Chuck on the right side
Remember the slapstick comedy of the Three Stooges? Well, it looks like we are watching a rerun of it, performed by President Joe Biden. When some Democrats are asked about the mental and physical capacity of Joe Biden, they gushingly proclaim that he is 100% on top of his game, capable of leading our country through perilous times with vim and vigor. Are these Democrats and media hacks blinded by their loony liberal ideology? Apparently so. Joe Biden is doing the work of three men, but they happen to be the “Three Stooges,” and any non-biased, observant person can see for themselves that Joe Biden is a few fries short of a MacDonald's “Happy Meal”. Why else would he put forth policies that are detrimental to our country if he was fully functional and articulate?
No one wants to denigrate a person who has mental and physical problems, but we're talking about a person who is the President of the United States, the most 'powerful' country in the world (so far). His actions affect over 330 million people, so his performance is fair game for scrutiny and examination by the public. When he took office as President, the United States was viewed as the preeminent country of the world. However, since Biden's inauguration we are longer looked upon as former President Ronald Reagan once proclaimed as that “Shining light upon the hill”. Biden's mumbling and bumbling style is quite obvious to leaders around the world. They sense weakness and indecisiveness in our leadership, and thus have taken advantage of us on the world stage. From day one of Biden's presidency, when he canceled most of Donald Trump's policies out of animus and loathing of the former President, it has been downhill for our country ever since. This “hard working” President, or as some regard him, "puppet", appears to be having his strings pulled by a cadre of “puppeteers”, holdovers from the Obama Administration who are determined finish their job of fundamentally transforming America. Sadly, their policies have been effective, making our country the laughing stock around the world. When on day one he canceled the Keystone Pipeline and halted energy drilling, when he did away with Trump's border policy with Mexico of curtailing the illegal flow of illegal migrants, to later on screwing up the orderly withdrawal of our mission in Afghanistan, and to leading the charge against the use of fossil fuels for the “Green New Deal” of unreliable green energy, it has been one fumble after another in his pronouncements on about everything he has proposed. Former President Obama's Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, once said that “Joe Biden had been wrong on most all of his decisions in his 40 years in government”. To the entire world's detriment, this has carried on throughout his disastrous presidency. So, when Democrats proclaim that Biden is up to the job of leading the United States, the slapstick comedy team of the “Three Stooges” can describe how Joe Biden and his Administration have carried out its duties. Unfortunately though in this case, it is not a comedy we are watching unfold, but rather a nightmare. With 2024 on the horizon, our country needs to change the narrative by bringing about a change in leadership that will bring greatness and prosperity back to our country. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann
The Democrat Platform for 2024: Hitler, Abortion, Climate Change Disaster, and Loss of Democracy!12/18/2023 Since the Democrats can't justify their leadership of running the country on the economy, crime, immigration, inflation, and a disastrous foreign policy, they are priming up their use of the terms of Hitler and Mussolini, abortion rights and loss of democracy, all emotionally fear terms instead of fact based policies that really affect all of our citizens. It's almost comical how Sleepy Joe Biden can keep a straight face as he reads all the nonsense that appears on his teleprompter that was written for him by his puppeteers, most of whom are holdovers from the Obama administration. You'd think everything was wonderful and working for the benefit of all our citizens. What's also amazing is that the media will cover up the falsity of his claims and then proclaim that the Republicans will undermine our democracy. The Yiddish term – chutzpah - can and should be used to point out the hypocrisy of Biden and the Democrats.
