Chuck on the right side
Some say conspiracies never die and you have a perfect example with the disappointed Democrats as the Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller, burst their bubble of getting fodder to use in the future impeachment of President Trump. After two years of accusing the president of “being in bed with Vladimir Putin”, and being a traitor to his country, the Democrats and their “shills” in the media, have come up empty, but they will not admit defeat or apologize for dragging our country to the brink of a citizen insurrection.
The main thrust of this two year nightmare against President Trump, was the fact that Donald Trump, a political neophyte, unexpectedly won the presidency over the overwhelming favorite, Hillary Clinton. The Democrats and the main stream media couldn't accept that fact. Immediately after his election, the “conspiracy brigade” was sworn in to undermine his presidency. Who started this “conspiracy”, beginning in the presidential campaignof 2016? It seems that it reached the highest levels of the government, with the unusually quiet former President Barack Obama, as the “maestro” behind this whole sordid affair. He had to know and had to have given his approval to his underlings to carry out this undermining of Trump's campaign and after his stunning election as president. All this Russia collusion scenario started during Obama's Administration with the weaponizing of our country's law enforcement agencies, including the Justice Department, the upper echelon of the FBI, and of course, with the backup of the biased news media who “carried the water” for the anti-Trump “deep state”. Never in the history of our great country, has such an insidious campaign to slander and libel a sitting president, with the intent of undoing a fair election and having him removed from office. Who were some of the “bad actors” in this scenario? Let's start with John Brennan and James Clapper, who headed up our national security agencies. It filtered down to the FBI and the Justice Department which included James Comey at the FBI and Attorney General Loretta Lynch at Justice. The leadership at he FBI (as opposed to the honorable members of the rank and file agents) were all dedicated to unseating the president, Donald Trump. These “bad actors” used, for their nefarious deeds, the super secret FISA Court in getting the okay to spy on an innocent person, supposedly affiliated to Trump, by using a “fake” dossier in hopes of getting damaging information of the president. Unfortunately for President Trump, his Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, recused himself, early on in the Trump Administration, for some vague reason, from which the phony conspiracy investigation, in turn, led to the naming of a Special Prosecutor, Robert Mueller, and his two year “witch hunt”. Now that the Special Prosecutor has finished his investigation and made his report, the Democrats have not accepted his finding that President Trump was not guilty of collusion (conspiracy) with the Russians, and not guilty of obstructing justice for a crime he did not commit. It looks like the hatred of Trump is so great that the Democrats and the media (the 90% who daily wrote negative stories about him), simply cannot accept the Special Prosecutors decision to not find President Trump guilty of the crimes they have sworn he committed over the past two years. You could say that this whole exercise could be classified as a prosecutor in search of a crime, and which he didn't find one, much to the chagrin of anti-Trump haters who, it looks like, will continue on their phony attempt to unseat our president. Shame on them! Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
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The Liberal (a/k/a Progressive) is always preaching “diversity”, but deep down they really don't want everyone to just look different, they really want everyone to think like they do. They are the chief proponents of “political correctness”, who will determine what you can say or do, and will have the unelected P.C. Police “sworn in” to carry out their destructive attempt at conformity.
When a liberal is offended by what is said or done, he/she doesn't just complain or offer an opposing view, they want their “pound of flesh” by calling for for that person or group to be fired, and if that offending person is in the media, they want his advertising sponsors to boycott the “offender” to further their desire for compliance to the liberal orthodoxy. How divisive and exclusive are those tactics? This “modus operandi” is almost the sole provenance of the liberal left against conservatives or conservative thought. Just recently, the liberal left “attack dogs” have put Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity, and Rush Limbaugh etc., in their “boycott” cross hairs. In previous years, the “tolerant” left has also used similar tactics against Bill O'Reilly and Dr. Laura, with some success. It seems that since they couldn't confront their adversaries by using debate and alternate facts, they wanted to shut them up permanently, regardless of the human toll on their opponents and their families. The liberals have been notoriously unsuccessful in challenging conservatives in the arena of ideas, as in talk radio and T.V. and in newsprint. The ratings overwhelmingly favor the conservatives which I'm sure drives the liberals crazy. Instead of having their message geared to gain support of the voting public, all they try to do is to try to marginalize the opposition by a constant barrage of biased, made up stories (fake news) trying to tear down those who have the audacity to have a different opinion(s) than their own. Most all successful talk shows on T.V. or the radio are conservative. Very few, if any, liberal shows are rated as successful as the conservative shows. The ratings overwhelmingly favor the conservative shows by a wide margin. Conservative pundits like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Fox shows, “Fox and Friends” and “The Five”, have all outdistanced their liberal counterparts in the ratings. CNN and MSNBC are way down in the ratings as opposed to Fox News. Even the late night T.V. shows have seen a decline in their audiences due to their constant haranguing of President Trump and the Republicans. By constantly trashing the president, the 50% of the electorate who support the president, tune out these shows as a result. Previous late night hosts like Johnny Carson and Jay Leno were equal opportunity comedians who lampooned liberals and conservatives alike, and it was done in jest, not in venom which the preset hosts now indulge in on an almost nightly basis. I guess you could say, “If you live by the sword, you'll die by the sword”. So, diversity in looks and thoughts should be the rule, not the exception, if we want to live in a civilized society. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Voter registration cards with photo and fingerprint with hologram to prevent forgery.. is the law in Mexico ...
