Chuck on the right side
If you listen to the Democrat candidates for president, they wouldn't just welcome your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, they would create them. That would be the result if we would be foolish enough if we elect any of the announced Democrat candidates as our Chief Executive and Commander-in-Chief. Some claim outright they are socialists, or socialist sympathizers, while the others will reject that designation, but their policies and actions will say otherwise.
We'll have 20 or more Democrats vying for the Democrat nomination for president before this summer, so it will be difficult to “separate the wheat from the chaff”. As the old saying goes, “You can't polish horse manure”, that will apply to what those candidates will say to try to motivate the loony liberals to vote for them in the primaries. Since the voting momentum is residing in the far left of the Democrat Party, they will try to pander to that group, but whoever wins the Democrat nomination, they then will pivot to the middle to try to entice the moderates in their party and the Independents, who make up about 30% of the voting electorate, to vote for him or her. Since most Democrats are obsessed with only gaining political power, they will not tell the public what they really believe, they will say and do what they think the voting public wants to hear. Being honest is not the strong point of the Democrats who crave power, to them, the end justifies the means. What are the policies these Democrat candidates will pursue if they gain power? Here are just a few of those radical policies that most all believe in. Most have latched on to the Bernie Sanders call for Medicare for all. Most have jumped on the bandwagon of the “Green New Deal” as proffered by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the new darling of the Democrat left who has labeled herself as a socialist. Most all say they are against Trump's proposal to build a wall at the Southern border. Most would rescind the Trump tax cuts that all Americans have benefited from, not just the rich, but also the middle-class and the working poor. All have said they would rejoin the Paris Climate Accords that Trump dropped out of. Many are in favor of paying off all or most of the student loan debt, thereby pandering to the indoctrinated millennial's who own most of that debt. If you add up all these “goodies”, it is estimated that it would cost the U.S. Treasury about $93 trillion over the first ten years if implemented. When asked how we could possibly pay for these proposals, most say that they will tax the wealthy, who they say that they are not paying their fair share. Little that they don't tell you is that if you taxed all our millionaires at 100%, we would still be short about $70 trillion. As Margaret Thatcher once opined, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money”. Fellow Americans, don't fall for the “snake oil” that these Democrats are spewing in order to get your vote. We don't want to become a mediocre country, we want to remain an exceptional country under the guidance of our great president, Donald Trump, who with all his warts, will continue to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. We cannot afford to elect a socialist president. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
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A friend of mine coined the word “Libercrites” (Liberals plus Hypocrites ='s Libercrites) which sort sums up the way the Democrats seem to approach their political thoughts and actions. “Do as I say, not as I do”, that's what the “Libercrites” use as their “modus operandi”. They preach that they are in favor of border security, but practice open borders. They preach fiscal responsibility, but propose higher taxes on everyone, including their favorite economic class, the poor. They preach free speech, but try to deny the speech of others who disagree with them (prevalent on many college campus' across the country). They preach abiding by the U.S. Constitution, but then try to undermine it (ex: abolishing the “Electoral College” and packing the Supreme Court etc.). If that doesn't make them “Libercrites” nothing else will suffice.
