Chuck on the right side
Have your listened to the rhetoric of today's liberal politicians running for office? Can you discern anything positive they are presenting other than personal invective against President Trump the Republicans and giving out more “free stuff”? How do those attacks on the president make the average American's life better other than to create more animosity among both the Democrats and Republicans?
What do they propose that they claim would be beneficial to the citizens of our country? As usual, they propose “free this” and “free that”, hoping that the average American voter will vote for them because they want something for nothing. Some might fall for this ploy, but I don't think the vast majority of citizens want a “handout”, they really would like to have a “hand up” instead. Two of the most outrageous proposals offered by the liberals, headed by the Bernie Sander's and the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez followers, are a government guaranteed wage for the unemployed ($15 per hour), and free college tuition for all who cannot afford a college education. No mention is made, by these spenders, of how other peoples money from the federal treasury would solve our poverty problem? To them, it is the thought or good intentions that should be considered and not the practicality of being fiscally responsible. Remember the phrase, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions”, certainly applies to them. In addition, some of these left-wing candidates (a/k/a Democrat Socialists) are proposing Medicare for all, a total government takeover of our health care system. If they get control of the government and institute these proposals, it is estimated, that in 10 years, they would add $40 trillion to our national debt. It would be non-sustainable, to say the least. They are banking on the voting public being ignorant of basic economics, as many supporters of these socialist principles, mainly the age group called the Millennial's (ages 18 to 35), who have been indoctrinated in socialism by our left- leaning education system, taught by their public school teachers and their radical professors (it is estimated that 90% of our educators espouse liberalism (a/k/a Socialism). Our country, a “democratic republic”, was set up by our founding fathers under the economic philosophy of “free enterprise capitalism”. It has worked amazingly well over the past 230 years – we are considered the most prosperous country in the world, the en y of most all countries and the people of the world. That's why we have so many people clamoring to immigrate to our country – either legally or illegally, which, in turn, has caused a major problem for our country. We are a most generous country, spreading our wealth all over the planet, but in many cases it has caused major problems which the present administration is trying curtail as it administers its domestic and foreign aid programs. The liberal philosophy of dispensing out tax money, both locally and abroad, in the name of “compassion”, is like throwing money down a rat hole as much of the money is wasted or stolen. This is why many call liberals “the Axis of Ignorance”, they are just ignorant of basic economics. By trying to even the economic playing field in our country and around the world, we have created a fiscal monster. The liberals always want to raise taxes on the well-to-do (the makers and/or wealth creators) in order to distribute it to the less wealthy (the takers). We have spent over $8 trillion dollars since the “War on Poverty” was instituted in 1965, and still we have the same amount of poverty today as we did back then. Just recently, the big government liberal spenders are extending their “freebie” mentality to include the illegal aliens that are already here or will be arriving soon. This overly generous display of “compassion” by the “bleeding heart liberals”, don't seem to show too much “compassion” for our over burdened taxpayers, you and I. We cannot continue on this path to self-destruction, we must forget the hateful partisanship against the present Administration that is impeding our economic growth, because if this Administration fails, we all fail, Remember, “ignorance can be cured but stupidity is forever”. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
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Is 2018 "deja vu" of the election of 2016? Remember the "Blue Wall" (Hillary would win the most states with the greatest electoral votes), which would be a guarantee for a Hillary Clinton election victory as president, well what happened? Hillary lost the election and drove the Democrats to be in an extended sate of "funk" and a visceral hatred of the winner, Donald Trump. You'd think that after almost two years, the loser Democrats would have tampered their anguish over the electoral loss, but it seems just the opposite is happening - the whole Democrat establishment has become unhinged along with the main stream media (a/k/a fake news). They totally ignore all the accomplishments that the Trump Administration has racked up, it's almost like they have a mental block when it comes to anything the Trump Administration does. They won't give him credit for anything that he does, even if it is beneficial to the country as a whole. A good analogy I once heard is that if Trump came up with a cure for cancer, the Democrats would complain that he didn't do it soon enough. In other words, he couldn't win by winning.
During the 2016 presidential election campaign, most all the polls and pundits were in the unanimous opinion that Hillary was a "lock" in being elected president. Even up to 9 PM (EST) preliminary results, the victory party for Hillary was being planned for the expected Hillary victory celebration. As the night wore on and as Trump won state after state, some that was totally unexpected (like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania). The giddiness about an expected Hillary victory celebration was slowly morphing into a state of abject despair and utter disbelief. The "Blue Wall" was crumbling down before the very eyes of the Hillary supporters and the biased media which predicted up to a 95% certainty that Hillary would win. Now, the Democrats and the "Fake News" media are predicting a Democrat "Blue Wave" in the November mid-term elections. Will it be a correct prediction or just another ginned up attempt to deceive the voters into thinking that is just a forgone conclusion about the outcome and to urge voters to jump on the Democrat bandwagon? To me, I think it will be just the opposite of the "Blue Wave". I think we'll have a "Red Tide" that will sweep the G.O.P. into majorities in both the House and Senate. Do you agree with me? Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Once upon a time, (July 5, 2016) there was an old witch disguised as a princess (Hillary Clinton) who was under fire for misdeeds to the realm, and consequently exonerated by an inept inquisitor (James Comey), who was hexed into a decision out of his authority, saving her from the gallows of obscurity.
