Chuck on the right side
Much source for information originates from the main stream media sty, slinging mud and serving
fake slop to the public, hoping it will be devoured without question, even if it contains rot and poisons against the health of the nation; garnished with lies against President Donald Trump, claiming what they report is honest and informative, but in reality, it is designed to nourishes their agenda to destroy his administration. The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, the national mainstream alphabet broadcasters and locally, the Sun Sentinel are the denizens headquartered in that sty. The swamp in Washington can never be drained if the sty is not cleaned out of its present condition. Unless Congress desists devoting their time on investigations, obviously politically motivated, and focus their attention on what appears to be the sabotage of our First Amendment by zealots posing as journalists, our Constitution is in danger. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos
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Back in 1979, the late comedy actor, Peter Sellers, had a movie called “Being There” (look it up on Google), that featured a character named “Chauncey Gardiner” (an ordinary gardener for a rich person), and by some quirk of action, happenstance, or nature, he became a world-renowned pundit by saying nothing of substance. It was a clever performance by Sellers, but it reminds one of how Joe Biden communicates today as he runs for the office of president as a
Democrat. “Chauncey Gardiner”, being limited in the ways of the world, made vague comments that others, in high places, interpreted as insightful with hidden meanings, but in reality they were just musings of a semi-literate person. This charade went on as more and more people saw something in his empty words that others thought was earth shattering. Today, Sleepy Joe Biden, in his many verbal comments (many are called gaffes), seems to make unintelligible statements that his fellow Democrats and a fawning media seem to purposely overlook as they try to prop him up as a candidate that they think could beat President Trump at the polls in November. Sooner or later (maybe too late for the Democrats), I'm sure that the powers-to-be in the Democrat Party, will come to their senses and entertain the idea that they will need another candidate to face Trump in November. As we all know, as a person ages, he/she has a tendency to slow down both mentally and physically. Some show little decline, but some show obvious signs of decline. I put Joe Biden in that latter category. It's a shame that the people around him, his wife, his family, his handlers, and the heads of the Democrat Party, are letting him embarrass himself by letting him remain as a candidate. The way things are going, and according to the odds-makers in Las Vegas are concerned, it'll be a blowout for Trump in November if Biden is the Democrat candidate. So the lessons learned from that Peter Sellers movie, “Being There”, and its featured character, “Chauncey Gardiner”, can be applied to the candidacy of Joe Biden. Nobody, whether a Democrat or Republican, want to see someone embarrass himself in his senior years. Unfortunately, we are seeing a personal disaster in the making as Joe Biden continues on in his quest to become president. By the Democrats having a candidate like Joe Biden facing off against President Trump, it will be a gift from heaven for the Republicans. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Remember during the confirmation hearing for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the Democrats and the news media were sure that Judge Kavanaugh was a sexual abuser and that he should not be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice. He was accused, tried, and convicted for no other reason than he was a judge with conservative views. Fast track to today. A woman aide to then Senator Joe Biden, has accused him of improper touching her against her will in 1993. Her accusations have been relegated to the back pages of the newspapers and barely a mention is made in the broadcast media of her lawsuit against Biden. It's almost like it never really happened and that Joe Biden is innocent of all charges.
