Chuck on the right side
First off, let's define what we mean by diversity. According to Merriam-Webster, “diversity” is the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races and cultures) in a group or organization – it also includes a “diversity” of opinion,
Now, with that definition in mind, let's see how the liberals use it in trying to further their political agenda. It seems that the Democrats (a/k/a liberals, Progressives) think that “diversity” is the “be all and end all” that should happen in our society, not the intelligence, the work ethic, or the experience of the person, but whether or not he/she fits the “diversity” parameter that they constantly use in what they think is good for our society. According to the liberals, they want us to look different but think the same. You see this in college campuses around the country. Many colleges brag about how diverse they are, but the faculties are mainly staffed by an overwhelming majority of liberals who contribute mainly to the Democrat Party, no “diversity” there. Also, many of these colleges give preference to enrolling students with “diversity” in mind, rather than accepting prospective applicants on the sole basis of their academic credentials. Giving preference to one group over another, to me, is un-American and contrary to the principles set forth by our Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution. Shouldn't everyone be judged as an individual and not as part of a group? That doesn't mean we shouldn't encourage people from some group from gaining credentials and experience to be able to compete for admission to a school or college, but by blatantly discriminating in favor of a person from a certain group, that should be considered unfair, especially to the other person being denied even though better qualified. Our founding fathers, in their eminent wisdom, have written that everyone should have the “opportunity” to better themselves, not the “guarantee” of success. That's what they stated in our Declaration of Independence that we, as citizens, are “endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” - as you can see they did not say the “guarantee” of happiness (or in other words, success), because when you give something to someone you have to take something from somebody else. That's what seems to happen when someone gets accepted (because of “diversity”) for a slot in a college admission over someone who doesn't fall into that “diversity” category. That is called “reverse discrimination” and should not be tolerated. The “diversity” goal is also used in the business world as the government has set up rules and procedures that authorize companies and businesses to hire people, not on the basis of merit for performing the job, but on the basis of their ethnicity, race, or gender. Should the government be the arbiter as to who some business should (or must) hire or should that be left to the business itself? Liberals, in the main believe that the government should get involved, whereas the Conservatives, in the main, say the government should stay out. Yes, there may be some who might discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, race, and gender, but most businesses are in business to make a profit so they will hire the person who will be the most productive for their business and will add to the bottom line (a/k/a profit). So, the idea that “diversity” can be the “be all and end all” of how we run our lives, it can work in ways that bring more problems to society than in solving the problems of society. Forcing people to do or not to do certain things, in the name of “diversity” is never the way to go. Educating the people to do the right thing might take some more effort than passing a law, but in the long run it will create less animosity among the citizens who think that they are being discriminated against in the name of “diversity”. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann
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Shouldn't those words in the headline be heeded by Joe Biden and a host of other Democrats, especially Adam Schiff and Nancy Pelosi? It's been 3 1/2 years of a constant failed barrage of negative claims against President Trump, and still the Democrats won't give up their quest to have President Trump thrown out of office. First it was Russia collusion by Trump which the Mueller investigation found no collusion. And then we had Russia 2.0 in the form of an impeachment investigation, over an innocuous phone call President Trump had with the newly elected Ukraine President Zelensky, by the disgruntled Democrats to try to overturn the 2016 election. That also fizzled out as President Trump was not convicted in the Senate.