Two weeks before the people were to pick a new leader of the realm, information appeared that might put the princess/witch back on politician's death row, but she dodged the bullet and challenged the new kid on the block (Donald Trump) for leadership. The people were on to her and instead, gave the new kid the thumbs up. Meanwhile the screwing up by the inept inquisitor was under scrutiny by the new leader's judicial advisory team and he accepted their recommendation that he be fired. That's when everything hit the fan! The second in command from the judicial team (Ron Rosenstein) arranged to have his friend, who once held the same position of the fired inept inquisitor replace him. That was turned down by the leader. The following day, because the head of the judicial team (Jeff Sessions) didn't want to get involved, left his deputy in command (Ron Rosenstein) to hire his friend to lead a contrived investigation about collusive shenanigans between the leader and the Russians, to delegitimize his win. In order to form and legitimize a need for a special counsel, the contrivers needed proof of this to get authorization, but they had none, so the princess/witch and her cronies paid for a false dossier, put together by a retired MI6 spy, (Christopher Steele) now in business selling his clandestine experience for big bucks, containing false information and endorsed by high level intelligence individuals, sworn to protect impartially, the integrity of its purpose, but didn't and instead, subverted the very system they swore to protect. The knight in shining armor (Robert Mueller) who was suppose to sort out this whole mess, added to it by forming a round table of partial allies to the princess/witch and scoring on things that have nothing to do from the original franchise, and turning it into a witch hunt. Only his pursuit is after the wrong witch. And the princess/witch dodges another bullet forevermore. The end. That phrase was coined by the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan in trying to show that a society has a limit in tolerating bad behavior before it has to start lowering its standards. He also called it “moral deregulation”, that has eroded families, increased crime and produced the mentally ill “homeless” population. The erudite pundit Charles Krauthammer expanded on Moynihan's phrase by proposing the reverse - that not only we were “minimizing what was once considered deviant”, but we were also “finding deviant what was once considered normal”. Since the 1960's, the decline in ethical, moral behavior has steadily declined up the present day where we have behavior that is not only crude in speech, but is dangerous in actions against our fellow man. The disrespect, by some in our society, against our mores and traditions is manifested in the violent crimes that occur all too frequently today in our once safe venues like schools, shopping malls, theaters, houses of worship etc., it is a clear signal that something is amiss in our society today.
Once we take out the “moral purpose” in life, a society cannot remain free and civilized as there will be no constraints and duties required in a fair and just society (ex: the fall of the Greek and Roman societies). Anything goes. Faith, which is condemned in many of our institutions, such as in schools and in government, is not a threat to a civil society, it is vital for its survival, but it is eroding at a fast pace in our screwed up society. The decline, which started in the 1960's with the passage of the “Great Society” promoted by then President Lyndon Johnson, changed our tenet of self-reliance, to relying on the government to solve most all our problems, a form of socialism that is undermining our capitalist system that is promulgated by most of our professors and educators in our schools. The young people today have been indoctrinated into thinking that our culture and traditions are no longer valid, and that a “total transformation” (a phrase used by former Pres. Obama) is needed to achieve the “Nirvana” that has been pushed into their heads full of mush. Winston Churchill, in his infinite wisdom once said, “If a person is not a liberal (a/k/a Socialist) by the age of 20, he has no heart, but if he's not a conservative (a/k/a Capitalist) by the age of 40, he has no brains”. Look all around us today. We have taken God out of the schools and replaced it with sex education and free condoms and a “dumbing” down of the curriculum; we have mocked patriotism by banning the pledge of allegiance and national anthem in many of our venues; we have reduced the concept of marriage, which for centuries was designated as between one man and one woman, to be any two (or more) loving people of any sex; we have expanded our welfare rolls, including illegal aliens, thereby making more and more people dependent on government handouts; we have made drug using acceptable , in some cases, while we have made tobacco using unacceptable (a noble gesture); and we have tolerated the total disrespect of the office of the president of the United States while overlooking the crimes of certain favored politicians of a certain party (a double standard of justice). Today we have groups that shroud themselves in names that connote peace and tranquility, but are actually opposite of what they say they believe, an example being ANTIFA (which stands for anti-fascist). They are the masked thugs that go around disrupting political rallies, and to shut down speakers at forums that they don't agree with, and then join up with another militant group with a sweet sounding sobriquet called BLACK LIVES MATTER. Both of those groups are the antithesis of what their made up names are trying to signify. And, of course, we have the spectra of that insidious term “political correctness” which tries to stifle free speech and free movement by unelected busybodies who try to force their views onto everyone else. A case in point, look what happened at the recent Winter Olympics. For millions of Christians, it is unnerving to live in a world where the sister of a despot (she is the Communication Minister of North Korea) is normalized and glamorized, but a man of faith (V-P Mike Pence) is considered “mentally ill”. That comment was made by Joy Behar on that left-leaning show called “The View”, to laughter and applause by the audience. How low can you go. All these examples I've listed above, seem to justify, unfortunately, what Sen. Moynihan and Charles Krauthammer tried to convey about what is happening in our society today, and not for the better. It is a case of “Defining Deviancy Down”. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann To listen to the Sen. Bill Nelson and the Democrat Party ads on radio and T.V., and an editorial in the Sun-Sentinel, they are charging that Gov. Rick Scott acted in a criminal way in the Columbia/HCA fraud case (the same charges were made 4 years ago, and he was re-elected as governor of Florida). Is that a fair and reputable charge to level at Gov. Scott again in this campaign for senator?
