Chuck on the right side
Remember when the 3R's were “Readin, wRitin, and Rithmetic” , well now we have a form of the 3R's which is promoted by the loony left liberals, the phrase is now “Russia, Racist, and Recession”. All those R's are meant to denigrate and demean our president, Donald Trump, in their concerted attempt to remove our duly elected president from office.
The loony left cannot get over the fact that a non-politician outsider, like Donald Trump, was able to beat the the liberal establishment candidate, Hillary Clinton, when 95% of the media said that she was a shoo-in to be elected in 2016. Especially now since Trump has had such great success in the face of such overwhelming opposition by the media and the Democrats in challenging the “status quo”, they have become more unhinged than ever. No matter what the loony liberals throw at him, which doesn't stick, the more they conjure up something negative to try to undermine his presidency and the more unhinged and negative they become. With all his personal “warts”, Trump has gotten things done and the more frustrated his enemies become as a result. Nominating two “originalist” Supreme Court justices; lowering the tax rates for all taxpayers; abolishing onerous Obama regulations on business; negotiating better trade deals around the world; and using his authority as Commander-in-Chief to stem the flow of invading illegals entering our country; etc., etc., all accomplishments that the loony left can't stomach. As the stock market goes up and the unemployment rate goes down, Trump's enemies go nuts. It seems that if his enemies love their country as much as they hate Trump, our country would be vastly better off. So, instead of putting our country first, the Democrats (a/k/a Progressives, Democrat Socialists) they are hell-bent on trying to impeach President Trump. All sane people know that that would be an impossible task, but they as so blinded to the facts by their loony liberal ideology that they can't see the fallacy of their actions. It seems that the loony liberal Democrats can't seem to let go of their animosity for President Trump, they are like a pit bull who won't let go of its victim. We've just spent 2 3⁄4 years investigating a non-crime called Trump's “Russian Collusion” (a/k/a conspiracy) in which the Special Counsel (Robert Mueller) found that Trump didn't collude with the Russians. That made the 4th investigative group to find that result (the FBI, the House, the Senate, and the Mueller investigation). After that ignominious defeat, the Democrats and their media flunky's latched onto the term racist to hang around Trump's neck. That didn't seem to work either, so they then put their “blood money” on the term recession, hoping that that would be the straw that broke the back of the Trump re-election campaign. Imagine hoping that millions of workers would lose their jobs as the result of a recession? What kind of wish is that just to try to get rid of our duly elected president? Now that these outrageous attempts of removing Trump from office have failed, what is the the next step on the part of these losers? Stay tuned, it is not the end of this anti-American foolishness on the part of Trump's enemies. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
Shouldn't that headline be the new motto of the New York Times? After another untrue story making its way into print, at the once beloved New York Times, you'd think that they would change the direction of the paper to make sure that the stories they print are both truthful and verified?
