Chuck on the right side
With record snow falls and low temperatures across most of the United States this winter, you'd think that the clamor about “Global Warming” (a/k/a climate change) would have subsided, but no, the “lunatic left” has continued its misinformation campaign that we humans can somehow change “Mother Nature”. In fact, they claim that “global warming” is the biggest threat to peace and tranquility around the world, and not the threats posed by China, Russia, Iran and North Korea.
It seems that most of the Democrats still consider the theory of man-made global warming as the major threat to civilization, and if you challenge them they will call you a “climate denier' or worse, including the over-used word of “racist” (however that fits in the discussion). Throughout time immemorial, we've had bouts of weather perils even when the earth was sparsely settled, and the use of burning fossil fuels were minimal. According to national weather statistics, we have had 292 hurricanes since 1851. The global climate cabal have claimed that the warming of the climate has had a major effect upon the number and intensity of hurricanes (and forest fires) in the not to distant past. Are they correct? Back in the period of 1851 to 1900 the hurricane activity was comparable to the years from 1900 to 2020. To blame the burning of fossil fuels and the using of gas guzzling, (nonexistent in 1900) SUV's, seems to have had little impact on global warming as the climate fanatics would have us believe. Yes, we all want clean air, palatable drinkable water and debris free areas around our country and the world. We humans can control that by being better stewards of the environment, an activity that is not controlled by “Mother Nature”. Many of our politicians and bureaucrats who belong to the “Cult of Global Warming”, seem to speak out of both sides of their mouths. Two of the most prominent who have been lecturing us about global warming and the rise of the seas and the threat of the seas gobbling up of vast swaths of land, Barack Obama and Al Gore, have bought waterfront mansions on the East coast and West coasts of the United States. If the peril of global flooding was so eminent, why would these climate charlatans purchase homes in harms way? Are those two perfect examples of blatant hypocritical thinking? Is the Pope Catholic? Add to the mix of “charlatans” would be Biden's “Climate Czar John Kerry, who owns 6 houses, 12 cars, and 2 huge yachts, plus a private jet, and he has the nerve to preach to us about cutting back on our use fossil fuels. Also, among the climate fanatics is that perennial thorn in the side of capitalist countries, billionaire George Soros, who has said he will commit $1 billion to start a global university, called the Open Society University, to fight authoritarian governments and climate change , calling them twin challenges that threaten the survival of our civilization. Can you imagine that this 90 year old socialist, who is a major donor to the Democrat Party, is trying to undermine the Western capitalist countries using climate change as a cudgel in his arsenal against the free enterprise capitalist countries, to carry out his warped theories of one-world governance, including our present President, Joe Biden. Using hurricanes as a barometer of the existence of “Climate Change”, many researchers have found evidence for and concluded that there is multi-decadal cycle of human activity in the North Atlantic Ocean consisting of 20-40 year periods of increased hurricane activity followed by 20-40 year periods of decreased hurricane activity. So, one should then be able to conclude that “Climate Change” is in the hands of “Mother Nature” and not in the hands of humans who use fossil fuels as proclaimed by the “Climate Change Fanatics”. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann
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Looking ahead towards the 2024 presidential election, the best qualified person to bring back our country from the destruction inflicted by the Biden administration, in its attempt to socialize the nation, is Donald Trump.
Unfortunately, the liberal elitists and main street media will be on the ready and eager to resume the hatchet job they inflicted on him before he was initially sworn in as President. We cannot endure or survive another 4 years of Democrat's doing business as usual in the swamp. Suppose it is not Trump in 2024? It will be interesting to observe what method of destruction the Democrats will come up with, to soil the reputation of a ticket for president and vice president, between the country's two most successful administrators of two of the best governed states, Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, and Gov. Kristi Noem of South Dakota. Either of them extremely qualified for the top job. Their combined track record would be an asset the Executive office had never experienced before. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos Now that some of Special Counsel John Durham's report on the Russian interference in the election of 2020 has been posted, you'd think, from how the news media has handled the report, you'd think his report was revealing nothing of importance regarding malfeasance by people associated with the Democrats and Hillary Clinton. John Durham has been investigating this Russian conspiracy claim for almost two years, mainly behind closed doors with very few if any leaks forthcoming out of his investigation. He has been diligent and professional, and his indictments show that diligence. But, since he found no Trump conspiracy, including in his campaign and administration, the Democrats and Hillary Clinton still consider that the Russian conspiracy was valid.