Be sure to read to the bottom or you will miss the message... New Immigration Laws 1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools. 2. All ballots will be in this nation's language. 3 All government business will be conducted in our language. 4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here. 5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office. 6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or any other government assistance programs. Any who are a burden will be deported. 7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. 8. If foreigners come here and buy land, their options will be restricted. Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally born into this country. 9. Foreigners may have NO protests; NO demonstrations, NO waving of a foreign flag, no political organizing, NO bad-mouthing our president or his policies. These will lead to deportation. 10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted and, when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged. All assets will be taken from you. Too strict? The above laws are the current immigration laws of MEXICO.! If it's good for American's to obey Mexican laws, then it's good vice versa.!!! If you pass it on, in three days, most people in The United States of America will have read the message . "The problems we face today exists because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living." In life, there is always a right and always a wrong. It is the source of conflict in determination. Diversity falls into this perimeter, when some think it is an asset by adopting some of its culture that adds to their values; but others feel it can be destructive, tending to overpower the culture of their adopted country, slowly losing its original identity. We are not all attuned to the same composition of tastes, beliefs, habits, hygiene, tolerance and other factors, making harmony difficult to achieve.
In order to control this scene, advocates for more diversity have concocted Political Correctness to stifle the voices of criticism, by accusing them of racism and bigotry if they express any dislike for their aforementioned traits. Because I dislike the taste of okra doesn't mean I hate all vegetables, nor does it make me a racist if I express a dislike of an ethnic quirk that is incompatible with my space. I detest rap music! Is that a racist remark? What would you call somebody who didn't like one of my quirks, like my remark about rap? The bias media and Silicon Valley control more than 85% of our sources of information that influences and dictating the direction our country is going. If it wasn't for the other 15% voicing other than the liberal line, a full picture of the facts would never be revealed. It was like waking up to a hideous rash resulting from the 2018 house congressional election, that we are now forced forced endure for two years. It introduced radicals whose ploy is to harm tradition and conservatism. Unfortunately, many Democrats subscribe to the agenda of these new arrivals look upon them as beauty marks of diversity; but they are in actuality wart like, who must be watched closely, lest they metastasize into a malignancy out of control, causing the death of our American values that make us unique in comparison to the rest of the world. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos Those words spoken by President Trump very cogently describes the effects of countries who pursue the failed economic system of Socialism, in other words, “you can't polish horse manure” no matter how hard you try to put a good face on a system that has failed over and over again since our universe was formed. No matter where it has been tried, it has failed. Wherever the Marxist/Socialist economic system has been tried, it has turned into a disaster, look at the countries of Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, most of the countries of Africa, Nazi Germany (National Socialists) and the former Soviet Union. All economic “basket cases” and oppressive societies.
