Chuck on the right side
When is it going to end? Democrats, led by Rep. Jerry Nadler, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and his band of idiots, supported by contenders for the presidency nomination, are trying to stage their own ' March to the Sea," laying a wide swarth of destructive innuendos and accusations with threats to impeach anyone backing President Trump.
No one is safe from this insane tactic, to eliminate a capable and efficient leader, if you stand in their way. Their efforts are abetted by the mainstream media with noncredible information, distorting facts and smearing the reputation of honorable men who are serving the public, to discredit them; evidenced by the NY Times latest unverified attacks on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, to hedge their bets against another constitutional justice, anticipating that the Republicans will maintain the presidency. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos
Lately, that's what has been happening in our country by the slow erosion of our American Judeo-Christian values that we have championed over the years and that have made us the preeminant country of the world. Most objective sane observers would concur with that statement.
But, in our midst there are a gaggle of self-hating Americans. Our ex-President Barack Hussein Obama, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Adam Schiff, Ilhan Omar etc. who would like to see a “total transformation” of our social and economic society, but they are smart enough to not openly push their agenda too fast down the throats of the American public. They talk out of both sides of their mouths, and never admit to their true intentions. So, if the radical lefty loons can regain power after the next election, the pace of “transformation” will be accelerated, and the country we have known since its inception will become a distant memory. Obama started out with his ill-timed health care bill, (known as Obamacare), that constituted the government takeover of 1/6 of our economy. The Democrats, ignoring the will of the people, passed this legislative monstrosity with just Democrat votes and no input, of any substance, by the Republicans. The Democrats hail this as a success and an achievement, but more than 60% of the public don't like it and want it repealed. Today, the lefty loons want “Medicare for All” with a price tag of over $50 trillion in ten years. That will be one part of the “transformation” that will cost the Democrats the election of 2020, along with the fact that all Democrats voted against the Trump tax cuts and tax reform. Luckily for us, much of the other policies put forth by Obama and the Democrats to “transform” our country, were thwarted by mainly the Republicans with the election of Donald Trump, with very few courageous Democrats bucking their party. But, all is not well in “River City” (from the play the Music Man), for over the past 50 years, we've seen the slow erosion of things that we once held dear that seem to no longer matter. Some of these erosion's of our values are: the breakup of the family by having the government intrude in our everyday lives (ex. since the “War on Poverty” was instituted by LBJ in 1965, today, 70% of the black births and 40% of other races births are conceived out of wedlock and mostly with no father at home); the assault on the institution of marriage, as had been passed down to us over the centuries, that marriage is defined as being between one man and one woman, is no longer looked upon as being the norm. Now we've been told by the “P.C. Police” that same sex marriage is just as normal as the original pairing of a man and woman, and if you disagree you are then referred to as a bigoted homophobe at worst and an intolerant lunatic at best; and that a person being religious is somehow looked upon as that person being illiberal and oppressive, and in addition that person is tobe looked upon as being stupid for being a believer, that taking and using drugs should be legalized as being a normal fact of life, mainly because it is too difficult to control, so why bother; and being a success in life is not to be considered an inspiration by the many, but a grievance by the few outspoken lefty loons among us, as being a success means you must've gotten to be a success by trampling upon the rights of others. Hard work and perseverance doesn't seem to matter to them, they want to share the fruits of your labor to people who didn't earn it in the first place, the old robbing Peter to pay Paul syndrome. There are other examples of how we have “defined deviancy down” (a phrase coined by the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan), to where many of our younger people today don't know the difference between right from wrong and they think that the world owes them a living. That is the little by little, and drip by drip I was referring to in the headline of this column. We will join the demise of the once great Roman Empire if we don't turn things around, and a good start will be by turning out and voting out the “transformation” rascals in 2020. It's later than you think, so go out now and do the right thing. All is not lost, yet! So, let's “Make America Great Again”, support President Donald Trump and his “America First” agenda. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann The headline is a play on the words of that famous poem by Emma Lazarus that appears on a plaque at our Statue of Liberty, but holds some relevance in today's political climate as you listen to the candidates vying for the Democrat nomination for president.