For years now, and especially since the election of President Trump, the “Grey Lady” (maybe the paper should be called the “Red Lady”) they have been on a mission to do anything that might hurt the presidency of Donald Trump. “Trumped up stories” (no pun intended) about Trump and his administration have been fodder for quite a few apologies and excuses by the paper as to why they can't present the news truthfully and without bias. They, along with other news outlets including the Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, ABC, etc. have been over 90% negative about Trump and his administration (a figure by the Harvard University). Never in our history has there been such an organized effort to undermine a sitting president. Day after day, the attack against the president is relentless, not only about Trump, but to his associates who work for him, and to his immediate family. Nothing is sacred to these bullies in the press. Some people say that journalism is dead and that the main stream media is now the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. Hardly ever is there a positive word mentioned or any credit given for the policies put forth by President Trump. Even if the media is silent about his successes, that omission is tantamount to saying something negative. It seems the N.Y. Times and the others can't get over the fact that Donald Trump won the last election. It has been noted that 95% of the media in the 2016 election endorsed Hillary Clinton editorially, and still he won the presidency. And even during his 2 1/2 years in office, the animus toward him seems to have gotten worse. There really is a “Trump Derangement Syndrome” in play here. The one positive thing is that the electorate seems to be saying is “enough is enough”, with the exception of the loony liberal left (a/k/a Progressives) who can't seem to let go. Trump just endured 22 months of a “fake” conspiracy put forth by the Democrats and their flunky's in the news media, and they still won't let go as they are still looking for another “bite of the apple” by continuing the charade with faux impeachment hearings. What a waste of time and money. Instead of legislating, the Democrat politicians are still investigating a non-crime, which was found by the FBI, a House committee, a Senate committee, and the Mueller Report to be a figment of the imagination of his enemies. Yes, a free press is one of the cornerstones of our democratic republic, but the actions of the N.Y. Times, and the other media outlets, are abusing their rights by incorporating false news and peddling it as the truth. The N.Y. Times, was once called the “paper of record” for many years, but it has now become a partisan propaganda publication. That's why the motto of the paper should be changed to “All the News That's “Unfit” to Print” Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann You will need a program to follow who the racists really are. The politically correct proponents, who are holier than thou, offers a clue by their opposition of logic against emotion. Logic requires a certain amount of intelligence, lacking in the Democrat side of the House of Representatives, whose sole purpose is to cause chaos and havoc for President Donald Trump, in his endeavor to repair the damage done to our Republic by the Obama administration.
You don't have to be a genius to know what will happen if the Democrats gain the upper hand in the Senate and regain the executive branch of government. It will seal the fate of the country, because they will have the power over Justice and the Supreme Court, to mandate the direction our country will take. There is a new breed of "DINOS" (Democrats in name only) metastasizing within the Democratic Party, identified by names like the "SQUAD" who operate by reverse racism and bigotry, aimed at the "White Male Christian" and America's conservative values. They are waging a war against our Founding Fathers, because they were white. Tyranny takes root when sane voices remain mute. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos The full context of that quote in the headline is: “Democrats Say No One is Above the Law, but My Question is, How Come Illegals Are”? To listen to the Democrat candidates for president, you'd think that anyone who can enter our country illegally should be accepted and taken care of, no ifs, ands, or buts. Doesn't that show that the Democrats are using a double-standard to justify their views on illegal immigration?
Since the Democrats and their acolytes in the main stream media (a/k/a fake news), parse every word or action of President Trump to make him look bad and unworthy of being president, they all seem to excuse the illegal acts of their own cronies such as Hillary and Bill Clinton, James Comey and assorted others from the Obama administration. It seems they turn a blind-eye when one of their own has skirted the law. In other words, their friends are “above the law”, which is the height of hypocrisy. The American public, from most all polls, are against the free flow of illegal immigrants into our country, but the Democrat candidates all seem to take the opposite view of the “hated” President Trump. No sane person could or should embrace illegal entry into our country. In fact, just a few short years ago, many of these same Democrats were in favor of strict enforcement of the border, just as President Trump has. They have included such Democrat powerhouses as ex-President Obama, Senator Chuck Schumer, Senator Diane Feinstein, and former Senate Democrat leader, Harry Reid, among many others. Since President Trump took office, these feckless Democrats views have done a 180 degree turn and opposed the Trump decisions regarding the border, and have accused him of being a racist, a bigot, and a clone of Hitler. I guess the same could be said of those Democrats who supported Trump's policies in the past? A typical Democrat double- standard. Besides turning a blind-eye on the conditions at our border, they also have turned a blind-eye on the actions of Hillary Clinton and her actions while our Secretary of State in the Obama administration. She blatantly disregarded the rules and regulations of her office, but no outrage on the part of her fellow Democrats. Was she “above the law”? It'll be interesting to see what Attorney General Barr, Inspector General Horowitz, and Special Investigator Durham will come up with and expose when their investigations are disclosed to the public. I believe it will be an eye-opener and a black eye on the Democrats and the hierarchy of the FBI and the Obama Department of Justice in their quest to undermine the Trump candidacy and the eventual Trump presidency. Yes Democrats, no one should be above the law and to your chagrin, it'll be your compatriots who will feel the wrath of the law when all the damning facts come out in the near future. The beneficiary of these reports will be none other than the “evil” President Trump, who will be running for re-election in 2020. Isn't that ironic? Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann That admonition in the headline can be applied to most of the candidates for the Democrat nomination for president. Look at what they are proposing for a validation of the headline.
