Chuck on the right side
As a retired teacher with over 30 years in the classroom, I am both chagrined and embarrassed by the actions of my fellow teachers and their union executives. To listen to the union leadership you'd think that our education system is only setup for the benefit of the teachers and the education of its students is inconsequential, when it should be the other way around.
It is a fact that 95% of all political contributions by teachers go to Democrats, therefore they hold a very large cudgel over the heads of the Democrat politicians by proclaiming to the politicians that they must “carry the water” for the teachers and their unions or you'll lose their support. The teachers unions are the biggest financial and physical supporters of the Democrats, and for their loyalty, they expect reciprocity. When the charge is made that the Teachers Union should be charged with “educational malpractice”, it relates to the actions taken by them over the years. Studies show that the educational achievement levels by our students lag behind that of many other countries, despite us spending more money per pupil. Something is wrong with this. Here are some examples of how the Teachers Unions have committed malpractice. Firstly, they are strong opponents of “school choice”, which has been found to be a realistic alternative to government-run schools. Even former President Barack Obama backed the Teachers Unions in railing against “charter and voucher schools”. The union's main reasons of being against the alternative schools is that most all the teacher's in those schools are non-union, and they fear that funds to the alternatives will be taken from the public schools. Secondly, the Teachers Unions have negotiated “sweetheart contracts” with many school districts whereby it is almost impossible to fire or get rid of non-performing teachers for cause. In fact, in New York City, they have “rubber rooms” in which teachers who were relieved of their teaching duties are “quarantined” (so to speak) in separate quarters out of regular classrooms, but are receiving their full pay as if they were actually teaching in a classroom. Some teachers have been in this program for years. Just recently, during the Chinese pandemic, it was the Teachers Unions who were most vigorously against opening schools for “face to face” learning, claiming that the teachers were made vulnerable for contracting the virus even though young people were mostly free from contracting the virus or spreading the COVID-19 virus. The resulting isolation of the students from a regular “virtual” classroom setting has caused an increase in failure, and in many cases depression and mental problems sometimes leading to suicide. Most of the draconian shutdowns have occurred in Democrat-run states. States like Florida and Texas, have thrived by not putting into effect those ill-conceived shut downs. And recently, the Teachers Unions have come out in favor of teaching the Marxist oriented “Critical Race Theory” in our schools, whereby the theme behind the theory is that the “white person” is the oppressor and that the “black person” (and other non-white minorities) are the oppressed. This far-left perspective is being introduced all over the country and is being endorsed by the Teachers Unions. Many parents are waking up to this assault on our education system and are speaking up at school board meetings by challenging the introduction of this Marxist oriented curriculum in our schools, reaching down even as far as kindergarten. As a result, quite a few states have passed laws banning this radical curriculum, and more are likely to follow. So, as you can see, instead of working to make our education system a beacon of excellence, it seems the teachers are just being self-serving narcissists who are making our children subservient to the interests of the teachers and their unions. That's enough to charge them with “Educational Malpractice”. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann
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Remember when Nancy Pelosi said that Donald Trump was morbidly obese? Well, you could turn that Nancy Pelosi slur around and call her morbidly corrupt, for that is what she is.
Never have we had such a divisive, polarizing, morally corrupt figure, as Speaker of the House, than we now have in Nancy Pelosi. We all know that the Speaker of the House represents the majority party he/she is a member of, and, therefore, would then be an advocate of the policies of that party. But, Nancy Pelosi has carried that partisanship to a whole new level, never seen before, of that kind of partisan debauchery. Most past Speakers have worked with the opposition party to get meaningful legislation passed, but not Nancy Pelosi. She does not go out of her way to produce bi-partisanship measures for the benefit of the country. She is a “Johnny One-Note” when it comes to leading the House of Representatives. It's her way or the highway. She outwardly complained, both before and after the presidency of Donald Trump, of how bad he was for the country, especially on a personal level. She never wanted to give him a chance to be successful. All the things she was complaining about was exactly what she was doing herself. A total hypocrite, to say the least. It was her initiative to start and prolong the Trump/Russian farce which lasted over two years and $35 million in costs, just to find out it was just a hoax. Then she started an impeachment procedure over a telephone call that Trump had with the President of Ukraine. Another waste of time and money. Trump was finally acquitted in the Senate. In addition, even after Trump was in the process of leaving office, she initiated another impeachment with the same result as the previous one. Her behavior was one of an almost daily obstruction of the Trump Administration. She energized her fellow Democrats to harass and disrespect anything or everything that Trump wanted done or wanted to have passed. Her rude behavior culminated in the tearing up of Trump's speech before the Special Session of Congress at the State of the Union address in plain sight. Such boorish behavior was not condemned by her fellow Democrat members and their flunkys in the press. All during her tenure as Speaker, she never seemed to take control of her wayward members who, on quite a few occasions, brought disgrace and enmity to the halls of government. Members such as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley (the Squad), and Maxine Waters and Eric Swalwell, all professed radicals with socialist tendencies, and all who have been placed on sensitive committees in the House by Nancy Prlosi. It seems that she doesn't want to alienate any of those political bomb-throwers, as she aggressively campaigns to keep her speakership. Now we have her pushing a monstrosity of a bill through Congress with a price tag of around $5 trillion. If passed and signed by Biden, it would hasten the bankruptcy of the country, or come close to it. Nancy Pelosi's corruption is open for all who wants to see. The Democrats seem to have a blind spot when it comes to her. If the Republican's “fold like a cheap camera”, we all might “be going to hell in a hand basket”. We must not let this corrupt politician, Nancy Pelosi, prevail, so the mid-term elections of 2022 will be one of the most important elections of our time or our history. If Republicans can reclaim the majority from the Democrats in both the House and Senate, the Nancy Pelosi era will be placed on the scrap heap of history and the radical agenda of Sleepy Joe Biden will be side railed. Let's hope this occurs in 2022 with a lead up to the presidential election of 2024. Keep your fingers crossed and hope that common sense prevails. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann Through the years I have heard of the Dodo bird being extinct, until I did a fact check and found this notion to be false. I discovered that many Dodos still exist today in positions of influence and identify as democrats. They have brought their party to a new low, since the Civil War. The Democratic Party attracts felons, the intellectually challenged and people who count on being sustained through the toils of others to maintain their registry. By keeping the southern border porous, the Democrats can enhance their voter base with illegals, and then pack the SCOTUS to ultimately legalize them. If conservatives do not prevent us from being overrun by this massive influx of undesirability, they will suffer the consequence of the passenger pigeon.