Look at Bernie Sanders, who rails against millionaires (and billionaires), but is one himself with three houses in addition to his family income. He wants to take money from the well-off and give it the less fortunate, but he doesn't share his wealth with the poor. He has reported that he only gives about 3% of his income to charity. He could be designated the poster child of the “Libercrites”, along with Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Elizabeth Warren, and a host of other wealthy Democrat socialists, who rail against rich people and corporations. Take the Southern border crisis (which the “Libercrites” claim is a manufactured crisis). For years, many of the “Libercrites” were in favor of erecting a border wall, but now since President Trump is in office, they are dead set against it. Why? Are they against the wall out of principle? No ! They are against it out of pure politics and an invisceral hatred of President Trump. The hell with what is good for our country's security. The “Libercrites” want “rich” people to pay their fair share, but never mention the fact that the top 10% of wage earners pay 70% of all income taxes. Isn't that fair enough for the “Libercrites”? Another area where the “Libercrites” seem to have a convenient loss of memory, is in promoting socialist economic principles to replace our free enterprise capitalist economic system that has been handed down to us by our founding fathers. Don't they see the two famous nearby economic basket cases in Venezuela and Cuba as an example of why socialism doesn't work? Ole Bernie and the other socialist panderers seem to be afflicted with that “Libercrite” disease called CRI (Cranial Rectal Inversion). Unfortunately for them, that malady is untreatable as long as they close their eyes to reality. So in conclusion, the word “Libercrite” is an aptly coined word to describe the policies of the loony liberals and their fellow cronies in the “fake news” media. In the words of that great American patriot, President Donald Trump, let's MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann The complexion of politics would be different if people applied logic, instead of emotion, when evaluating their differences.
One case in point is the plight of unfortunates gathered in caravans, to crash our southern borders illegally, for a better life. The problem lies within their country of origin, not with our dilemma for securing our borders within archaic immigration laws. Using asylum as a means to enter the country is a scam and doesn't cut it. The fix has to be at the point where it was broken, not when it is forced upon us to become our problem. If it doesn't include integrating and assimilation into our society, but instead, forms barrios and enclaves, that create an imbalance in diversity, favoring one ethnic group against the whole. On the subject of trimester or out of womb abortion, adoptees have to contend with pro choice or pro life to decide which party they side with. Their existence depended on the choice made by the one who didn't compound their initial mistake of promiscuity or carelessness with abortion. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos To equate Alexandria (Ocasio-Cortez), Ilhan (Omar), and Rashida (Khalidi) with the outrageously funny jokers, the “Three Stooges, might not do justice to Larry, Moe, and Curly (and Shep and Joe). The original “Three Stooges” didn't alienate the public at large, but the newly elected anti-Semite Congresswomen have alienated most everyone - Democrats and Republicans alike.
Whoever is pulling the strings of these three outspoken radical socialists, better hope that most of the electorate are not paying attention to the words and actions of these off-the-wall politicians? Besides voicing anti-Semitic rants, they all want to forge ahead on the impeachment of President Trump, they all want a single payer government-run Medicare for all health care plan, they want to institute a federally mandated $15 per hour minimum wage, and all are against President Trump's border wall to help stem illegal immigration, the illegal shipment of drugs across the border, and the horrendous practice of human trafficking. It seems they are creating havoc within the Democrat Party, much to the dismay of the establishment Democrats. It's like the head stooge Moe is poking his pals in the eye or bopping them over the head after they did something stupid. Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a more mild-mannered radical herself, is having a hellava time trying to rein in these three rabble-rouses. Being young, female, and representatives of minority groups, the Stoogettes are making the Democrat-powers-to-be very nervous as they seem to dominate the news cycle by bringing about a lot of negative publicity to the Democrat Party. What's amazing, is that many of the Democrat candidates for president have latched their wagons to many of the proposals put forth by the “Three Stoogettes”. Of course, the Republicans are “licking their chops” that these three keep on mouthing their ideas as they feel that it is a good omen for the 2020 election. All three have embraced the “Green New Deal” which, according to most economists, would be fiscally disastrous to the United States, as it would turn our country into a mediocre country from being the most prosperous country in the world today. Do we really want to emulate the countries of Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, So. Africa, and other failed countries who have instituted socialism (a/k/a totalitarianism) or a large dose of it? According to the venerable sage and former British Prime Minister, Sir Winston Churchill, who said, “The main vice of capitalism is the uneven distribution of prosperity. The main vice of socialism is the even distribution of misery”. It seems that the demise of Venezuela sort of proves Churchill's point to a tee. In addition, all three have proclaimed that life on this planet is in danger and that we have 12 years to avoid “Armageddon” from happening by not doing something about man-made global warming (a/k/a climate change) before the world crumbles. Can any rational person jump on this “doom and gloom” bandwagon? So, as the “Three Stoogettes” continue on their merry way of spouting nonsense, it looks like the Republicans will have another 2016 in 2020. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann If you listen to the rhetoric of Bernie Sanders, you'd think that the United States is on the precipice of an economic disaster and that his socialist policies are the antidote to “make America great again”. This from a man who has never held a private sector job and has been on the government payroll for most of his adult years. In other words, he has been sucking on the “teat of Uncle Sam” practically forever. And he's telling us what to do?
