Chuck on the right side
To listen to the “race hustlers”, you'd think that the United States was the only country to have had slavery in its past. The fact is, slavery has been with the world since the development of man and woman. Even religious texts point out that slavery was endemic back in the days of yore, and it still prevails today in certain parts of the world.
In our country today, we have have an organized group of radical thinkers whose main job is to carry forth misinformation into the dialogue of race relations in our country. These radical purveyors, sometimes referred to as “racial arsonists”, have latched onto two projects that they use to push their false narrative of history. In our public schools (and some private schools) and universities, these radical rabble-rouses have introduced two theories into the curriculum's of these educational institutions – called the “1619 Project” and “Critical Race Theory”. In 2019, the New York Times released a special edition highlighting what it claimed was the 400th anniversary of the introduction of the first African slaves in the territory that would become the United States of America. Most historians have debunked this narrative as being untrue. This claim was historically wrong – 1619 wasn't the nations “true birth date” . Nor was it the beginning of chattel slavery. Nor was it even the first time African slaves were brought in to continental America. According to Timothy Barton, president Wall Borders, a national organization highlighting the true facts about the founding of America, he claims that when a privateer brought a captured ship to Jamestown, Virginia, with 20 slaves on board, the slaves weren't technically sold into slavery, but were brought into the colonies as “indentured servants”. Thus, the premise of the “1619 Project” was bogus. Slavery was prevalent, at that time, among the indigenous tribes in the country, and our country was not instituted in 1619, contrary to what the New York Times put forth as fact. As to the introduction of “Critical Race Theory” into our schools, it can be traced back to the history of Marxism which built a political program on the theory of class conflict. There are a series of euphemisms deployed by the architects of “Critical Race Theory” including “equity”, “social justice”, “diversity and inclusion”, and “culturally responsive teaching”. According to Christopher Rufo, a contributing editor of the City Journal and Battlefront, a public policy research center, he has stated that critical race theorists are masters of language construction, they realized that “neo Marxism” would be a hard sell in our country. Equity, on the other hand, sounds non-threatening and easily confused with the American principle of “Equality”, which is a vast and important difference between the two. Critical race theorists use the term “equity”, which is a little more than reformulated Marxism. This theory of equity based form of government would mean not only the end of private property, but also of individual rights, equality under the law, federalism, and freedom of speech. This theory proclaims that “virtually all white people contribute to racism”. To belie the critical race theory, about condemning a whole race of people (the white race), world renowned black economist and author, Thomas Sowell, has stated that “We are getting closer to a situation where nobody is responsible for what they did, but we all are responsible for what somebody else did”. That sort of sums up what “Critical Race Theory” is all about. It is used by the “racial arsonists” to divide and conquer, and to promote racial hatred. The United States in its Declaration of Independence and the Constitution has confronted its past, and since then has corrected many misdeeds that have occurred. While the U.S. is not without its flaws, the charge that it is a systemic racist country does not meet the facts. It's time that both the “1619 Project” and “Critical Race Theory”, whose theories are actually flawed, should be relegated to the scrap heap of American history, never to be taught in our schools. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann
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First it was global cooling, but that didn't work, so they then latched onto global warming, and when that didn't work, they changed it to climate change, which embraced both global cooling and global warming in one catchall phrase. However you call it, it still is a scam, as the late John Coleman, founder of the “Weather Channel”, once stated. Here's what John Coleman said, “Climate change” is not happening, there is no significant man-made global warming now, there hasn't been any in the past and there is no reason to expect any in the future”. Of course, the climate change fanatics challenged that statement by Coleman. They claim that there is “overwhelming” scientific proof that global warming (a/k/a climate change) is real and caused by human activity, including “human caused” carbon dioxide (that harmful pollutant that all of us breathe out every time we exhale). Was John Coleman wrong? To listen to the climate change fanatics (mostly with a liberal orientation), you'd think the world (especially the U.S.) is going to hell in a hand basket because of man-made climate change. It's a steady stream of doom and gloom predictions making it seem that it will be one catastrophe after another waiting to happen if we don't do something immediately, if not sooner. What can they do, they never really can say, except that it is generally anti-Capitalism and pro-Socialism rhetoric, with the “Great Satan” the United States as the main culprit. They never mention the fact that the U.S. has cut pollution the most of any country in the world, while the countries that espouse socialism and communism are the biggest polluters on earth, and they seem to not give a damn. To these climate change fanatics, any environmental disaster such as tornadoes, forest fires, hurricanes, heat waves and cold waves, floods etc. are all caused by climate change, yet they never mention what part Mother Nature plays in the scheme of things. Environmental disasters have been taking place ever since the world began, when there was no fossil fuel use and no SUV's to cause the disasters referred to previously. Data and facts don't seem to matter to the climate change fanatics; it seems their minds are made up and you can't convince them otherwise, even by showing them the facts. They all seem to be part of a new religion, called, “Man-Made Climate Change”. Here are some of the facts they won't admit to. 1) The great Barrier Reef is not dying from pollution (as some environmentalists claim), in fact, scientists revealed that two-thirds of the reef shows the highest coral cover since records began in 1985. Little mention of that is reported in the biased media. 2) Contrary to Al Gore and the climate fanatics, the polar bear population has not been decreasing due to melting ice, in fact, it has been increasing from between five and ten thousand in the 1960's to around 26,000 today. Hardly a thinning of the polar bear population. 3) The deadliest environmental problem, air pollution, was 4 times more likely to kill you in 1920 than today, mostly then through poverty cooking and heating with dung and wood, not fossil fuels. 4) In the United States, and many other parts of the world, heat deaths are actually declining mainly due to access to air conditioning (powered by fossil fuels), approximately 20,000 deaths per year, whereas cold kills about 170,000, and might be greater in the future as liberal politicians institute more “Green Laws” making energy costs increase dramatically, meaning fewer people can afford to to keep warm. (Much of these facts were compiled by Bjorn Lomborg, President of the Copenhagen Consensus and Visiting Fellow at Stanford University, and author of the book, “False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions. Hurts the Poor and Fails to Fix the Planet”). Two of the greatest proponents of the man-made climate change cabal has been Al Gore and ex-President Barack Obama, who both have built multi-million dollar homes on ocean-front coasts. Gore in California and Obama in Martha's Vineyard. They claim that due to the melting ice caps, the seas will rise by many feet thereby causing massive destruction of property due to flooding. I guess they are not really believing in what they say by buying those beach front homes? Added to the hypocrisy of these climate change fanatics is the Climate Change Czar, John Kerry, who owns multiple large homes (that consumes much energy) and a yacht and a private plane which both emit much pollution into the environment as he travels around the world preaching the theory of climate change. So the doom and gloom climate change fanatics are great at preaching the motto “Do as I say not as I do”, but the big losers are not the very wealthy, but the poor and middle class who must live by the rules set down by the climate change fanatics. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann If you inquire as to whether or not the 2020 election was on the “up and up”, you may be called a “conspiracy nut”, “an election denier”, an “enemy of our democracy”, and/or other epithets mocking you for questioning the election process and its outcomes. Are there valid reasons why these inquiries should generate such vitriol or, are such concerns about the veracity of the 2020 election justifiable?
