Chuck on the right side
That absolute fact is seldom or never taken into consideration when the “gun grabbers” or the anti-gun zealots make their plea to confiscate guns from the law abiding public. Think of all the times law abiding citizens (gun owners) have defended themselves and/or their families by using their legal firearms to thwart a possible or real personal attack. The”fake news media”, who are almost universally opposed to gun ownership, very seldom report on those instances of self-defense because it does not fit their narrative of most all guns are bad and that the patriotic NRA (National Rifle Association) is an “evil” organization that should be denied existence.
Let's look at the facts. Most mass killings and individual killings are performed in places called “gun free zones” (schools, malls, theaters, and other public places where people gather) where the victims cannot defend themselves from harm from a crazed individual(s) who is wanton to do his/her dirty deed. Legally armed public citizens cannot prevent all such instances, but they could mitigate the damage done by a perpetrator(s) bent on personal destruction by using a firearm, or other lethal weapons like a knife, machete etc. The people who blame guns instead of the person who uses that instrument to do harm to others, are emotionally blind to the happenings in the real world. A gun (whether a handgun or a rifle) cannot perform without the assistance of a person behind the firearm pulling the trigger. It should be the person pulling the trigger that should be the focus of the authorities, not the legal gun owner who never, or seldom, uses his firearm to do harm to the community. The “gun grabbers” blame the patriotic members of the NRA as being the culprit in the various gun crimes committed in the United States that are hysterically reported in the media. In all these terrible instances of gun violence, how many of the perpetrators belonged to the NRA or other peaceful gun organizations? Would the answer be close to none? I personally, do not own a firearm (I did have a “Red Ryder” B-B gun as a youth), but I would welcome a legal gun owner to be present in my company if or when a crazed individual decided to shoot at innocent people, including myself, in a venue I was attending. I don't naively claim that an armed individual would prevent all gun crimes, but I do, again, claim that legally armed gun owners could lessen the damage done by one or more individuals bent on creating death or havoc upon innocent people by using a gun or other lethal weapon. In the main, the police and law enforcement agencies do a commendable job in protecting us from harm, even with the obstacles thrown up against them by some feckless politicians, but as the headline of this article states, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away. A legally armed citizen could close that gap in response to confronting that criminal, by using his legal firearm before the police arrived. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann
1 Comment
That headline phrase can be applied to Joe Biden and the Democrats as they try to sell their “snake oil” to the American people by trying to implement their “total transformation” of American society under the guise of being “fair” to all our citizens. But, there's one problem, their “fairness” fails the smell test. The policies they propose, instead of making life more bearable and livable, their policies will actually cause most Americans unbearable anguish and pain. We get a glimpse of that today with runaway inflation at the gas pump, on the food we buy, the empty shelves at the stores, and the prices of housing and other necessities of life.
