Chuck on the right side
Yes, I'm referring to our President Donald J. Trump. Trump can be vulgar, he can be crude, he can be undignified at times. I don't care. I can't spare this man for an alternative because he FIGHTS FOR AMERICA.
Some people say they won't vote for him because of his personality and manners, but should that be a valid reason to vote against him? As an answer to those who will use that reason for not voting for him,think of this. Suppose you had a life-threatening medical problem. You had a choice of two doctors who could perform that serious operation and possibly save your life. One of the doctors was a charming person with a terrific bedside manner who had just limited experience in treating your medical problem. On the other hand, you had a doctor who had a gruff personality with a bedside manner that could be considered not friendly, but had a reputation of being a competent and highly knowledgeable doctor in treating your kind of medical problem. The question is - who would you choose to perform that life-saving operation? It should be a no-brainer as to which doctor you should choose. The same with our Chief Executive and Commander in Chief, Donald J. Trump. He might portray all those negative personality traits mentioned above, but he has delivered big time on the economic front and in our foreign affairs. I have never had it so good, and it should be the determining factor for the rest of you as to whether or not he should be re-elected as President of the United States. President Trump has endured 3 years of perpetual harassment and undermining of his administration by the feckless Democrats and their toady's in the “fake news media”. Who would have thought he'd accomplish so much with such vilification heaped upon him and his administration? Here's a partial list of what this president has accomplished over the past 3 years: • He signed into law the biggest tax cut and reform measure in our country's history, which benefited over 90% of the taxpayers. • He had two great “Originalist” judges confirmed to the Supreme Court and over 150 more federal judges to the various appeals and district courts. • He has eliminated, by executive order, hundreds of onerous government regulations. • He has re-negotiated a number favorable trade agreements with countries that had been ripping us off for years, including So. Korea, Japan, the USMCA (which replaced the awful NAFTA trade agreement), and, in the works, trade deals with China and the United Kingdom. • He has opened up areas, that were previously off limits, for the exploration for new sources of energy which has made us an energy exporting country rather than an energy importing country. • His economic policies have produced a tremendous boost to our stock markets which have reached all-time new highs, and he has reduced the number of people receiving food stamps, and the unemployment rate, for all sectors of our population, has reached an all-time low. • On the international front, he has recognized the City of Jerusalem as the capitol of Israel after previous presidents couldn't or wouldn't do it. Ditto with the Golan Heights. The list could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the message. Our President Donald J. Trump, with all his warts, has been a terrific leader for all our citizens. He deserves to be re-elected come November 2020, because he FIGHTS FOR AMERICA, which means he fights for you and me. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
1 Comment
Everyone has a right to their opinion, but that opinion must
be weighed for the impact and consequence it can have on others, especially if presented as fact. Unsubstantiated, uncivil opinion was shown by the just concluded House Democrat majority hearings to impeach Donald Trump in how they were conducted, supported in harmony with the biased mainstream media. The Democrat's theme was no one is above the law, even the President; except for the twenty some odd million illegal intruders into our country and the instigators of the seventeen errors and omissions revealed in the Inspector General's report. Also the culprits who got away unscathed in the botched up Comey probe on Clinton. Their often altered accusation on the President of being guilty of a quid pro quo in a phone conversation with the new Ukrainian president, and the word "us" in question, is a play on semantics, twisted to fit their narrative, when actually the real quid pro quo is with the Democrats; "I'll give you free stuff if you vote for me," and the Biden Burisma escapade. Their claim of following the Constitution in their attempt to impeach Donald Trump is so ingenuous, when they intend to rewrite many parts of it that does not comply with their agenda and narratives, if ever they regain power in all three branches of our government. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos Remember that old phrase that was spoken by Sarah Peller in a Wendy's commercial a number of years ago? Well, that same phrase, “Where's the Beef”, can be used today when evaluating what the Democrats have to offer the voters in the upcoming elections in 2020, and for their obsession with the impeachment of President Trump on “trumped up” (no pun intended) charges?