They pretend to empathize for the masses by offering free stuff to everyone, but if their policies ever became law, our whole society will go to hell in hand basket. They must think that the average Joe is stupid to believe in those pie-in-the-sky appeals of getting something for nothing. There is a little bit of greed in all of us, but common sense, by a good portion of our citizens, will realize that there is no such thing as a “free lunch”. Let's examine what these “charlatans” are offering up to our voters. A few have tied their wagon to the concept of “Medicare for All”, which would carry a price tag of over $50 trillion over 10 years. Totally unrealistic and a budget buster for sure, but both Bernie and Elizabeth are dead serious. You could say that both missed their Economics 101 class in college (maybe not, as most of the college professors are Marxist/Socialists). They want government controlled health care as being the best method of providing health care. Maybe they should look at other government run agencies like the Veterans Administration, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Post Office, Amtrak, and the two senior citizen agencies, Medicare and Social Security, which are slowly going bankrupt in just a few years. All the candidates raised their hands “YES” when asked if the would give free health care to illegal aliens. Can you believe that? They even want to give illegals free college and welfare benefits, besides prepping them for citizenship (so they could vote Democrat in the future). When the new princess of the Democrat Party, AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) latched onto the “Green New Deal”, all the candidates jumped on the bandwagon. They claim that we only have 12 years before a catastrophic climate crisis occurs which shows the shallow thinking of these nondescript characters running for office. Some also have stated that they want to confiscate the guns of law-abiding citizens. Thank God Beto O'Rourke has dropped out of the primary, but others have voiced similar restrictions on the 2nd Amendment. Most all have said that they would repeal the Trump tax cuts, claiming that ONLY the rich have benefited from the tax cuts. Either they are blinded to the facts by their loony liberal ideology, or they just hate Trump so much they don't want to give credit for anything Trump has accomplished. It is a fact that approximately 85% of all tax payers received over $2500 in savings on their taxes. The stock market has soared to record highs, and over 6 million jobs have been created since Trump took office. Over 6 million people have been weaned off food stamps because of the roaring economy, and the unemployment rate is at all-time low, which has benefited both the working poor and middle class. More people are employed today than ever before, and still the “sore loser” Democrats claim that our economy is a mirage and that President Trump had nothing to do with the booming economy. And these candidates want the American voters to scrap all these gains for their Democrat Socialist economy? I don't think so. So yes, these “dogooder” Democrats will feign empathy with our citizens, but as the headline stated, the Democrats wouldn't just welcome your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, THEY WOULD CREATE THEM. They want us to emulate the “great” economies Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, but only a fool would buy their “snake oil”. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann The abysmal behavior from the House Democrat subcommittees has to be addressed before the public loses complete confidence in how the government is preforming.
Chairman Adam Schiff of the Intelligence committee is running this operation like a private club, excluding input from the Republican members, by not allowing the same tools of inquiry afforded Democrats, and operating secretly, preventing fair and honest conclusions. He is abetted by the overseer of the House, Nancy Pelosi, to bamboozle the process by power grabs, to cripple President Trump, preventing him from draining the swamp of business as usual. So far, gathering information from the unreliable media, I assume the basis of their manic attempt to impeach the president is on second hand assumptive and opinionated witnesses, questioned in secrecy and prompted by the chairman, to get the results that benefit his purposes. Chairman Schiff said he will open the door of the hearings to the public, providing the Republicans tie one hand behind their back and leave him the option of whom to allow them the choice to question. Although no man is above the law, no man shall be denied the right to defend himself. Trump haters have been stoking impeachment before the President even took the oath of office and before the failed Russia probe, and now the Ukraine hearings, in desperation to find something that will stick before the 2020 election, fearing Donald Trump cannot be defeated by vote. By manipulating the rules of procedure, the Chairman has rigged the game so that the odds will always remain in favor of the House where the truth does not matter. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos Since when in our society that we must prove ourselves innocent when accused of a crime instead of a legal body finding us guilty? Isn't that is what is happening with the “witch hunt” now being conducted against our president? For three years, the enemies of President