The presumptive Democrat candidate, as of now, Joe Biden, is a gaffe machine unparalleled in American history. He has a difficult time expressing himself in a cogent, tactual way that would inspire people to feel confident of his competency to lead our country as president. He seems to have that proverbial foot in his mouth almost every time he speaks on the stump which might presage some sort of a cognitive problem. It seems that the Democrats are starting to get the jitters in the possibility that Biden might actually be the Democrat standard bearer in the 2020 election. His "foot in mouth disease" is becoming more evident, week after week. I wouldn't be surprised if Joe Biden will have to drop out for the nomination in the next few months before the Democrat convention in August. Besides his verbal gaffes, Joe Biden is now under scrutiny for his actions as Obama's Vice-President in regards to his son, Hunter Biden, in 2016. It seems that Joe Biden, as Obama's emissary to the Ukraine, went to the Ukraine to deliver a $1 billion loan guarantee to the Ukrainians to help them in their defense of their country from the Russians. At that time, Joe Biden's son, Hunter, was on the Board of Directors of a Ukrainian energy company called Burisma, which was being investigated for corruption by a Ukrainian prosecutor by the name of Viktor Shokin. During this trip to deliver the loan guarantee, Joe Biden contacted Ukrainian high officials in charge and told them that in order to get the $1 billion loan guarantee, they must fire the prosecutor (Shokin) who was investigating his son Hunter and Burisma. Shokin was fired. According to a bragging session at a meeting at the Council of Foreign Relations in 2018, Joe Biden related the story of his actions in getting the prosecutor fired. Imagine, an official of the U.S. government conducting a "shakedown" of a foreign country for the benefit of his son who was under investigation? If that isn't a case of "foot in mouth disease", I don't know what is. Even though there is a video of Joe Biden making that threat to have the prosecutor fired, the Democrats have been "circling the wagons" in defense of ole Sleepy Joe. It's like they have blinders on and have completely ignored this major gaffe by Joe Biden. He admitted to the shakedown. In addition, just recently a former aide, that worked for him while he was a senator, is claiming that he sexually assaulted her in 1993. He has denied it, but can you believe him after all the fibs he has told over the years in trying to bolster his persona, especially after he blatantly plagiarized a speech by an English politician which caused him, when it was found out, to drop out of the 1988 presidential Democrat primary. In addition, it seems that the Biden nepotism didn't stop in Ukraine, it rose its ugly head in another situation in China where Hunter Biden, on a trip with his father on Air Force Two, got a sweetheart deal worth $1.5 billion for his investment company. What is ironic is that Hunter Biden had no experience in financial dealings, so why would China give Hunter such a lucrative deal? Could it be because his father was a high ranking U.S. official? And the Democrats have the nerve to continue their vendetta against Trump by claiming that he is the most corrupt president in U.S. history. Maybe they should take the advice that a closed mouth gathers no foot and that they should look in the mirror to see who the real corrupter's are? Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Another virus is appearing, confined within our borders, that must be confronted by the American voters. It is the Democratvirus, designated DNC-20.
It is thought to have originated just before the 2016 presidential election, allowing it to germinate undetected, because it was covered up by fictitious investigations, concocted in the chambers of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. The symptoms consist of manic hatred for Donald Trump. Illusionary fixes on the economy and health care. Urge to eliminate xenophobia by tearing down our border security and letting anyone to enter, whether diseased, subversive or criminal, on grounds of compassionate, and an acute case of naivety. If a vaccine is not found before November 3rd, it could be fatal to our Republic. This virus has been spreading unchecked throughout the country through CNN, MSNBC, NPR, NY Times, Washington Post and national mainstream media, masking their agenda with fake news reporting. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos To listen to the media and the Democrats, no matter what President Trump says or does it is wrong and in some cases downright “evil”. In all my many years, I have never seen such a concerted effort to destroy another individual. It is so blatant that it boggles the mind. The criticism comes at him 24/7 and twice on Sunday. They never let up. I do believe that if Trump came up with a cure for cancer, they'd complain as to why it took him so long. You just can't satisfy their thirst for destruction of another person.