The Democrats continue to promise giving away money and things of value in order to try to gain the support of the masses they so desperately strive for, and the hell with common sense. They use the term “progressive” to try to connote change for the better, but when it comes down to reality, they are actually trying to change us into becoming the United States of Europe – a pseudo-Socialist society which will make our country mediocre instead of being the preeminent country that we have become, thanks to our Founding Fathers foresight and dedication to the rule of law. As the Biden Administration took over the running of the government, they have at, “break speed”, tried to initiate radical policies as advocated by the avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders and his angry band of toadies, the “Squad”. Joe Biden ran for president on a platform of being a “moderate” who was going to unite rather than a divide. So far, Biden and the Democrats have been anything but moderate. They seem to be hell-bent on spending money we don't have and then claiming that this excessive spending on infrastructure and social programs will not cost the average American taxpayer one red cent, with the exception of taxing the “filthy rich”, who they claim will finance their orgy of spending. One problem, even if they tax the wealthy 100% of their assets, they still won't be able to cover the “pork” provisions that dominate most of the spending proposals they are proposing. I guess they think the citizens are all ignorant and stupid to believe that economic nonsense? Maybe they are right, after all, the country voted for Biden (supposedly). Take the $1.3 trillion supposedly “Infrastructure Proposal”, it is estimated that approximately 15% of that money is for real infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, airports etc., the rest of the monies are for pet projects for the Congressmen and Senators for their constituencies, hoping that by “bringing home the bacon” to their states and districts, it will help them get re-elected. The same with Biden's and the Democrats $3.5 trillion, “Build Back Better”monstrosity (what they call the “Human Infrastructure bill”) that will give sop to the radical left-wing of the Democrat Party that seems to be the driving force behind this glutton of spending by Biden and the Democrats. If it passes and becomes law, it will definitely transform our country, not for the better but for the worse. The Democrats are masters of using flowery words and phrases to cloak the actions they foster which are diametrically counter to what they are actually proposing. We, as citizens of the greatest country on earth, must not be duped into falling for the nice sounding words and platitudes that the Democrats herald as to what this country needs and what it is lacking. No matter what highfalutin words and phrases Biden and the Democrats use to try to sell their ridiculous spending binge, the old expression of “You can't polish horse manure” seems an appropriate response to those ignorant Democrat politicians, no matter how hard they try to camouflage their intentions. Remember, ignorance can be cured but stupidity is forever. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann How long will it be before the Democrats admit that electing Joe Biden was a mistake? They hated Donald Trump so much that they overlooked the real problems (a/k/a baggage) that came with the candidacy of Joe Biden. In other words, the Democrats were blinded by their liberal ideology and their hatred of Trump. They thought they were supporting a “moderate” with over 40 years experience in government – how could they lose? They completely overlooked that he showed signs of a cognitive decline, a tendency to overly exaggerate his past and his past positions, for better or worse, on almost everything he said.
Just listening to him when he goes before the public to explain his policies, you get the feeling that he hasn't a clear idea as to what he should say, as he reads words and phrases, off the teleprompter, that have been written for him by his aides and handlers. He comes across as a puppet being manipulated by his puppeteers who represent the far-left of his Democrat Party. As the headline of this editorial states, he seems to have “Delusions of Adequacy” when it comes to carrying out his job as president. Just the other day he was asked by Peter Doocy of Fox News if he favored paying illegal aliens a total of $450,000 as “reparations” for them being separated from their families as they were apprehended by the Border Patrol. He answered that question with bewilderment by calling it a “garbage” question and then stated it wouldn't happen. The next day, his press spokeswoman said he was in favor of the proposed payout. That's another flip-flop to add to his resume of misstatements. Remember during his campaign, he stated that he was not going to halt fracking or oil and gas exploration, but immediately upon being sworn in he gave an executive order banning fracking on government lands, and in addition canceled the Keystone pipeline and oil exploration in ANWR, thereby once again flip-flopping on his promises. Also, he and his V-President Kamala Harris said that they didn't trust the vaccine that President Trump pushed because they didn't trust that Trump was just touting it, as self-serving, to fight the scourge of COVID-19. Now that they are in power, they have changed their minds and have gone “gung-ho” by introducing mandates on all who refuse getting vaccinated after they said they wouldn't do it. Another total flip-flop. During the Afghanistan pullout, he asserted that he would leave no American behind to be subject to the rule of the ruthless Taliban, a statement he said just weeks before the proposed pullout. But, as seems to be his mode of operation, he reneged on his promise by leaving hundreds behind including Afghans with SIV's (Special