Trump (the Democrats, the “fake news media, and some disgruntled RINO's) have been trying to negate the presidential election of 2016. It is a travesty of justice for this to be happening in our country. Ever since the unconventional candidate, Donald Trump, decided to run for president, the political establishment has been working overtime to have Trump removed from office. It started immediately after he was sworn into office (in fact, even before he was sworn in). The cries of “impeachment” was resonating among the entrenched establishment (the Deep State), not for anything of substance but for selfish personal reasons. Trump was not the the ordinary political “animal”, he was a brusque, bombastic individual who said what he meant and meant what he said (an unusual characteristic in Wash. D.C.) and totally dedicated to the betterment of America (Make America Great Again). The entrenched bureaucrats felt threatened that their control of the operations of the government was at risk with his election. Since his swearing in, Trump has successfully implemented most all of his campaign promises, even in the face of the total opposition of “sore loser” Democrats. That's mostly unheard of in the “swamp” of Wash. D.C. That is why they have lashed out at him and his policies, because he is a threat to their way of life (a fact, Wash. D.C. voted 91% for Hillary in 2016). The amount of personal vitriol directed at President Trump for 3 years has been unprecedented in modern politics. All presidents have had their critics, but the venom of Trump's critics has shown the abject depravity of the people who oppose him. Just recently, two favorable happenings occurred under the watch of President Trump. The killing, by our Special Forces, of that ISIS serial monster Al-Baghdadi, and the immensely favorable economic news for the month of October, received nary a complement from the Democrats or their cohorts in the “fake news media”. In fact, ridicule rained down upon him by the feckless Democrats and the talking heads on radio and T.V. What kind of citizen patriots would find those positive happenings a subject of ridicule? Now, the irresponsible Democrats are hanging their personal animosity against President Trump by using a totally innocuous phone conversation by Trump with the Ukrainian President Zelensky, as a means of trying to impeach Trump. This is just a continuation of the failed Russian collusion farce that his enemies conjured up in hopes of having him removed from office, and which Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, found no collusion or obstruction. The wasted time, energy, and money is continuing with this Ukrainian phone call hoax. Even the Ukrainian president said there was no “quid pro quo” and that President Trump exerted no pressure upon him to do anything untoward. In other words, there was no “treason, bribery or other high crimes and misdemeanors” to justify this impeachment sham of an investigation. People believe in fairness, but they can “smell a rat” with how the Democrats are pursuing this impeachment farce. This whole exercise by the Democrats is going to boomerang against them in the 2020 election. Whether you agree with Trump or not, he will gain sympathy because of the methods used against him by the Democrats as they continue their specious impeachment investigation in search of an impeachable offense by a totally innocent President Trump. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann How is it that someone in charge of gathering possible impeachable offenses has already made up his mind about the guilt of the individual under investigation? In this case, the President of the United States. Is he the judge and jury of President Trump? Adam Schiff, you should be ashamed of your conduct in leading this “Kangaroo Court” type hearing in the United States Congress.
Adam Schiff (sometimes referred to as “Shifty”) has been in the forefront of accusing President Trump of committing impeachable offenses from the day Trump was inaugurated. It has been non-stop harassment from day one by Adam Schiff and his fellow feckless Democrats and the biased “fake news” media. First off, they claimed that Trump conspired with the Russians to aid and abet his presidential campaign. Schiff and his cohorts in the FBI and the Justice Department, through some devious methods by using a “fake dossier” that was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC (Democrat National Committee, pushed for a Special Counsel. A Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, was appointed, by Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, to try to find the “collusion” between Trump and the Russians. For over 2 1⁄2 years, the Mueller probe delved into the charges of collusion (with 18 prosecutors, who were mostly Democrats, working overtime to find collusion). Finally, after exhaustive probing, the Mueller probe found no collusion or obstruction, much to the dismay of Schiff and the Democrats. They were basing an impeachment charge against Trump on Mueller's Report. What were they going to do now that the Mueller Report found nothing to tie Trump into a Russian conspiracy? Not to let that exoneration of Trump go by, the feckless Democrats next jumped on an innocuous phone conversation by President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky, to try to claim that Trump offered a “quid pro quo” to Zelensky, which they claim was an impeachable “high crime and misdemeanor”. Before even the transcript of the phone conversation was produced, the Democrats and Schiff came up with a so-called “whistle blower” who claimed he had information that was second-hand and gossip. He had no first-hand knowledge of Trump offering Zelensky a “quid pro quo”, but they ran with it anyway. Even though the publication released by Trump, of the transcript of the phone conversation showed no “high crimes or misdemeanors” (words from the Constitution), the Democrats, with the assistance of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, decided to spin that innocuous conversation between Trump and Zelensky into a full-fledged impeachment investigation. By the way, President Zelensky, said that no pressure was put on him by President Trump during that entire phone call. Speaker Pelosi put Schiff in charge of the spurious impeachment investigation. It was like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. The most anti-Trump congressman in all the House of Representatives was now in charge of gathering impeachment information on his nemesis, President Trump. What could go wrong with that scenario? Now, the Congress is bogged down in a full blown nonsensical investigation in place of doing the country's business like passing the Mexico/Canada/ U.S. trade agreement, addressing our pressing infrastructure problem etc., by investigating Trump instead legislating for the benefit of the people. Adam Schiff, a notorious leaker of sensitive information from his perch as chairman of the Intelligence Committee, all through the whole Mueller probe, is still spouting verbosely, nonsense and misinformation, which is only exceeded by his gross stupidity. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann |
August 2024
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