President Trump has faults, like all of us, but if he says or does anything, no matter how good for the country, the knives come out and the criticism flows. Starting even before he was elected and up to the present time, he has faced character assassination, and of lying on almost everything he says. All during this period of time, the “powers-to-be” in the “Deep State” have been trying to have him removed from office, one way or another. So far, they have failed. I think the average person is catching on and feel that this bombardment of negativity and personal animus against President Trump is over the top and totally uncalled for. Most of the criticism of President Trump is not about his policies, it is about him personally. According to his critics he is morally bankrupt, a congenital liar and a deadbeat among many other epithets thrown his way. It's almost like he is the only politician who has baggage and some personality flaws. There is a biblical biblical expression that points out this aberrant behavior on the part of his critics, it is, “He who is without sin, cast the first stone”. According to them they seem to think only Trump is guilty of sin (of course forgetting the “horndogs” of the Democrat Party such as JFK, LBJ and Bill Clinton, and now with allegations of sexual misconduct of Joe Biden). It goes to prove how badly his detractors are infected with TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). The visceral hatred for Trump is so ingrained in the Democrats and their flunky's in the “Fake News Media”, that if someone wants to know the truth they can't get it by listening to his enemies (CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, N.Y.Times, and Wash. Post etc.) Some say he shouldn't answer his critics like he does, but what is a man supposed to do – sit there and get beat up by an enormously biased press (95% of the stories on Trump are negative according to a study done by Harvard University)? Turn the other cheek is a good character trait, but if you have very few to stand up for you, you have to fight back, and Trump does that in spades. Until this Chinese-made COVID-19 virus hit our country like a sledge hammer, the accomplishments of Trump's Administration was something to behold, not withstanding the brick-bats thrown at him by his political enemies. The economy was booming like no other administration in the past, it looked like it was going to continue right up to the election in November 2020. When this virus hit like a ton of bricks, and the prospects were supposed to be a national health disaster, we had to shut down the country, and as a result, the great economy took a big hit. If we come out of this disaster close to where we were before the virus, it will be to the benefit of President Trump in his bid to be re-elected. Since the health crisis has abated, as of now, the economy should rebound and it will be for the benefit of all the people in our country as well as for Trump's re-election, and to the chagrin of the Democrats and their allies in the media. Will President Trump get credit? Probably not by the usual suspects, but the U.S. citizens will be the winners, and as in 2016, Trump will be a winner also and get re-elected to a second term. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Imagine giving your country 33 years of your life in the service of your country (the Marine Corps) only to have a rogue group of “dirty cops” (the hierarchy of the FBI), bamboozle you into committing a non-existent crime and ruining your life? Well, that's what the latest recovered documents show what happened to Lt. General Michael Flynn.
General Flynn's only “crime” was that he was associated with the newly elected President Trump, the #1 enemy of the heads of the FBI headed up by that sanctimonious director, James Comey. The recovered documents prove that a conspiracy was hatched to get General Flynn to break the law or to have him resign or be fired by President Trump as Trump's National Security Adviser. The hatred of Trump by the hierarchy of the FBI (also the Obama State Department) was the motivating factor in going after Flynn on trumped up charges. It was a set up from the beginning by the FBI by coming over to the White House to have a “chat” with General Flynn, who was not represented by counsel, as it was only supposed to be just a friendly chat. The newly released papers show that the investigators were going over to interview Flynn, not to just chat, but with the insidious purpose of trapping him into lying to the FBI (lying to the FBI is a crime). That was a criminal act by the FBI, not General Flynn. Even after the interview, the agents who interviewed him thought that Flynn had told the truth, but the “big shots” in headquarters didn't like that assessment, they wanted a scalp in the Trump Administration and General Flynn was the fall guy. They informed Flynn that he lied to the FBI and therefore committed a crime. During their decision to go after Flynn, they said that if he didn't admit to lying they not only would prosecute him, but they would go after his son and prosecute him. As any loving father of a son, Flynn had a dilemma, should he admit to something he didn't do to save his son from prosecution? Realizing that fighting the FBI was a difficult undertaking, he reluctantly “admitted” that he lied in order to save his son. What a terrible thing to do to a decorated war veteran with 33 years of service. In trying to fight this miscarriage of justice, Flynn had to hire a lawyer(s) to represent him (in Wash. D.C. lawyers don't come cheap). He had to dig deep into his savings (he was not rich man) and mortgage his house just to pay for his legal defense. This whole affair brought General Flynn to the doorsteps of personal bankruptcy. I predict that this unsavory affair brought about by the highest echelon of our justice system, will result in criminal charges being brought against the high officials (not the rank and file) of the FBI, the Justice Department, and other officials in the Obama Administration (John Brennan, James Clapper, Susan Rice etc.). This should never have to happen to anyone in any future administration, whether Democrat or Republican. I believe that the presiding judge should vacate his guilty plea because of government malpractice, if not, President Trump should pardon him. In addition, General Flynn should sue the government for “malicious prosecution” as he definitely was put through the legal ringer by this false prosecution by the highest level of government law enforcement agencies. This prosecution of General Flynn, along with the Mueller investigation of Russian collusion by the Trump campaign (rightly called a hoax), and the phony impeachment procedure orchestrated by the Democrats, which all came up with nothing but the expenditure of millions of dollars, showed how certain power hungry people in high places, could not accept defeat by Donald Trump, against all odds, and then their quest to have him removed from office out of malice against him and his policies. Yes, this was a disgrace. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann |
August 2024
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