Instead of constantly bashing President Trump, calling for his impeachment on dubious grounds, and resisting all his and the Republican policies, why don't they spell out what they plan on doing for the citizens of our country if they regain the majority of the Congress and the presidency? From what I read and see, the Democrats are proposing the following (which they don't always tell you): reversing the Trump tax cuts; free college tuition, even for illegal aliens; government payoff of individual student loans; keeping Obamacare; a guaranteed government job for the unemployed; open borders and getting rid of ICE; championing sanctuary cities; instituting a national $15 minimum wage; and the biggy, Medicare for all - all those proposals will increase our national debt by $90 trillion over the next 10 years. Remember, there's no such thing as a “free lunch”. Those proposals are right out of the Karl Marx playbook as the Democrats continue to continue to veer left in their philosophy and policies. Is it feasible to think that the voters will be so hoodwinked or naive to believe those promises of getting “freebies” from the public treasury, which would be the death knell for our free enterprise capitalist system which was handed down to us by our founding fathers? In other words, we would become a 3rd world nation like Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and other Marxist/Socialist oriented countries which are economic “basket cases”. How many people are trying to sneak into those countries? Slim to none. That should tell you the value of Socialism. Could these leftist proposals really come about in our country? Probably not, but when you see polls that show “Millennial's” (by a 60% approval rate) would prefer socialism over capitalism, you have to wonder whether our future, as the most prosperous nation in the world, is in danger? Most of the people who profess to want socialism can't give a rational answer as to what socialism really is all about. They all seem to like the “freebie” aspect of getting something for nothing paid for by a powerful central government, which is a guaranteed recipe for economic disaster. The Democrat candidates running for the House and Senate, and those running for president, must ask their fellow Democrats if they agree with those proposals listed above. The so-called leaders of the Democrat Party, Chairman Tom Perez, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Chuck Schumer, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, and ole Sen. Bernie Sanders, and of course, the “self-proclaimed” pseudo Democrat leader, AOC (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) and her “Squad”, have all embraced those socialist policies, so it is important for the Republicans to get their opponents to take a position on these issues. Once they agree with those budget-busting proposals, the Republicans can use it to discredit them and hopefully win their elections. Yes, Sarah Peller's question is very pertinent today - “Where's the Beef ?” - should be the one question that every Republican candidate should ask each Democrat opponent and let them try to wiggle out from what their Party is espousing, a far-left agenda, and especially when it comes to impeaching a duly elected president with flimsy or no evidence, only wild speculation and innuendo, with intent to do harm to the president. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann That's the slogan of the Serv-Pro Company that cleans up disasters to property to make it look like the disaster never really happened. That slogan could actually be applied to the actions of the feckless Democrats who claim that all that is wrong in the United States is all the fault of President Trump, and that the Democrats have done nothing wrong, only President Trump and the Republicans. It seems that the Democrats want us to believe that they are “purer than the
driven snow” like their actions, in trying to undermine President Trump, “like it never really happened”. The Democrats claim that President Trump committed “high crimes and misdemeanors”, but from all testimony that was provided to the “Kangeroo Court” conducted by Chairman Adam Schiff, not one of the hand-picked testifiers could name one high crime or misdemeanor that President Trump committed, even though Schiff claims otherwise. So the question is, what act did President Trump commit that can be used to legally impeach him? It seems that the only “ high crimes and misdemeanors” that President Trump did commit, in the Democrats eyes, was that he won the 2016 election, and the Democrats will not forgive him for that “indiscretion”. For three years, President Trump has been harassed by both the Democrats and their lackey's in the main stream media, with constant accusations that he should be impeached and removed from office. This has been going on since the day after (even before) President Trump was inaugurated as president. A sane person might ask, what “high crimes and misdemeanors” did President Trump commit on the first day after he was sworn in to warrant impeachment? Not having anything of value to impeach President Trump from that day forward, the Democrats along with the “fake news media”, have been looking for anything Trump said or did that would warrant his impeachment. The Mueller Report fizzled out by finding, after 2.5 years of intense investigation by a gaggle of of hand-picked Democrat lawyers, that Trump was not guilty of collusion and obstruction of justice with the Russians. Strike one for the Democrats in their obsessive quest to remove Trump from office, so they then had to find something else to hang their hat on to attempt to impeach him. Strike two, fast forward to the next “high crime and misdemeanor” conjured up by the Democrats, was the phone call between President Trump and the Ukraine President Zelensky. The “blood sucking” Democrats have claimed that President Trump tried to undermine our national security by asking Zelensky to investigate the Biden's, both Joe and his son Hunter. The transcript of the phone call showed no “quid pro quo” between the presidents happened and that President Zelensky has stated, quite a few times since, that he was not pressured by President Trump to do anything improper, a claim backed up by the Ukraine Foreign Minister who also heard the phone call. But, the Democrats, by parsing the words stated in the phone call, are using what was said by President Trump as a means of initiating an article of impeachment. The Articles of Impeachment, drawn up by the Democrats, is looked upon by many legal scholars, including Alan Dershowitz as one, as nothing more than a partisan “hit job” on President Trump by his political enemies. Finally, strike three, in my opinion, will be the Special Investigator Report by John Durham that will “blow the lid off” the phony investigation by Adam Schiff, Jerrold Nadler, and Nancy Pelosi. Their investigation methods, by denying “due process” to President Trump by acting out their hatred for the president, is being “whitewashed” by both the Democrats and the media like their this sham investigation “never really happened” and will come back to bite them in the butt big time in the 2020 election by re-electing President Trump. No matter how hard the Democrats try to spin their actions, they should remember that they “cannot polish horse manure”. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann While watching on Wednesday, House chairman Gerald Nadler conducting
an impeachment hearing against the President, it consisted of three biased law professors with no direct factual connection pertinent to the accusations, except to perpetuate the farce, and a fourth agreed to for the opposition, also partial to the same party affiliation as the chairman. After eight hours and twenty-five minutes of viewing and failing to identify the reason for this session, I looked up the word 'schmuck' in my abridged dictionary and it was defined as 'Democrat'. The three Democrat picks proved to be advocates against the President, and the fourth, although a Democrat who voted against him and the last few Republicans, was the only one who gave definitive reasons why the evidence so far, has failed to reach the level of impeachment. Nancy Pelosi is firewalking her followers into a 2020 election disaster, if she allows it's resolution in a Senate trial. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos To listen to former Pres. Obama, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Elizabeth Warren, and others in the political hierarchy, you'd think that the greatest threat to world peace is “global warming” (a/k/a climate change). Do you believe them?
