many cases, the police, in these towns and cities, are manned by many black policemen and by black chiefs of police. It's just a matter of time before these terrorists expand their destructive activities when the next police shooting of a black person occurs. These radical groups, who are funded by outside groups, including George Soros, are just waiting for the next incident to mobilize for an attack. So yes, the myth of “endemic police racism” is a term thrown around willy-nilly just to incite havoc and mayhem around the country. Law and order is one of the main items to be discussed in this presidential campaign. Our incumbent president, Donald Trump, is the one who has taken up the cudgel against these groups that are causing the violent disorder around the country. The Democrats seem to not want to condemn these groups for fear of losing the support of the radical elements of their party. In their convention, not one word of opposition to BLM or ANTIFA was spoken. This silence is all the more reason to re-elect President Trump for a 2nd term, as he, during a second term, will not have to worry about being re-elected and can use the power of the presidency to take on these radical domestic terrorists and neutralize them. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann To listen to the Democrats and the pundits on CNN and MSNBC, and the “anti-racist racists”, you'd think that the BLM and ANTIFA anarchists are “peaceful demonstrators” just airing their grievances about police brutality. Can you believe that? Even during the Democrat convention there was no mention of the damage and carnage committed by these two “peaceful” groups. You have to wonder what planet the Democrats are living on, as they continue to ignore the destruction and havoc that these two groups have caused across our country.
These so-called “civil rights organizations”, are financed, to a great extent, by that “patron saint” of anarchy, George Soros. He has donated millions to these groups whose mission is to overthrow our government. They use the deaths of black men or women as an excuse to go on these rampages in various Democrat-run cities. They couldn't care less about the people being killed, they just want an excuse to justify their abhorrent behavior. Both BLM and ANTIFA are Marxist oriented groups who want to fundamentally change our country and dismantle our government. They make no bones about it. But, why would so-called law abiding citizens and corporations donate money to their cause? From what it looks like, it is a “shakedown” racket pure and simple. These naive people and companies think they can 'buy' peace from these groups, thus avoiding being designated as future targets for their mayhem. Little do these misguided people and companies realize, you can't deter these anarchist groups from their goal of undermining our country into one day becoming a Marxist/Socialist state. BLM and ANTIFA, are social media opportunists. They wait for an incident to happen, mainly between the police and a black person, then, via social media outlets, they mobilize their 'army of protesters' to congregate for action where the incident occurred. The undisciplined mob, mostly people in their teens and twenties, who respond to the call for action, come prepared for battle with bricks, bats, hammers, frozen water bottles, fireworks etc. to throw at or taunt the police or other counter groups who oppose them. The problem is that the politicians, who run the cities and states being attacked, turn a blind eye on the rioters and make excuses for their behavior, making the situation worse. Most all of these cities and states are run by liberal Democrats. This is not a political statement, but an irrefutable fact. The upcoming Presidential election is going to be one of the most important elections in our lifetime. If the Biden/Harris team gets elected, you can expect to see more disgraceful, unlawful attempts to fundamentally change our government and country, moving it closer towards Socialism . This is why it is critical that we re-elect President Trump in November. He is our law enforcement President who will bring back sanity in our lives, without the constraints of being re-elected. Trump will be free to do the right thing in putting this insurrection down. Now, more than ever, Donald Trump is the law enforcement, freedom loving President that Americans, from all walks of life, so dearly need. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann One of the worse things that has befallen our country is political correctness. It is a tool used by liberal left Democrats to squelch the First Amendment rights of others, whose opinions are contrary to theirs. Anyone daring to hold a contrary view runs the risk of being called immoral, lacking empathy and/or racist. Proof of this will ensue, following their response for what I am about to convey.
I suspect my opinion will become a victim of PC culture. In general, I believe, there are two types of Americans originating from black African heritage. There are those who carry a chip on their shoulder, refusing to heal after more than a hundred and fifty years since the civil war ended. They are the skin heads in the black community, keeping racism alive by beating the drum to Black Lives Matter, which has been hijacked by nefarious groups. BLM has become a meaningless slogan through overdose usage that has nothing to do with the way George Floyd lost his life, but instead is a violent vehicle used to get even with whitey. Other Americans of color choose not to be hyphenated to keep them apart from the rest of the population. They are Americans, living responsibly and contributing toward the benefit of the country as well as their own needs. They understand the importance of family values and are less apt to create fatherless households. We have to expose the political, elitist pimps who maintain a disingenuous stable of prostitutes carrying the water for them, hydrating the ill-informed, naive, do-gooders with misinformation to stoke their conscience. They think they are doing God's work by supporting BLM, but in truth, they are supporting the power play scammers who are hedging their bets to gain unlimited control over the political field. One such scheme entails sending out millions of vote-by-mail ballots, with no way to verify voter identification, other than with a signature that could be a forgery, or whether or not the addressee still resides at the address, is even alive, or whether the voter is a legally registered American citizen or not. Voter fraud is alive and well and ballot harvesting is not a myth. The reliability and competency of some of postal workers is also questionable. I myself, have experienced lost mail on both the sending and receiving ends of mail delivery and I regularly receive other people's mail in my mailbox. Conservative commentary by George Giftos |
August 2024
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