The latest polls show that Joe Biden's approval rating is at 37%, one of the lowest of any recent president in modern history. The term “Bidenomics” has been touted by the Democrats as positively working for the American public. In reality, the only claim that “Bidenomics” is working is that it is working against the average citizen and their pocketbooks. The old expression that “you can't polish horse manure” certainly applies in this case of “Bidenomics”. Another area where Biden and the Democrats have a blind spot is in the area of the United States having an open border. When questioned about the many thousands (8 million since Biden took office) of illegals (and illegal drugs) invading our our border, Biden and his incompetent Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, keep claiming that the border is secure. If you watch the news on T.V. (with the exception of CNN and MSNBC) you will see the hordes entering our country illegally. You'd have to be deaf, dumb, and blind to believe your lying ears and eyes to claim that the border is secure. The crime situation, mainly in our “Blue Run” cities, has become a national disgrace. “Smash and Grab” thieves who attack and rob stores, are causing many stores to close their doors and to move out of both affluent and depressed areas, thereby leaving customers without adequate shopping alternatives. It seems that the George Soros backed attorney generals and prosecutors who refuse to enforce the laws and prosecute criminals, have made many cities and towns unlivable. One of the most disgraceful episodes that the Biden Administration participated in was our withdrawal from Afghanistan against the advice of our senior military staff. To compound the loss of 13 of our military, and the thousands of a U.S. citizens and friendly Afghans left behind, Biden and his group of incompetents have called our withdrawal a “smashing success”. Imagine the Democrats now claiming that the Republicans want to do away with our democracy and the cause of our ignominy of that botched withdrawal, is laughable if it wasn't so devastating to the one's who lost their lives and who have been stranded under the authority of the Taliban. If you listen to the pundits on CNN and MSNBC, you'd think that if the Republicans nominate Donald Trump as their candidate for president, they would be nominating another Hitler or Mussolini, both murdering fascists. That personal slander and libel is spoken over and over again, almost like a rehearsed line, but there is no evidence to back up that vicious charge with facts as Trump has a record of 4 years as president that couldn't possibly compare to those fascist butchers. It is just another fear tactic the Democrats will use to try to install in the minds of the voters that Trump and the Republicans will be the next coming of the Nazi Party. The coming presidential election of 2024 will be one of the most divisive election in our long history. Throwing out charges of Trump and the Republicans destroying our democracy and labeling Republicans as Nazi sympathizers, brings our political dialogue into the gutter with the vicious personal character associations. Be prepared for the onslaught by the Democrats and vote with a clear head by throwing out the one's who really are attacking our democracy, the Democrats. Vote Republican, like you life depended on it, because it really does. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann Some recent polls have indicated there has been a shift in the black voter base that seems to be favoring the Republicans over the traditional black voting bloc in blindly supporting Democrats. If that holds up in 2024, it might mean bad news for the Democrats.
Over the years, ever since the presidency of FDR, blacks have voted for Democrats at over a 90% rate. It was almost a guarantee that the Democrats could count on the black vote no matter what the times were. There was an inkling in the 2016 and 2020 elections that things might be changing as Donald Trump broke the 90% wall. Even though it was a small gain, it was a harbinger of things to come as the black voters started to leave the “Democrat Plantation”, as it seems that many blacks could sense that they were being taken for granted all these many years by Democrats who promised them everything at election time, and then reneged on their promises once the election was over. If the Republicans can get around 80% of the black vote, it is game over for the Democrats. The policies of the Biden Administration seems to be a problem in the black community. High crime in black communities due to the diminution of reduced police presence and lax criminal prosecutions by soft on crime prosecutors, have restricted law abiding black citizens from feeling safe in their community. Due to the increase in crime in the black communities, many stores have closed their doors because of rampant retail theft, mainly by undisciplined teenagers in organized “smash and grab” episodes promoted by social media, thereby depriving black residents of a convenient shopping experience. In most of those communities, most of the elected officials are black Democrats, who seem to turn a blind eye to the terrible conditions affecting their communities. Also, the open border policy of letting illegals into our country, by the Democrat Biden Administration, has affected the job possibilities of black workers by migrants who get jobs for lower pay than black job seekers can get and are willing to work for. Also, the infusion of non-English speaking students, in mostly minority schools, has made poor performing schools even worse than they have been before the influx. The Democrats, in pandering to the teacher unions in opposing charter schools, has also been seen by blacks as forcing their children to attend