It seems that since the time Trump declared his intention of running for president and after he was elected, the 3 conspirators who were indicted, with ties to the Democrats and the Hillary Clinton campaign, are looked upon by the lefty politicians (Democrats) and the press as being free from pushing a phony scenario of Trump being in bed with the Russians. So far, it looks like it wasn't Trump who was connected with the Russians, but it was the Democrats and Hillary Clinton who were the conspirators trying to undermine Donald Trump. The Russian hoax wasn't the only hoax that Trump had to confront before and after his election. Democrat members of Congress and Hillary Clinton were constantly claiming that Trump was an “illegitimate president” (something the Democrats are condemning Trump for doing today) along with most of the main stream liberal media, who could and should be considered the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. Partisan congressional committees were set up, after the Democrats won the House in 2018, to investigate one made up conspiracy after another, with Trump in the cross hairs. Some Trump haters who have been accusing Trump of committing one conspiracy after another, were Democrats Rep. Adam Schiff and Rep. Jerrold Nadler, who were constantly claiming that that they had irrefutable proof of wrongdoing by Trump and his close associates in his administration. Most were proven phony, which, in some cases, caused the people associated with Trump, financial hardships in trying to defend themselves against the phony trumped up charges. Some who endured those phony attacks were Lt.Gen. Michael Flynn, George Papadopoulos, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, etal., and not to mention of the angst and frustration that Trump, his family, and his administration had to confront and endure on a daily daily basis for over 4 years. The conspiracy with Russia and after the Mueller investigation found no Trump/Russian conspiracy, the Democrats turned to another made up conspiracy, this time with a phone conversation that Trump had with Ukraine President Zelensky. This innocuous phone call was twisted and turned on its head by the Trump hating Democrats, with the intent of using that as a reason to impeach him during his final year as president. That gambit failed as the Senate failed to convict him. Even after Trump lost the election, the vindictive Democrats brought up another impeachment article as a result of the January 6th riot at the Capitol. Again, the Senate failed to convict him for the second time. Even today, the Trump haters are still going after Trump and his family. It seems that Trump is living in the Democrats heads 24/7. So, now that finally, the non-partisan Special Counsel, headed up by John Durham, has come up with some indictments, with probably more to come, which showed the complete lack of evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians, instead it was the Democrats and Hillary Clinton who were the real conspirators, but to his haters, the Durham report is nonsense, and it was still the surest sign that the phony conspiracy accusing Trump was still real. I think the electorate have seen enough to conclude that these Trump haters will “pay the piper” this coming November with a Republican electoral tsunami in the House and possibly in the Senate. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann I hate to label people, especially in a negative way, but in the case of President Biden and Vice President Harris, the headline label seems to fit perfectly in describing our two leaders.
The term moron is defined as a person who is notably stupid or lacking in good judgment. So, when I use that term I truly believe our two leaders fit that description, much to my chagrin and trepidation. No, I did not vote for Biden and Harris, and deep down I did hope, after the election, that they would do a good job as stewards of our country, for if they succeeded, I and the rest of the country would benefit. After a little over a year of this Administration I've come to the conclusion that they are the “Moron and the Moronette”. Trump, whether you loved him or hated him, did leave policies that benefited the country. A smart duo (Biden/Harris), upon taking office, should have continued the Trump policies that were working, and not do away, on a wholesale basis, through spite and borderline hatred, cancel most of Trump's executive orders. Looking back over the past year, how did those decisions turn out? We now have runaway inflation at the gas pump, as we now depend on foreign sources to meet some of our energy needs, there are empty shelves in most stores, the price of food jumping upward dramatically, and the turmoil around the world with bad actors in Iran, Russia, China, and North Korea as our main antagonists, all happening under the Biden/Harris leadership. Therefore, could confronting these problems by Biden/Harris be considered moronic? A fair impartial person could deduce that they were notably stupid and/or lacking in judgment. When Biden/Harris took office the illegal immigration invasion was under control, mostly with our deal with the Mexican government and the building of the border wall. One of the first acts by Biden/Harris was the scrapping of Trump's border policy and their encouragement of anyone to cross our border without going through our immigration process. So, in the past year, the Border Patrol has confronted up to 2 million illegals with most being let in and not deported. Does that policy make common sense or does that signify a decision made by morons? In addition, when Biden/Harris assumed office, our country was energy independent and a net exporter of energy. So, when Biden/Harris came in they canceled the Keystone pipeline, closed gas and oil exploration in the ANWR territory of Alaska, and the stopping of leases for “fracking” on government lands. We now have to import a portion of our energy needs from foreign countries, some of whom aren't friendly or downright hostile to our best interests (ex: Russia, Saudi Arabia etc.) Added to the problems listed above, in order to confront the pandemic (a/k/a China virus), the Biden/Harris Administration has pumped trillions of dollars into the economy, thereby increasing our national debt to $30 trillion and counting. A good portion of that money was wasted through fraud and mismanagement, as usual. This flooding of the economy with government money is one reason why our debt has reached the level that we now face, and it has fueled the inflation we are all facing in our daily lives. To enforce the designation of calling our leaders morons, look what they have done in foreign affairs. Due to a lack of foresight and perceived weakness in Biden/Harris, we now have the Russians on the border of Ukraine threatening invasion of that country,.the Chinese are giving signs of invading Taiwan, who seem to waiting for the Winter Olympics to be finished before they make a move, and North Korea is shooting off long-range missiles, almost on a monthly basis, and the terrorist regime of Iran is heading for building a nuclear bomb in the near future. Do you blame these countries after witnessing how the Biden/Harris conducts their business both domestically and abroad? The one way we can rein in the Moron and the Moronette, is to have the Republicans to win back both the House and Senate this coming November. God bless the United States. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann Who or what was Jim Crow? Jim Crow was a name of a racial caste system that operated primarily, but not exclusively, in the southern and border states between 1877 and the mid 1960's. It was used mainly against Blacks, hence the term “Jim Crow”.