Then, how can we explain the surge of interest in the United States on the part of a goodly portion of our electorate, including a sizable number of Millennial's, who nearly 60% of those polled, think Socialism is the preferred economic system over Capitalism. Could that be an indictment of our educational system that seems to be graduating “economic illiterates” who now want to change the economic system (Capitalism) that has made our country the most prosperous in the world today? The “Young Turks” of the Democrat Party (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and that old curmudgeon Bernie Sanders) have been running off their mouths about why we need a “total transformation” of our economic system (isn't that what former President Barack Obama said when he first ran for president?). Will their appeals resonate with the electorate, or will common sense prevail? Only time will tell. Many of us want “something for nothing” because we all like “free stuff”, but after a sober evaluation, most of us will stifle that urge and will reject that appeal to “greed”. But, some will be attracted to that appeal thinking that what is proposed by these “economic hucksters” is really “free”. The expression that there is no such thing as a “free lunch” certainly applies here. Someone has to pay for the “free stuff” that these “Apostles of Anarchy” are proposing in order to get your vote. The suckers are you and me, the taxpayers. Socialists claim that in a Capitalist system it is the wealthy who control the masses, but in a Socialist system it is a limited elite (mostly un-elected) that controls the masses. It is the built-in incentive to reap the benefits of your labor that Capitalism provides is what has made wealthy people wealthy. Anyone who is willing to work hard, get educated and take risks, can become wealthy or a least maintain a middle-class lifestyle. Unfortunately, there will always be some who will be poor, even in the best of systems, but the opportunity for success is always there for anyone who takes advantage of that that is offered to anyone in a free enterprise capitalist system. As Sir Winston Churchill has stated, “The main vice of capitalism is the uneven distribution of prosperity. The main vice of socialism is even distribution of misery”. Most all attempts at trying to impose Socialism has resulted in a dictatorship run by power hungry elites, who in order to keep power, subjugate the masses. So yes, Socialism promotes prosperity, but delivers poverty and President Trump is spot on in proclaiming that truth. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann That phrase was recently used by ex-president Barack Obama during his campaign for president in September, 2008, supposedly in reference to the Republican vice-president candidate, Sarah Palin. That phrase generally means that you can dress something up, but it
doesn't change what it is. Well, after listening to the testimony of President Trump's ex-lawyer (and now an ex-lawyer of the bar) Michael Cohen before a congressional committee, that proverb seems to sum up the extent of his self-serving testimony in trying to mitigate is felony conviction and prison sentence. Yes, Mr. Cohen, you can put lipstick on a pig, but you are still a pig. What a disgrace to witness the Democrats on that “kangaroo court” congressional committee as they “kiss up” to that convicted felon mainly because they want to use Michael Cohen as a foil to discredit the hated President Trump and possibly use his testimony for a future impeachment procedure. Just about a year ago, when Cohen was still employed by the president as his personal attorney, he was vilified by those very same members of that committee as a despicable person. Boy, how these chameleons change when they can get someone, like Cohen, to trash President Trump, especially in a forum like a congressional hearing. What kind of a trusted lawyer was that now contrite Michael Cohen to his client Donald Trump? Imagine your lawyer recording your private conversations without your permission and then testifying against you after he had been found to be a fraud and a future felon, in order to try to save himself from a long prison sentence. Whatever happened to the principle of the lawyer-client relationship being sacrosanct? What can you believe when that certain someone has been deceitful over and over again, even under oath. He now pleads that he is now contrite and that he is sorry for his actions. The only thing he's sorry about is that he was caught and that as an admitted fraud and now a felon, he is trying to mitigate his prison sentence by “throwing President Trump under the bus”. What kind of person is that who would work for someone for ten years, doing various jobs for a man who hired him to work for him with some sort of implied loyalty, and then doing a 180 degree turn and then calling him a liar, a fraud, a con man, and a racist when he got caught doing illegal things in order to save his hide? It was quite obvious that the Democrats planned this hearing right at the time that President Trump was overseas trying to bring peace to the troubled Korean peninsula and to Asia in general. Couldn't this “sham” hearing have been held after the president returned from his summit meeting with Kim Jon Un of North Korea? This was orchestrated to minimize the positive response President Trump normally gets with his foreign negotiations with leaders around the world. Is this what the Democrats want to make America great again? Or, are they only interested in getting Donald Trump out of the oval office by hook or crook, the country be damned? Again Mr. Cohen, you can put lipstick on a pig, but you are still a pig, and no matter how hard you try, you will remain one. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann The Democrats might think about changing their party's symbol from the donkey to a hyena. With disbandment of the circus, it seems likely many clowns have become progressive socialists and have infiltrated the its ranks with some of them considering
running for president. Among them is Elizabeth Warren a.k.a. Pocahontas, Cory Hooker who thinks he is Spartacus and the new kid on the block, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, viewed by the extreme left as their Joan of Ark. They are all laughable, but don't take them lightly because idiots are giving them a platform o be heard, and if history has taught us anything, despots through the ages, got their start the same way. Because their platform is weak in countering the successes of the Trump administration and their presidential defeat of 2016, they have resorted to a campaign of hate in manic proportion that poses extreme danger to our country. The main mechanism created by the Democrats to subvert the President's policies is the Mueller probe, or witch hunt, that has proving to be futile, taking the appearance of digging a hole in water. During the previous administration, 25 billion dollars was allocated by both parties to be used toward securing our southern boarder against illegal entry of non-citizens, security, drugs, and human trafficking, but because anything that now has the scent of Trump, or calling a barrier a wall won't fly and semantics has disrupted government function. How about defining the barrier as a deterrent device and getting the show on the road again! Conservative Commentary by George Giftos How can anybody, with a semblance of curiosity and skepticism, not challenge the scenario put forth by gay, black actor, Jussie Smollett, that he was viciously attacked on a Chicago street, inferring that it was a “hate crime attack”? Is it normal for someone at 2 AM in the darkness of the morning, in a black neighborhood with a sizable gay population, with a temperature with a wind-chill factor of -20 degrees, be picked out by two white masked guys wearing MAGA (Make America Great Again) hats, who then administered a beating and putting a noose around his neck, and claiming that this was MAGA country besides voicing gay slurs. It just doesn't pass the smell test.