poor performing schools instead of better performing charter schools. The Republicans must and should engage the black community in showing them that their quality of life will be better for them under the Republican rule of free enterprise capitalism rather than the Marxist/Socialist economic policies promoted by the Democrats. Ironically, it was the Democrat Party which was the driving force behind slavery and segregation in the United States, and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan throughout the years, not the Republicans, but it seems an anomaly that blacks supported, overwhelmingly, the party that kept them down both socially and financially. The Republicans must engage the black voters in getting their positive message across that the Republican policies are the policies that will make black people better off as they get off the “Democrat Plantation” to better themselves. The presidential election of 2024 is important not only for black citizens, but to the country as a whole. No community should be discriminated against and the American dream should be available to all. Yes, America has been a great melting pot of people from around the world and we should attempt to make it better not worse by electing competent people to office regardless of their color, their gender, religious background or ethnicity. Identity politics have no place in the running of our country, competence and experience in doing the job should be the overriding condition of government employment. The black people have a chance to better themselves by electing people to office who have their best interests at heart, whether they are black, brown, white, red, or yellow, and competent, and who espouse policies that our founders gave us, free enterprise capitalism not destructive Marxism/Socialism.. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann To listen to some of our liberal politicians, you'd think the world was going to hell and coming to an end because we cannot control climate change. Do you really believe that, or do you believe that those who are promoting that theory of fear, are really trying to enhance additions to their inflated bank accounts? The “Climate Control Industry” is set up to reward the proponents of man-made climate change, not only to spread irrational fear of a climate Armageddon, but also to attack the economic system of Capitalism. The Biden Administration and their flunky's in the media and academia, and in the disreputable United Nations, have jumped on the “Holy Grail”, the religion of man-made climate change. There is an old adage of determining the motivation of people championing a cause, it is “follow the money”. Many of the promoters of man-made climate change have realized that to get funds from “woke” companies and foundations, is to manufacture a consensus and put fear in the minds of gullible people to think the world is coming to an end due to the imagined theory of man-made climate change, There is no consensus by scientists about the imminent demise of the planet Earth due to man-made climate change. A pragmatist could conclude that no matter how bad the the climate fanatics try to instill fear in the minds of of the public, they can't prove that they can change what “Mother Nature” has in store for us. The climate fanatics have claimed that carbon dioxide is a pollutant and must be diminished. But, they never tell you that, on the contrary, carbon dioxide makes crops grow faster, feeds plants and trees, and as a result turns out oxygen for the human race to breath in. Someday the world will wake up and laugh when the people realize and understand that the pursuit of economic ruin in the name of saving the planet from carbon dioxide is, in fact, a terrible joke perpetrated on the the world population. The idea from climate extremists, that America could run on “solar”, “wind”, “battery power” and “bio fuels” is totally beyond reality and laughable. A gas-fired plant, for instance, occupies about 5 acres. The 300 ft. wind turbines affect 106,000 acres which destroys scenic vistas and kills thousands of birds each year just to provide intermittent and inefficient electricity. The “Green New Deal”, promoted by the Biden Administration, is a good example of nonsensical environmental interference in our lives. Whenever you hear that a “consensus” of scientists totally agree on something (especially climate change), reach for your wallets, because you are being conned and scammed. Science is ever evolving and it is not “settled science” as that phony climate guru, Al Gore, wants you to believe. Our global environment is more likely to be damaged, far more, by the misguided attempts to reduce our carbon emissions than would be caused by “man-made global warming”. Nobody really believes a weather prediction, that we see on our television screens, 7 days ahead, yet we are being asked to reorder our economy based on climate predictions up to 100 years hence - most predictions are not supported by scientific evidence, it is an estimated guess at best. Some of the greatest proponents of man-made climate change are Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Al Gore, and John Kerry. All four have claimed that due to global warming and the melting of the polar ice caps, most coastal communities will be flooded in just a few years, ironically, all four have bought homes on the coastline where the flooding they predict would occur. I guess everybody else's home will get flooded out but theirs? Would you call these climate change hucksters hypocrites? I would! Don't let these “doom and gloom” purveyors get their ideas codified into law. Let common sense rule the day. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann |
August 2024
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