Justice Kavanaugh was considered a pariah, as his detractors believed the woman professor accuser hook, line, and sinker. In fact, some militant feminists said that any woman making a claim of sexual abuse by a man should be believed at all times. (Ex. Senator Mazie Hirono (D-HI). So now that Joe Biden has been accused of sexual abuse, the Democrats and the media are not so anxious to believe his accuser about the sexual abuse she claimed she was subjected to by Joe Biden. This is a typical case of a double-standard, as according to your political status, if the charges are against a Republican he must be guilty, but if the charges are against a Democrat, he must be innocent. I don't know whether the accusations against Joe Biden are valid, but I didn't know whether the charges of Kavanaugh were valid either until the facts came out and the accuser of Kavanaugh couldn't keep her story straight and the witnesses she provided didn't back up her story. It came out in the end that Judge Kavanaugh was not guilty as charged, but his reputation was sullied forever by the zealous attack against him by the Democrats and the news media. Even as the facts cleared Judge Kavanugh, the Democrats voted en masse to reject his nomination to the Supreme Court. What a disgrace. Joe Biden has a long history of being overly aggressive in kissing, hugging, and fondling females of all ages. The news media considered his actions as being just a habit of “Uncle Joe” trying to be friendly, but many of the females said his actions made them feel very uncomfortable and uneasy. Now, that he has been accused of a more serious action (as a continuation of his touchy-feely “modus operandi”), the excuses by his supporters has been coming fast and furious. Where are the “#Me Too” female activists when Biden's accuser comes forth, and why don't they believe her? To any sane observer, this is a case of blatant selective amnesia based on political considerations instead of professed moral precepts that since it is a Democrat, the charges must not be taken seriously. As our headline stated, if the Democrats and the news media didn't have double-standards, they wouldn't have any standards at all. This is a textbook case of that adage. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Now that Sleepy Joe Biden has become the eventual Democrat Party candidate for president (at least at this time), they've started a “full court press” in trying to make Ole Joe someone that he is not – a viable candidate and a future president. No matter how hard they try, with the help of a fawning media, as the old saying goes, they just can't polish horse manure.
Do the powers-to-be in the Democrat Party really think that Joe Biden is up to the job of being president? I'm sure many realize from his recent performances, that there is something wrong with him, something like a cognitive deficiency? Can you believe that after the Democrats had 24 candidates starting out running for president, that only Joe Biden survived as the eventual candidate? It shows that the caliber of the others must've been really lacking in gravitas to come down to having Joe Biden lead the ticket, and as the odds makers in Las Vegas have determined, he will be the party's big loser come November. Does anybody, including the Democrats with common sense, think that if Sleepy Joe wins the election (by some sort of a fluke), that he would be able to survive 4 years in office? Will his condition improve over those 4 years, or would he have to step down and be replaced by his vice-president? It will be interesting if and when he will have to debate President Trump, who has shown that he can stand up to a hostile press and answer questions for over an hour at a time, whether Biden will be able to string together meaningful sentences and ideas as they come up during a debate situation. Biden today has difficulty even reading from a tele-prompter, no less speaking off the cuff. I predict, if those debates occur, Joe Biden will embarrass himself. The Democrat establishment must realize, even though Obama, Sanders, and Warren have endorsed Biden, that they have a “lemon” on their hands running for president. It is quite probable that if Biden runs, the Democrats will not gain the majority in either the House or Senate along with losing the White House. It is not beyond the realm of possibility, that the Democrat elites will try to ease out Biden for some reason, like a physical disability, before the Democrat convention in August. The Democrats sole purpose in life is to make President Trump a one-term president, and they will do anything, legal or not, to achieve that goal. The Democrats, along with Biden's pledge to nominate a woman, will try to soften up the negatives about Biden with a woman on the ticket, preferably a woman of color in order to keep the blacks in the Democrat column and to appease the “Progressive” wing of the party represented by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib, all Marxist/Socialists and anti-Semites. As I said in my headline, no matter how hard the Democrats try, they still can't polish horse manure. It'll be Trump in a landslide. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Where's Joe Biden? That's the question going around in most political circles. We realize that during this Corona virus epidemic, it is difficult to get any attention on T.V. or in the press, but in the few instances where Joe Biden has tried to give out a message, he has totally “bombed” out with a jumbled, mumbled, and garbled message. It is actually pitiful to watch a man that looks like he is in the throes of a cognitive decline. When will some compassionate individual close to him tell him that he should “pack it in” and go quietly into retirement? His PhD. wife should be able see that his mannerisms and demeanor are not up to speed, and any sane unbiased person can see that his mental decline is quite obvious.