Well, how can the designation of "stupidity" be applied to the Democrat candidates? Here are some examples of what they have proposed: • Having taxpayers payoff student debt, even for students majoring in useless classes of Art History, Gender and Black Studies etc. in which the job prospects after graduation are very low or non-existent. • Giving convicted felons, including murderers, in prisons the right to vote. • Having people give up their employer furnished medical plan for a government mandated plan (Medicare for all). • Giving everyone a monthly stipend to spend as they please regardless of the costs that would be in the trillions of dollars. • Wanting to confiscate all guns in opposition of the Second Amendment of the Constitution. • Giving reparations to all black people who can prove that their great-great-great grandparents were slaves even though slavery ended 156 years ago. • Mandating joining a labor union for all workers regardless of whether they want to join a union (this proposal is payback for union support of the Democrats over the years). • Banning all fossil fuels in 12 years by replacing it with solar and wind energy which means we will not to able to drive our cars, use planes, or generate enough electric power to make our lives more bearable. • Letting all illegal aliens, who violate our borders by entering illegally, enter our country with a promise of welfare benefits and future citizenship. • Packing the Supreme Court by adding more Democrat leaning justices. • Permitting late term abortions up till the moment of breach from the womb. These are just a few of the "stupid" proposals that the majority of Democrat candidates have proposed to screw up our economy and our way of life. Most of these hair brained proposals would and should be laughed at as being inane besides being stupid, but with the main stream media "in the back pocket" of the Democrats, they seem to have a life of their own by implying that the electorate is clamoring for them NOT! The "fake news" media is ecstatic that the the polls, presently, show that President Trump is losing to most all of these "feckless" Democrat candidates, but they never mention that these same polls predicted a Hillary Clinton landslide in the 2016 election by a margin of a 95% sure thing. You know how that election turned out and how woefully inaccurate those polls were. So, when hate takes over a persons thinking (an example of most Democrats and the media as they describe President Trump), it will prejudice their every thought process. There is an old expression that fits these anti-Trumpers, it goes like this: "Ignorance can be cured, but stupidity is forever". As the late CBS New anchor, Walter Cronkite, used to sign off his report with, "and that's the way it is", that phrase could be used over again to validate the stupidity charge against the Democrats and their flunky's in the media. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann A danger facing our country today is extremism. It is showing its fangs through multi facets that effects the direction the country is taking.
Many of these extremisms have developed by entities eating out of the dumpster that is feeding their hatred for our legitimately elected President, who is fulfilling the promises he made, that got him elected. Their objective is to paralyze his ability to put forth additional policies, contrary to their agendas, aimed at changing what has made America great. Many attempts to delegitimize Donald Trump's presidency have failed, resorting them to erronious stratagem, using racism, white supremacy and other ridiculous labels to add on to their failures. I don't think our founding fathers meant for us to use the First Amendment as an undisciplined dog, running around the neighborhood unleashed, while letting the biased media and radical left Democrats use under-handed methods, to silence the rights to free speech for those who have been referred to as deplorables. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos The radicals behind the movement that are championing “climate change” are mostly liberals (a/k/a Progressives) who want to undermine the only system that has brought about less poverty in the world - it is called “free enterprise capitalism”. In the United States it is the Democrat Socialists (Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib etc.) who are clamoring for these anti-free enterprise rules and regulations with the main intention of instituting “income re-distribution” and punishing the so-called “rich” and successful, the people who have created millions of jobs, and as a result some have become wealthy through their dedication and hard work. The liberal radicals have been demonizing the “anti-poverty” capitalist entrepreneurs for years, and are now using the emotional term “climate change” as their catchword for achieving their insidious goals of trying to rid the world of capitalism and free enterprise.