Remember when, just a few years ago, elections were only held on the 1st Tuesday of November, with few exceptions or incidents? The votes were counted and a valid winner was declared within hours or a day from the close of the polls on that Tuesday. In recent years we have abandoned this tradition by turning the “sacred” right of voting on its head, especially during the 2020 election. What has changed? For one thing, some mega rich people, by the names of Mark Zuckerberg and the notorious George Soros, and organizations with nice sounding names, have involved themselves in getting election laws changed, mainly for the benefit of the Democrat Party. How did these persons and groups inject themselves in the voting process to favor one party over another, trying to skew the election outcome? They did not directly use their money for a particular party or candidate, they used organizations to do their “dirty” work for them. George Soros' “Open Society Foundation”, Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, and the groups he funded called the “Center for Tech and Civic Life” and the “Center for Election Innovation and Research”, funneled money around the country to change the voting laws that directly affected the Presidential election, and various other elections for federal and state offices. Here is what this infusion of money brought about in the election of 2020. • they promoted universal mail-in voting • they worked to extend voting deadlines • they favored mail-in voting over in-person voting • they expanded opportunities for “ballot curing” • they worked to expand unmonitored private drop boxes •they worked to allow post election day ballots to be counted which created opportunities for illegal “ballot harvesting” In the case of Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, he spent $419 million of his own money to facilitate the changes mentioned above, especially in the “Battleground States” of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Nevada etc. Should these activities, be dismissed as “sour grapes” by the Republicans, as they question what happened leading up to the 2020 election? Any critical thinker has to wonder how Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, could have generated a record number of votes by conducting his campaign primarily from his home basement and from a few, poorly attended, in-person, parking lot 'rallies'. Compare this to his opponent, Donald Trump, who easily generated crowds of 20,000 to 40,000 enthusiastic supporters as he campaigned throughout the country. City after city, Trump filled venue after venue, often times leaving thousands of supporters standing in the shadows, as part of the 'overflow'. Yet, the favored candidate of Soros, Zuckerberg and the social media was Joe Biden. Why is that and how did Joe Biden miraculously generate over 80 million votes? Was it because of his charming personality and his political expertise, or was it the surreptitious support generated by the above named actors and a biased media? It might be mentioned that Donald Trump got 10 million more votes in 2020 than he got in 2016, with no voting changes made for his benefit. Yet, he still lost? Does that meet the smell test? Shouldn't an investigation be held to see what happened and how we can make future elections secure and reliable, regardless of political parties involved? In relation to the 2020 election, the Washington Examiner had this comment on the election. “By using the excuse of the COVID-19 emergency, over $400 million was spent through two liberal leaning 501(c)(3) organizations under the guise of supporting a safe election during the pandemic of 2020. What ended up happening amounted to an enormous Democrat voter turnout operation complete with more mail-in voting, insecure drop boxes, recruiting poll workers, and ballot curing - funded via courtesy of “Zuck Bucks”. So, as our headline asks, "Was the 2020 election on the up and up?", what do you think now? Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann Is that the motto of Joe Biden and his Administration? To listen to Sleepy Joe Biden and the Democrats, you'd think the major enemy facing our country, is not the Chinese, the Russians, Iran or North Korea, but the people who want to “Make America Great Again”, in other words, supporters of Donald Trump. Whether you love Trump or hate him, how could anyone question his loyalty to the United States?
It seems the word has gone out from Democrat headquarters to brand all Republicans, and Trump supporters, as “domestic terrorists” or “extremists”, as the main theme of their campaign fodder for the upcoming mid-term elections this November. Is that how to win friends (voters) and influence people? Remember, when Biden was inaugurated he emphasized that he was going to be a uniter and not a divider, not like his predecessor. Well, what has happened since Biden used those empty words? Are all Republicans and Trump supporters “Semi-Fascists” as ole has Joe stated? Should the over 70 million people who voted for Trump be labeled with those blasphemous words just for having an opposite political viewpoint? The people who want the United States to be the primary leader of the world, or those who want the United States to lead from behind, like what seems to happening under the Biden Administration, must make a choice this coming November as to which way our country should proceed. To go forward or go behind? From our disastrous pullout from Afghanistan; to the brain dead policies of a free and open southern border policy, espoused by Biden; to our unrealistic reliance of “Green Energy” to power our vast energy needs; to the almost $5 trillion in government spending which has triggered our rampant inflation; who then should be labeled “Extremists”, the MAGA people or the Biden lunatics running our country? When Democrats claim that the MAGA crowd is our #1 problem facing our country, you have to wonder what planet they are living on? Look around, has the MAGA people opened our borders to all world citizens who want to come into our country illegally? Is it the MAGA people who have contributed to the rampant crime that is infecting most of the Democrat-run cities? Is it the MAGA people who have waged war against our fossil fuel companies, thereby raising the cost of gasoline and home heating oil? Is it the MAGA people who have recruited the radical attorney generals and prosecutors, or was it the infamous big Democrat donor, George Soros, who is responsible for the breakdown of law and order around the country? Is it the MAGA people who have arrested and raided the homes of their political adversaries? The list could go on and on and on, but I think you get the gist of who the real terrorists and extremists are, it is not the MAGA people, it is the feckless people who are pointing the finger at the MAGA people. It is Joe Biden and the Democrats. So, instead of trying to “Make America Great Again” it looks like Biden and his cronies really want to “Make America Fail Again”. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann |
August 2024
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