The Democrats have used the term “Jim Crow” when they mention Republican policies in general, and individual Republicans in particular. Since everything relates to racism with the Democrats as they pander to the Black community, it is not unusual for the Democrats to use that very polarizing term as a means of denigrating their opponents. In fact, “Jim Crow” was practiced mainly by the Democrats for lo those many years, including the racial enforcement arm of the Democrats, the notorious Ku Klux Klan. Now that Joe Biden has the opportunity to appoint a Supreme Court Justice, he has taken a page out of the past Democrat hymnal of using race as a cudgel to promote their racially motivated policies. Ole Sleepy Joe Biden has proclaimed that he will nominate a Black female as his nominee for the Supreme Court opening that Justice Stephen Breyer is retiring from. No rational person, that I know, is against a qualified Black, White or any other minority person being nominated to the exalted position of a Justice of the Supreme Court, but why eliminate people for consideration on the basis of their lack of skin color? Look at the mistake that Joe Biden made when he selected a person of color for his Vice-President, Kamala Harris, all in the name of diversity. She even has lower poll numbers than has Biden because the people feel she is not up to doing a competent job, and her color has nothing to do with it. I'm sure there are qualified Black women who would fit the criteria for a position on the Supreme Court. That's not the point. The point is that you should not be limited to defining prospective nominees by their race, gender, national origin or other personal characteristics. Competence and judicial temperament should be the primary requisites for anyone to be nominated for the Supreme Court. Since Joe Biden, as president, has the right to nominate a candidate for SCOTUS, he most likely will nominate someone on the liberal side of the political spectrum, as was Justice Breyer. The big problem is, what kind of political influence will the extreme, radical side of the Democrat Party exert on Biden, in his choosing of the eventual nominee? I'm sure that if he nominates a liberal (with competence and common sense) to fill the void of Justice Breyer's departure, he will not have a problem filling the vacated seat on the court. But, if he nominates a “radical lefty” (in the mold of Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep.AOC etc.) he will have a fight on his hands, even from moderates in his own party. By using race, gender, national origin, and sexual orientation as a means of making an administration diverse and inclusive above all else, is a recipe for disaster, as Biden's first year in office seems to have pointed out. That is the problem of using diversity as the only criteria instead of using the policy of choosing people with practical experience and common sense. Joe Biden has reaped the ignominy of hiring and using people in his administration who lack the qualifications needed to do a competent job. Most of Biden's appointments have been from from the government bureaucracy or from the halls of academia, with very few from the business world, and it shows by his, up till now, failed economic policies and huge government debt that he has racked up. Even Biden's once fawning press has shown signs that Biden is lacking in his job performance, and his party is anticipating an electoral blowout by the Republicans this coming November. That's why they are trying to get most of his radical agenda passed before both the House and Senate return to the Republicans in November. So yes, it is quite obvious that the once “moderate” Joe Biden has been compromised by the radicals in his administration. That's why he and the Democrat leaders are using the phony epithet of “Jim Crow” against the Republicans, to divert attention away from the failures of his administration. As has been stated before that trying to hang the noose of “Jim Crow” around the necks of the Republican is disingenuous, as the term “Jim Crow” is owned lock, stock, and barrel by the Democrats and it will not work, against Republicans, in this election cycle. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann |
August 2024
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