Look around you today, what do you see? Most public and private schools are staffed by by teachers and professors that preach the Utopian” (really should be called “Dystopian) economic philosophy of Socialism (a/k/a Progressiveism, Marxism and Communism). These radical educators have invaded the campuses of the U.S. in droves, with some estimates that 80% to 90% of the faculty members (in our public schools and colleges) are radicals trying to inculcate their philosophy into the mushy minds of impressionable students who have not met life's challenges yet, and are susceptible to the liberal, radical propaganda put forth by these teachers and professors of “free this” and “free that”. Look at the phenomenon of the voters of the U.S. who elected President Obama twice who proclaimed that he wanted to “fundamentally change” the U.S. even though he was voted the most liberal senator, as a U.S Senator representing Illinois. The fact that he was black and articulate (Joe Biden's word) helped him, along with his political cronies, to take over the reins of government. In the 8 years of his presidency, he did not let his fellow radicals down, he had in many areas transformed our government into a European-styled country with his out-of-control (many deemed to be unconstitutional) dictates and presidential directives. Well, did his transformative changes work for the betterment of our country or had they hindered the economic and political growth of the U.S.? Let's take a look at what had happened over the 8 years of Obama. Back then, according to Obama and his fellow Democrats, they proclaimed that the biggest threat facing the U.S. and the world was not “IsIamic terrorism”, but “climate change” (a/k/a “global warming”). Can you imagine a sane person equating the march of Islamic terrorism across the world with “climate change” being the major threat to western civilization? Well, the Democrats today, including their 20 plus candidates for president, have actually stated that as a fact. How naive and out of touch with reality can they be? It looks like the “Rules for Radicals”, expounded by the Saul Alinsky philosophy, has taken hold of the Democrat Party (both Obama and Hillary Clinton were acolytes of Saul Alinsky). Alinsky's rules had been used by Obama to push his radical socialist agenda forward. The results had been unspectacular, to say the least, and harmful to the United States. President Trump has been trying to, by executive orders, to get rid of those harmful regulations by Obama. Many feel that that is one of the reasons why we have such a robust economy today. Here were some of the sorry results of Obama's 8 years in office, 93 million potential workers out of the workforce and not counted in the BLS unemployment rate of 5.1%, the true rate (the U-6 rate) was over 10%, 48 million people were on food stamps, 50 million people at or below the poverty line, the GDP hovered around the 1% to 2% growth rate when 3% to 4% should be the minimum growth rate for real progress, and one of the biggest budget busters facing us today is the Affordable Care Act, (Obamacare) that has covered only 10 million (mostly by government subsidy) out of the 40 million touted that would be covered when this monstrosity was debated and passed only by a Democrat Congress (no Republicans voted for it). President Trump is now trying to kill Obamacare, and he has started by getting rid of the “Individual Mandate”, whereby a person was charged a fee for NOT signing up for Obamacare. How un-American was that? So, when our “esteemed” Democrat leaders proclaim that “climate change” is our major national threat, they should be looking in the mirror to see who are the real threats to our country are – they might just see the real threats of our country in the reflection in the mirror – it is themselves. This presidential election in 2020 will be pivotable for our country's survival. Do we continue “down the yellow-brick road” to disaster by electing more radicals (Democrats) or will we face the real threats facing us in a realistic manner? We must elect people to office who will not drag us down, both economically and politically, with the result of making us a carbon (no pun intended) copy of third world disaster cases like Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and most of the African nations and Muslim nations. You must vote Republican and re-elect Donald Trump in 2020 to save our republic and our sanity. Let's not continue following the Karl Marx playbook - free enterprise capitalism is the prescription for success not the tired failures of the tenets of Marxism as espoused by the Democrats. Climate change is just a smokescreen to undermine our capitalistic free enterprise system. Don't fall for it. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann |
August 2024
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