Why has he had such a great impact and following on the part of the Millennial's and other supposed “losers” in our country? Being an avowed socialist, ole Bernie is promising “free” this and “free” that, like he was handing out candy to the kids on Halloween. He implores the masses to vote for him and by doing that he will pay off their student loans, will give them free tuition at public colleges, he will raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour, and his biggest plum of a promise, “free heath care” in the form of universal Medicare for all. Sounds great? But, one might ask, how will he pay for all this largess that would doled out by the government? Well, that not a problem to ole Bernie the socialist, he'd raise the taxes on the wealthy for all those “freebies” he plans on giving to the masses. Little does he realize that even if he levied a tax of 100% on the wealthy, he wouldn't even come close to the $94 trillion his plan would cost over a 10 year period. He is selling a Pig in a poke”. Contrary to what Bernie, and his socialist acolyte Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says, freedom, liberty, and free enterprise better insures that people get what they want. Profits (a dirty word to liberals) create incentives for businesses and entrepreneurs to meet the needs of its customers, you and I the public. Without customers a business will fail. Central planning (the major feature of socialism) cannot compete with countries that embrace free enterprise capitalism. Albert Einstein, famed mathematician and physicist, once stated that “Sometimes one pays most for things one gets for nothing”. Bernie, to his pals, is the “Pied Piper of Doom and Gloom”. He derides the excellent economy we are now experiencing by proclaiming that he is in favor of a “total transformation” of the American economic system (isn't that what Obama ran on in 2008?). He wants to change (unwittingly) the historically low unemployment rate (which is below 4%), he wants to add more restrictive regulations on the “greedy” businesses and corporations, and he wants to raise taxes on the wealthy businesses and entrepreneurs (the job creators) up to 70% of their income, all in the name of “fairness”. Doesn't he realize that the top 10% of wage earners pay a little over 70% of all income taxes? By punishing success and taking the incentive out of our economic blueprint, we will become a “mediocre” nation or worse, another Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, South Africa, and other socialist oriented countries. So yes, if ole Bernie gets elected (by some fluke of nature), his socialist “common sense” will be nothing but “nonsense”. We must not let him and his pals ruin the greatest economic machine on the face of the earth, the United States of America. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Bert Lance, director of the office of management during the Carter administration coined, "If it ain't broke don't fix it!" Apparently the chaotic organization known as the Democrat party is not heeding this advice. Not being successful playing by the rules, they have ventured on a crusade to change them. Their target is our Constitution.
A constitution is the rule book that determines how a country will be governed. When despots seize power, it is the first thing confiscated, to be replaced by their own rule book in order to consolidate their power and eliminate competition. The electoral college came into being In order to have states with lesser population join the union with equal rights in governance, instead of 4 or 5 states with heavily populated areas dictating the direction of the whole country. This new breed of Democrats wants to eliminate the electoral college, disenfranchising most of the map of the USA, to give them an edge in national elections. Another gimmick is to drop the voting age to sixteen years of age, to take advantage of students under indoctrination by liberal faculty, made up of union member teachers, who in many cases are reinventing history or replacing it with liberal left advocacy. If you watched the shenanigans on TV during spring breaker, you'll wonder why they aren't raising the voting age back to twenty-one. SCOTUS is another target of their desperation. Wanting to pack it with justices who will make law, rather than interpret the law. With the Mueller investigation having ended short of Democrat hopes, it is time they tear down the wall they've been trying to build around the President and let the country move ahead. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos |
August 2024
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