But, his unfiltered version of that event were grabbed upon by a fawning media and “blood-thirsty” anti-Trump Democrats, as an indictment of President Donald Trump for supposedly creating the climate for this kind of violent hate behavior. With the above facts in mind, this rush to judgment was just another example of the forces of “impeach” Trump at all costs, who will believe anything or anyone that might justify their hatred of the president. The facts be damned. The anti-Trump media (90% of all Trump stories that appear in the main stream media are negative) wouldn't or couldn't control themselves as they wanted this “fake” news story to be true. The frenzy on the part of the liberal talk show “journalists” and the unhinged politicians, to promote this “hoax”, was a sight to behold. You'd think that from their sanctimonious comments, that Trump and his administration were promoting these violent racial acts against these protected minority groups (namely blacks and gays). Was this bogus case just an aberration or have we had a spate or racial, homophobic, and sexual abuse hoaxes over the past few years? The answer is “YES”. Let's take a look at some of the most egregious hoaxes that have occurred recently. Remember the Duke Lacrosse Case, where a group of lacrosse players were accused of gang raping a black exotic dancer? After those boys were vilified in the press and by the school administration, the whole scenario was considered a hoax, and the boys reputations were left in tatters. Another case was an article that appeared in Rolling Stone magazine saying that a female student was viciously raped on the University of Virginia campus, but after further investigation it was judged that no such event occurred, it was all a hoax. And just recently, we had the Covington, Kentucky H.S. students who were accused of blatant racism when confronted by a native American protester on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Because some of these students, who were attending a Right to Life demonstration and were waiting for a bus to go home, were donning MAGA hats, that was justification, by the media, that they must be white racists, and they showed a 30 second video clip to back up their contention attempting to prove racism on the part of the students, and a 16 year old student in particular. When a full video turned up showing no bias or racism on the part of the students, the biased media had to “eat crow” and admit their rush to judgment was “fake news”, they did it very reluctantly, if at all. The latest hoax perpetuated by a deranged, anti-Trump leftist, gay, black actor, Jussie Smollett, is just another case case of the media jumping to conclusions before all the facts had came out. Not only was this a staged act (as described by the Chicago police), the “supposed victim” has now been charged with making a false police report, a 4th degree felony. He faces real time in prison. Amen. This supposed spate of false claims of racial violence perpetrated by “whites” against blacks doesn't stand up to scrutiny. According to Heather MacDonald of the City Journal, between 2012 and 2015, blacks committed more than 85% of interracial violent confrontations between blacks and whites. So the narrative that we have an endemic racial problem of whites attacking blacks is not substantiated by the facts, and to blame the rhetoric or actions of President Trump, is preposterous. It seems the left will say or do anything in order to undermine President Trump and his administration. Again quoting Heather MacDonald, “anti-racism – preferably of a performance nature – is now the national religion of “white elites”. And, I might add, the black elites who wallow in the victimology of blacks by whites. These false incitements of bogus racial violent acts (also gender, homophobic, and religious acts) must be confronted with the facts or our country will be irreparably divided over racial, sexual, and gender differences. We don't need anymore racially charged hoaxes or any other hoaxes. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann |
August 2024
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