Chuck on the right side
Ever since Joe Biden started running for President, the word was out that Ole Joe Biden was not working with a “full deck”. Even years ago, when Joe was more translucent, and before his competence became a national issue, Joe Biden was known as a walking, talking gaffe machine. It has now gotten worse since he became President. His ardent followers will not admit that Joe has a problem, almost like “cult followers” that look upon their leader with awe and reverence, they will excuse his gaffes and malapropisms and blame it on the snarky Republicans. It's not only the Republicans that think that Ole Joe is a “few fries short of a Happy Meal”, but now one of the biggest Joe Biden supporters, the N.Y. Times, has said that “Joe Biden is Alarmingly Incoherent”. Are the Democrats and the main stream media starting to throw Joe Biden under the bus?
With the inflation rate the highest since 1982; the price of gas at the pump keeps averaging over $3.00 per gallon (when Trump left office the price of gas was $1.87); the price of food and other staple items are rising every week; and the world situation is getting edgier everyday; and the apologists for Biden are getting fewer and fewer. It seems whatever Joe touches, it seems to get worse. It seems “Murphy's Law” and Joe Biden are joined at the hip. It is quite evident that many of Biden's supporters are now having “buyers remorse”. It seems that they bought “lock, stock, and barrel” that Joe was going to be a calming influence after 4 years of turmoil during the Trump Administration, and his battles with the disgruntled Democrats and the “fake news” media. The incongruity of a candidate conducting a presidential campaign from his home basement bunker is almost too real to believe. Of course, Biden had a great deal of help in trying to make Trump a one-term president. The social media, Facebook, Twitter, the N.Y. Times, Washington Post, NPR, and other platforms, used their enormous information might in in making Joe Biden someone whom he was not. The hatred for Trump was very real. In addition, it just so happened that when the campaign began in earnest, the Chinese virus emerged which was a contributing influence on the outcome of the election results. It was a known fact that China would rather deal with Biden than with Trump. Trump put the screws on China with his punitive trade policies on Chinese imports, so it was quite convenient that a deadly virus just so happened to come into existence during the presidential campaign, which cast a big negative influence on the Trump campaign. Could it have been Chinese revenge? Getting back to Joe Biden's competence, it has been quite obvious to other leaders around the world that Biden is the antithesis of Trump. Many countries did not like Trump, but, more importantly, they did respect him, as he said what he meant and he meant what he said. Look around today to see what is happening that most likely wouldn't be happening if Trump was still president. China has become very belligerent toward Taiwan which implies that they want to bring Taiwan back into China; the Russians are massing forces on the border with Ukraine with minimal concern of the Biden Administration; the Iranians are nearing completion of a nuclear bomb while Biden tries to resurrect the awful Iranian Nuclear Deal that the Obama/Biden Administration negotiated with the instigation of that Iranian apologist, John Kerry. One can only hope that our antagonists will not carry out their evil intentions, but with a weak Biden at the helm, it looks bad for the Western Democracies. Joe Biden does not exude strong leadership, so the world situation most likely will get worse before it gets better. So yes, as much as I do not take the N.Y. Times seriously, I do believe them when they say that Joe Biden is “Alarmingly Incoherent”. Our only hope is to change the leadership and the majority in the House and Senate in 2022. It can't come soon enough. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann
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Not having any success in previous investigations, with Trump as the main figure, which were considered partisan hoaxes, the Democrats, and a couple of anti-Trumper Republicans, are embarking on another bogus investigation that seems to fall into the same category of its previous investigations against Trump.