First off, Rick Scott was CEO of Columbia/HCA which was fined by the federal government, $1.7 billion for Medicare fraud. The Nelson ad and the Sun-Sentinel editorial mentions that, but never mentions that Scott was never questioned by the federal government and was never charged with a crime in that fraud case. Scott, at that time, said he had no knowledge of the fraudulent activity and said he would have acted to stop it if he had known. Scott was never charged with any wrongdoing. To imply otherwise, is a deceitful statement. Also in that ad by Nelson, and in the Sun-Sentinel endorsement of Bill Nelson, it mentions the fact that Rick Scott took the 5th Amendment 75 times in order to not to admit committing a crime in that fraud case. Is that Bill Nelson ad and the Sun-Sentinel editorial, true or not? Did Scott commit a crime and did he invoke his 5th Amendment right 75 times to avoid incriminating himself? According to two prominent independent fact checking organizations,, and, they found that Scott was never officially asked questions by the federal investigators in the criminal case of Columbia/HCA and he was never charged with a crime. As to the 75 times that Scott took the 5th on July, 2000 (3 years after he left the company in 1997), it was in relation to a totally unrelated civil case between Nevada Communications Corp. and Columbia/HCA, with Nevada claiming that Columbia/HCA had violated the terms of a contract. It had nothing to do with the criminal case. Under advice of his lawyer in a deposition in the civil case, Scott exerted his 5th Amendment Constitutional right against answering questions in the pending case between Nevada and HCA. The ad in question, by Nelson and the Democrats, does not make clear in which case Scott took the 5th. The ad implied that Scott took the 5th in the criminal case, which was totally and factually untrue. So knowing the facts as they actually are, you could say that Gov. Scott was and is the victim of a knowingly untrue ad and editorial whose main purpose was to impugn the honesty and integrity of his character. This ad and editorial should be given “4 Pinocchio's” for outright deceit. Vote for or against Gov. Scott on the basis of his performance in office, not on some deceitful ad put out by his opponent claiming that he is a crook. Maybe Bill Nelson was looking in the mirror? Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Like many Americans, I was glued to my TV this past week, viewing an inquisition by a Democrat tribunal and a fact finding Republican judiciary committee.
Although Dr. Christine Blasey Ford might have experienced an horrific event 36 years ago, to back her accusation, much of the vital information was not consistent and contradictory, muddled by suggestive therapy to joggle her memory. It didn't help her remember the when, where, who invited her, how she got there and with whom, a discrepancy in how manywere there, or how she got home. After receiving Dr. Ford's confidential letter to Sen. Feinstein revealing the event, it was hidden from the GOP judiciary committee members and the FBI for weeks before the nomination was to be voted on by the counsel and consequently leaked to the press. Breaking protocol, Sen. Feinstein recommended the liberal left law firm of Debra S. Katz and Lisa J. Banks, who are zealously active against President Trump, also joined with Michael Bromwich, who represents fired FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe to proceed with the hatchet job against Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Dr. Ford was afforded many options to accommodate her fear of flying or any other inconveniences, but her legal team did not advise her of them, because it would block the spectacle they were planning. The fear of flying was another confliction to her credibility, having logged many air time and miles in her travels world wide. During the hearing, Dr. Ford was asked who was paying her legal fees. She didn't know. Her lawyers quickly responded that they were offering their services pro bono. Why would they do that? Selfless lawyers? Or more than likely compensated on behalf of someone else or organization to represent Dr. Ford pro bono, against Judge Kavanaugh. Does George Soros and his Open Society Foundations ring a bell? Conservative Commentary by George Giftos |
August 2024
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