Yes, there are catastrophes that occur around the world that cause death, injury, and destruction to innocent people, and that has been going on since recorded history, even before the use of fossil fuels. Mother Nature is responsible, not man for these climate Armageddons, so how can man control Mother Nature? Realistically, can these “doom and gloom” climate change agitators prove that they can prevent tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, droughts, floods and a host of other dire happenings that occur every year somewhere around the world? What's amazing is that if you question these "chicken little's", you are deemed an "evil" climate change denier, and in some cases, are deemed to be subject to criminal charges (ex: Sen. Sheldon Whiteside of Rhode Island, once proposed a bill to make “deniers” subject to R.I.C.O. Statutes). Can you imagine, so-called intelligent politicians (and citizens), who want to prosecute others who have a different view from theirs, are to be considered possible criminals? Is that a rational mindset? Around the world today, we have Islamist terrorists cutting off heads, burning people alive, raping women and young girls etc. and those "global warming" fanatics claim that man-made global warming is the greatest threat to mankind today? The data has shown that for the past 20 years we have been in a global cooling period, and that the disastrous consequences that they have predicted over the years were just erroneous speculation based on false emotion and not on scientific fact. Al Gore won a Nobel Prize for his movie, "An Inconvenient Truth", but after close scrutiny, the film was discredited and deemed factually incorrect in many of its claims. Al Gore claimed that man-made global warming was "settled science", but many highly reputable climatologists have debunked the theory put forth by Al Gore and other climate change alarmists. Some prominent "deniers" are Dr. Richard Lindzen, meteorologist and Alfred P. Sloan professor of climatology at M.I.T.; Dr. Timothy Ball, former meteorology professor at the Univ. of Winnipeg; and the late John Coleman, meteorologist and founder of the “Weather Channel” who called the theory of man-made global warming "the biggest scientific scam in history". Should those prominent scientists be subject to criminal charges because they question the man-made global warming theory? Might that not go against the 1 st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution? So, when our leaders claim that "climate change" is the greatest threat to civilization, you have to wonder about their mental states. As the old saying goes, "You can't fool Mother Nature", overrides any claim that man can change the environment other than by keeping it clean and free of debris. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann To listen to some far-left loons, our Constitution is a worthless piece of paper that is out of touch with present day Americans. Imagine this group of political losers, representing mostly Democrats and anarchists, trying to undermine over 225 years of progress as envisioned by the “founding fathers”? Our Constitution is looked upon, all over the world, as the “holy grail” of what many freedom thinking countries and governments have used as a blueprint for their
own constitutions. These “hate America” advocates can't seem to get it through their thick heads that the reason why America is #1 in the world, with all its warts, and it will remain so if we elect people into office who will strive to put America first. These misguided people are so ignorant that whenever anything negative happens in the world, they will blame their own country first. These American bashers come in all colors, all religions, and all genders. One reason for this illogical increased animus toward their own country is that our educational system has very cleverly indoctrinated our students into believing that their anarchist, anti-American philosophy is the way to go and what to believe. A large majority of today's students and young people believe that socialism is a better, more fairer economic system than is capitalism, the #1 type of economic philosophy that has made the United States the greatest country in the world, the place where most people in the world would like to emigrate to today. The indoctrination of these malleable “heads full of mush” are easily led astray to this illogical conclusion by the aforementioned liberal Marxist/Socialist teachers and professors, that make up most of the faculties in our primary and secondary schools, and in our colleges and universities. It is estimated that 80% to 90% of all educators fall into this leftist category rut. The cry on most campuses is for “diversity”, but it seems that their “diversity” excludes “diversity” of faculty and opposing opinions. A quote from Sir Winston Churchill, years ago, seems to sum up the dichotomy of young and old, and it still has resonance today. He said; “If you are not a liberal (a/k/a Progressive) by the age of 20, you have no heart, and if you are not a conservative by the age of 40, you have no brains”. As true as that statement might be, the younger generation makes up a sizable portion of the electorate (along with the special interest leftist-leaning minority groups) that they will determine to, or attempt to, do away with our venerated Constitution or parts thereof. This whole scenario by some Democrats, “Never-Trumpers” and the far-left, of trying to have President Trump impeached or to have him resign, on an almost daily basis, is one of the methods they're using to undermine our democratic republic. As the Constitution that was written by our “founding fathers” to prevent “tyranny of the majority”, it now must confront the attack on our democratic institutions by what might be called the “tyranny of the minority”. President Trump must succeed in his quest to “drain the swamp” and to “Make America Great Again” or we will slowly sink into the abyss of global decay like that of Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, Iran, Somalia, and Libya etc. Pray that the U.S.A. can survive this onslaught against our constitution by these anti-American zealots. It should be reread, not rewritten. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann |
August 2024
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