Immigration Visas). He then had the nerve to declare that he conducted a “highly successful” withdrawal with no mention of those he left behind. Another example of his “Delusion of Adequacy”. How can we, the American people, support someone who doesn't seem to be able to adequately do his job as president. In just 10 months, he has lost his support with most of the American people. The latest polls have Biden with a 37% favorability rating with signs that it will go even lower. The recent elections seems to show that the electorate is having second thoughts about Joe Biden as president. It seems that “buyers remorse” has even set in among many of his supporters. When people are polled about how the country is doing, the results show that 70% of those polled said that the country was going in the wrong direction, which will be a bad omen for the Democrats in next years off-year election, when both the House and Senate will be up for grabs. That's why the Democrats are hurriedly trying to pass these socialist-oriented monstrosities of spending bills, while they are still in the majority in the House, Senate, and the Executive branches of government, before the next election in 2022. So yes, Biden seems to project “Delusions of Adequacy” in performing his job as president. The phrase “elections have consequences” has really come back to bite the citizens of the United States in the butt big time. We must all unite in taking back the House and Senate in 2022, to halt our slide into mediocrity by becoming the United Stares of Europe under Joe Biden and the Democrats. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann Lying has been part of human nature since the beginning of man, but it seems, over the past few years, to have become the rule rather than the exception. Ever since Donald Trump came on the political scene, it seems that lying about him and his family has almost become endemic as his enemies will have concocted one lie after another to try to bring him down. To be fair, Trump has been guilty of lying on occasion by using exaggeration, ego boosting phrases, and embellishment of facts, but it pales in comparison what has been used against him to denigrate both him and his family. The hatred of Donald Trump by his enemies has been unprecedented in the annals of our political history, even though other presidents has faced vitriol, but not as vicious as was directed at Trump. To begin with, before he was even sworn in as president, his enemies were proclaiming he was an evil person and if elected he should be impeached. Once he became president the knives came out as his enemies accused him of colluding with the Russians to help win the election. It was all lies, as actually it was his opponent, Hillary Clinton, who was the one who was colluding with people associated with the Russians, not Donald Trump. The Independent Counsel, headed up by Robert Mueller, concluded that the whole Trump/Russia conspiracy had no merit whatsoever, and that Trump was not guilty, it was a hoax as Trump always claimed it to be. The Democrats and the media never apologized for their lies and to this day continue to refer to this false narrative, especially by discredited Congressman Adam Schiff, Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. Not only was Trump and his family the victims of lies, but also the public, in general, was lied to on an almost daily basis. All during the pandemic that confronted us and the world, the Democrats and the media tried to shift the blame for the origins of the COVID-19 virus on bats, but not on the actual culprits, the Chinese Communist Government. It seems that because Trump called it the “Chinese Virus”, the knee-jerk reaction of his critics was that if Trump said it was caused by the Chinese in their Wuhan Virology Laboratory, it must be wrong. Now after almost a year, they are finally admitting that Trump was correct that the virus did originate in Wuhan, China. During the early stages of the COVID infection spreading in the United States and around the world, every time Trump made a statement, his opponents, the Democrats and the media, would claim that Trump was lying, but in fact, it was they who were lying just to make Trump look bad. Trump said that certain therapeutics would help in treating the COVID virus infection, ex. Hydroxychloroquine, a drug originally given to control malaria, but they pooh-poohed the claim because the hated Trump mentioned it. Even today, his mention of Ivermectin is lied about by both the Democrats and the media as being medicine to de-worm animals, when reports have shown positive results of this medicine for humans, not the animal kind, in mitigating deaths from the virus by patients who contracted the virus. In fact that medicine received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015, and is deemed safe for human treatment of COVID-19. You could say that the lies caused lives to be lost all because of the hatred for Trump and the Republicans. The lies by both the Democrats and the media are quite vexing to say the least. The “fake news” stations of CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, CBS and their fellow travelers in the print media, N.Y. Times and Wash Post etc., seem to all be on the same page and script as to the Democrats talking points, many of which are lies. They all seem to have an obsession with Trump, even by repeating the lies in tandem with each other. So in conclusion, it seems that if a political party (in this case the Democrats) and their shills in the media do not like someone or something, to them, it is all right to lie with impunity. You could say that if you hate Trump it is all right for the end to justify the means, even if it is untrue. That is not the American way as it was handed down to us by our Founding Fathers. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann |
August 2024
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