The Jan. 6th riot aftermath (called an “insurrection” by the Democrats and their shills in the media) and its investigating committee, is being used as a “Kangaroo Court” in an effort to hurt the possibility of having Trump run again for president in 2024. It seems the Democrats can't get Trump out of their heads 24/7, even though he's been out of office for almost a year. Nobody condones the breech of the Capitol on Jan. 6th, but compared to the riots by ANTIFA and BLM in 2020, it was a mild riot by all standards of mayhem. Unfortunately, it was very convenient for the Democrats and the Trump haters to latch onto this event to try to discredit both Trump and the Republicans. The Capitol Police, under direction of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, are using this unfortunate event for totally partisan political purposes. It seems that the violent riots during the summer of 2020 were considered by the Democrats and the media merely as “peaceful protests”, with many deaths and a slew of injuries to both civilians and law enforcement personnel, and in addition, the multi-millions of dollars of property damage caused by the “peaceful protesters”. The “insurrection”, as the Democrats and media called the breech, was instigated by professional anarchist groups from both the left and right. Photos released at the riot showed some rioters wearing helmets, gas masks, and backpacks which real Trump rally protesters didn't have or wear, therefore, showing that it wasn't just the peaceful Trump rally protesters who were the prime instigators of the riot. Many were just innocent protesters caught up in the frenzy of the moment. There were no guns or bombs present at the breech, which if it was a true insurrection, those weapons would have been present and used. In fact, the only firearm used was used by a Capitol police officer who shot and killed an unarmed female protester climbing through a broken window. There were other false reports immediately following the breech of the Capitol. It was claimed that 5 people died as a result of the breech, but that was untrue. Three people died of natural causes outside the Capitol and a Capitol police officer died the next day from a stroke, after erroneously it was being claimed that he died after being attacked by a protester hitting him on the head with a fire extinguisher, along with the woman killed by the police officer. That report was a blatant lie pushed by the “fake news” media to make the riot seem more violent than it was. So, the “Jan. 6th Congressional Investigating Committee” seems to have been setup to bring disgrace upon upon former President Donald Trump. The committee, as appointed by Speaker Pelosi, is made up of all anti-Trumpers, including two RINO Republicans, Lynn Cheney and Adam Kinsinger, to give the appearance of being a bi-partisan investigation. This is why I say that the committee looks like a “Kangaroo Court”, like what was used in Nazi Germany, and today in Communist China. It seems that the never ending crusade against Trump by the Democrats is continuing, as the Democrats are fearful of Trump making another run for president in 2024. As President Biden's favorability rating continues to go into the dumper, and the Democrats being fearful of the electoral tsunami that looks like the Republicans will reap in the off-year election in 2022, they want to use Trump as the scapegoat and as a diversion for their failure to lead the country in a favorable way. Elections have consequences, so it is extremely important to rid the House and Senate of those who want to subvert our Constitution. You must vote REPUBLICAN to save our republic. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann The Democrats, whenever they propose to revise tax laws, always point to the high income earners as those who don't pay their “fair share” of taxes. Is that a correct assumption? Well, let's look at the tax revenues that are collected by the federal government. According to government statistics, the top 10% of taxpayers pay 70% of all income taxes collected. That doesn't mean that all wealthy people and corporations pay taxes. Some do avoid paying taxes due to tax loopholes passed by both Democrats and Republicans. That could be avoided if the Congress could pass a law making people and corporations, who make a profit, pay a minimum tax.
Well, Biden's “BBB” (Build Back Better) proposed legislation, if passed in the Senate and signed by the president, with its proposals to raise taxes, mainly on the successful and well-to-do, will that be the “straw that breaks the camels back” in our road to economic recovery from the “Chinese Virus” pandemic? As much as the media and the Democrats try to pooh-pooh the Trump agenda, the facts seem to back up what Trump did was positive, and what Biden has done since his inauguration has been negative. Immediately upon taking office, Biden, out of vindictiveness and hate, canceled most of Trump's executive orders, not because they weren't working, but because he hated Trump and wanted to erase Trump's legacy. A “fools errand” to say the least. Biden's claims that his “BBB” initiative wouldn't raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000. He actually claims that canard with a straight face. No matter how much he can tax the wealthy and corporations, he still wouldn't have enough revenue for his Marxist/Socialist proposals that are championed by avowed Socialist and Chairman of the House Budget Committee, Bernie Sanders. Now with a steady uptick in inflation (really a hidden tax on the poor and middle class), Biden and his fellow Democrats continue to say that the “BBB” spending programs will be fully paid for. You have to wonder if Biden and the Democrats think that some of us are stupid. I take that back, they don't just think it, they don't actually believe that some might be stupid, they think we all are stupid. Common sense tells a person that if you spend more money than you have (by printing and borrowing) you will generate an inflationary reaction, that we are presently facing now. If the “BBB” bill is passed, it will make the present inflation spiral worse than it is now. Why do the Democrats always seem to use their taxing power to push forward their Socialist agenda? It seems everything they want to fund is called an “investment”, when it really is a spending ploy to gain votes from the greedy public by giving “freebies” to attract the people who want something for nothing. So, when Biden and the Democrats try to shove down our throats their social justice spending programs and “Climate Change” programs (the Green New Deal), which most reputable economists claim are budget busters, and that by raising the taxes on the wealthy and corporations, to pay for their excess spending, it most likely will cause another recession. It is the vast middle class (which makes up approximately 80% of the population), that will be impacted the most, contrary to what the Biden Administration claims to be the case. One could conclude that the people in the Biden Administration are living in an alternate universe with their nonsensical economic policies. Unfortunately, most of the people in the inner circle of the Biden Administration are not from the business world, but from academia and the government bureaucracy. That 's the reason for some of the inane policies put forth by this incompetent administration. The off-year election of 2022 is one of the most important elections in our history, as a change in legislative leadership is needed to bring sanity back into our government. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann Suppose you were a business man/woman in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York etc., and your business was invaded by a “Smash and Grab” mob, would you continue in business or would you close or move on to more peaceful pastures? Some big companies, like Walgreen's and CVS, have already done just that.