Conservative Commentary by George Giftos Whenever a negative happening occurs where race is involved, the Democrats immediately trot out the canard that it is the policies of the “evil” Republicans (Conservatives) that was the cause of that unfortunate event concerning race. So is what the Democrats (Liberals or Progressives) say based on fact, or are they trying to cover up their own sad history of racism?
Some people have labeled the Democrats the “4 S Party”, which stands for SLAVERY, SECESSION, SEGREGATION, and SOCIALISM. How have they been able to “hoodwink” a sizable portion of the electorate (mainly minorities) that they are the one's who champion the minorities in this country when real facts disprove that claim. It was the Democrat Party who championed slavery before the Civil War. It was the Democrat Party who voted to secede from the Union. It was the Democrat Party who promoted segregation that lasted until the middle of the 1960's. And, it was the Democrat Party who have championed the economic theory of socialism, up until this present day. If it wasn't for the Republican Party, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution wouldn't have been passed after the Civil War. If it wasn't for the Republicans, Brown vs. Board of Education wouldn't have come about making separate but equal schools illegal. The Democrats were the one's who stood in the doorways preventing access to black students. And, the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act of 1964 and 1965 were passed mainly by the efforts of the Republicans whose members voted (80%) to pass these laws. Only 60% of the Democrats voted for these laws. In fact, it was the Democrats who tried to filibuster those acts in the U.S. Senate, led by the “lions” of the Democrat Party, like William Fulbright, Al Gore Sr., and Robert Byrd (a former KKK leader). You may wonder why, with that record of opposition to civil rights, most minorities still overwhelmingly vote for Democrats? It sort of boggles the rational mind. You could say that the modern day Democrats are the new “plantation owners” by making minorities dependent for their survival, wrongfully so, based on voting for Democrats to keep the “freebies” from the federal treasury coming. You could say that the minorities are voting against their own self-interest. Today, we have the phenomenon of the radical Marxist/Socialists who are prominently ensconced in academia, journalism, and Hollywood, who use their minority views in trying to make radical changes to our society. If you listen to the radical news outlets, CNN, NPR and MSNBC, along with the left-leaning N.Y. Times and Wash. Post, it seems that no matter what is the subject matter the term “racism” is injected in the dialogue, mainly out of thin air. Those radicals, especially in our schools, have put forth the racist theory of “Critical Race Theory” into the curriculum, whereby claiming that most all minorities cannot succeed in our society because of “white supremacy” or “white privilege”. Never do they mention all the progress that has been made over the years in leveling out the playing field for all our citizens including black, brown, yellow, white and red people. Look at all the minorities that hold public office all over our country, the CEO's of various large corporations, and the highly paid athletes and entertainment figures and tell them that that they couldn't succeed in our “racist” country. In addition, many of the aforementioned minorities from around the world are clamoring, both legally and illegally, to come to the United States. If our country was a “systemic racist” country, do you think they all would want to emigrate into our “racist” country? Lt. Col. Allen West, a prominent black leader and former Congressman, said the following, trying to explain the dichotomy of the hypocrisy of the Democrat party as they oppose “education choice” in the form of charter or voucher schools. Here's what he said, “Once upon a time, the Democrat Party stood outside the doors of higher education institutions denying access to blacks. Today's Democrat Party embraces policies that trap young blacks inside doors of failing public schools denying them access to better quality institutions of learning”. It seems that former President Obama was O.K. with sending his daughters to the prestigious private Sidwell Friends School, but he was against minority students in Wash. D.C. getting vouchers to use in better performing private and parochial schools, and, ironically, he lived in the White House ( which was public housing, ouch!). So who really are the real “racists” in our society? Could it be the sanctimonious Democrats and their flunky's in the news media? You make the call. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann |
August 2024
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