What has caused this abomination of lawlessness? Most point the finger at local district attorney's who refuse to prosecute these miscreants, and clueless mayor's and governors. For example, in San Francisco, the law states that a person can steal merchandise with a value of $900 or less and not be prosecuted. What genius thought up that brainless statute? When you reward illegal behavior you get more illegal behavior. Many of these “lax on the law” district attorney's are the product of that anti-American, big Democrat donor, billionaire George Soros, who has bankrolled these “soft on crime” district attorney's around the country, mainly in Democrat ruled jurisdictions. These Soros funded public officials, have caused havoc and misery all across the country including some big cities like Chicago, St. Louis, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland. Many of these law breakers are giving us the “middle finger” as they go on their merry way, due to lax law enforcement, causing mayhem and havoc across the country. Look at some of the policies that these anti-law enforcement officials have put into effect that has caused this uptick in in crime. Many of the cities and towns that have experienced this lawless behavior, have policies of no bail or very low bail for perpetrators of crimes, some are even let go after being accused of violent crimes. Almost every day we read about a criminal who was let out of jail with little or no bail, and then, after being let out, went about committing another crime, some even committing murder. Why do we let this happen, as the people most affected are the law abiding citizens who become victims of these lax laws. One of the reasons why this lawlessness has taken place is the lack of publicity by some in the main stream media that have turned a blind-eye on the perpetrators of these crimes. As riots that occurred in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Seattle, Washington, Portland, Oregon, New York and Los Angeles etc., the media, to our chagrin, called many of these riots “peaceful protests”, as the cities and towns were burning down. Many of these supposed news channels, have branded these riots as anti-racism protests and have given a pass to the Marxist/Socialist groups, namely BLM and ANTIFA, who had caused millions of dollars of destruction, injuries to thousands of citizens and police and a mockery of law and order. The “fake news” channels of CNN and MSNBC were reporting that these protests (riots) were peaceful even as their reporter was standing in front of a burning building set on fire by a “peaceful” protesters. This, of course, had a tendency to give legitimacy to these violent “protests”. By claiming that some of these cities remind one of Caracas, Venezuela, unfortunately, it seems to have more poignancy as crime, disorder and violence mimic that of that once vibrant city of now Socialist Caracas, Venezuela. When will our government officials wise-up and stop this lawlessness so we can live our lives in peace and tranquility? To give legitimacy to these violent and destructive activities, some in the media and by some politicians, have used the term anti- racism as giving legitimacy to these riots. Just recently, that term “racism” was used in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, who was found not guilty of murder, even though all the participants were white. It just goes to prove that the left has ulterior motives in trying to undermine our democratic republic by agitating, to turn one group against another. I think the people have had enough of this pattern of foisting discord in the country, and will take it out at the ballot box in 2022. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann Anyone opposed to the verdict rendered at the Kyle Rittenhouse trial, in Kenosha, WI, has no idea what the trial was about and are either basing it politically, emotionally, or erroneously on racism. Like all riots rooted on the premise of a peaceful demonstration, the trial was not about the riot, but by occurrences transpiring within the riot.
Although the AR 15 rifle was not illegal for Kyle Rittenhouse to possess, I don't believe a 17 year old should have been walking around with it. This was not the reason for this trial. The outcome of the verdict was based on the evidence and what the eye saw; not innuendo to sway the bias narratives the media spread with untruths. Racism had no consideration or factor in this all white scenario. First of all, true demonstrations should not turn violent, which affirms violent people infiltrate them to do damage, which defeats their justifiable purpose. That's the reason why Joesph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber and Grige Grosskreutz were there. Not the case why 17 year old Kyle Rittenhouse's good intentions, but bad judgement, brought him there. The disgusting, dishonest mainstream and social medias, as well as our country's Chief Executive, Joe Biden, are sill referring to the three criminal culprits as victims and defaming the now 18 year old caught between their agendas, who naively thought he was trying to serve his community, by washing off the rioter's graffiti on a wall, offering first aid to hurt demonstrators and protecting a friend's business. Defending himself from a politically motivated prosecution team that had to be be excoriated several times by the presiding Judge, for unethical procedures and untruths, to save a case that should never have been brought to trial in the first place. There are no winners but ramifications, that will go on for years, as in the case after the Covington Catholic high School debacle, between a 16 year old student, Nick Sandman, wearing the red cap, "Make America Great Again", and protester Nathan Phillips. Defamation suits are still going on after million dollar settlements with the Washington Post and CNN in favor of Nick Sandman. It is estimated that Sandman got about $15 million in settlements. In order to restore respect for our system of justice, this same procedure should be followed and enhanced so that self interest entities will think twice before abusing our Constitution and using the oblivious gullible to advance programs that are harmful to our Republic. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos |
August 2024
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