The Democrats and their fawning media don't want to admit that Joe Biden is having “mental moments”. He has been touted, for the past year, as the one person who could beat President Trump in the presidential election. The closer the election gets, the more the Democrat establishment has reservations about Biden's ability to bring the presidency back to the Democrat fold. The hatred toward President Trump must have clouded the minds of the Democrats and the mainstream media as they keep on making excuses and by overlooking the obvious mental decline of Joe Biden. I think it is only a matter of time, before the Democrat convention in August, that the powers-to-be in the Democrat Party will try to get a viable substitute candidate to run against President Trump. The COVID-19 virus, that is ravaging our country, has put the Democrat Party behind the 8-Ball as the daily public reports by the president, Vice-president, and his team of medical experts and scientists, have monopolized the airwaves. Most people have given them high marks for their transparency and worthwhile information. In fact, the Gallup poll has given President Trump an approval rating of over 60%. This high approval rating has driven the Democrats crazy along with the “fake news” media, that is why CNN and MSNBC have curtailed their airing of Trump's daily news conferences. As usual, politics takes precedence over what's right for the American people. This Chinese instituted virus, is not a Democrat or Republican disease, it is a human disease that should bring people of good faith together to fight it, rather than driving people apart. If Joe Biden wants to be president, (the Las Vegas odds makers say that Trump will be a shoo-in), he must emerge from hiding to address the policies he would pursue as president, but then again, the gaffe-prone Biden will have a problem in trying to show the voters that he is presidential material. C'mon Joe, emerge from your bunker and the witness protection program, and talk to the citizens of the country, if your political handlers will let you. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann That seems to be the “modus operandi” of that disgraced House committee chairman, Adam Schiff. Since after three years and “two bites of the apple” in trying to impeach President Trump, which failed, he now states that he wants to investigate President Trump for his handling of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. Where has his common sense gone? Here we are up to our eyeballs in a very dangerous health crisis, not of our own making, and this loony liberal wants to investigate the main person leading the charge in trying to mitigate the awful consequences of this very dangerous virus epidemic in our country.
Schiff's actions show how deep the anger, the frustration, and downright viciousness that President Trump's enemies use against him. From all reports, even from Democrat governors, who generally oppose him, Trump is doing an outstanding job with his team of expert doctors and scientists. For the past few weeks, as this whole scenario has been enfolding, he has been holding daily press sessions alerting and informing the citizens what is going on. Instead of praising his efforts to be open and transparent, he is ridiculed and trashed by many of the Democrats and their lackey's in the news media. No matter what he says or does, he is condemned irrationally by his political enemies. Imagine, a vicious virus that emanated from Communist China, is now being used as a bludgeon against President Trump for no other reason than his opponents viscerally hate him. The “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is alive and well in Washington D.C. and in the press rooms at the major national and local newspapers, along with the cable and broadcast networks and their “fake news” columnists and reporters. The nerve of the Democrats, as they “Monday morning quarterback” him about his handling of the crisis, it is pathetic to say the least. It was a prescient President Trump who put a ban on Chinese nationals coming into our country the end of January (he was vilified by his enemies as being a racist, a bigot, and a xenophobe for doing that). Even Dr. Anthony Fauci, the eminent virologist and a member of Trump's virus team, said that that decision by Trump saved many thousands of lives. Still no praise by Trump's enemies. And, pray tell, what were the Democrats doing at this crucial time? Yes, they were using all their time and efforts in trying to impeach President Trump. What a waste of time and effort by the same people who are now trashing the president for his handling of the COVID-19 crisis. In addition, Trump even put a ban on travel by Europeans a couple of weeks later after reports of serious outbreaks in Italy and Spain and in some other countries in Europe. They even criticized him for that. As to what I said before, no matter what actions or policies that the president comes up with, he can do no right in the eyes of his enemies. Is that the best attitude, during these trying times, we can do? This is not a Republican or Democrat crisis, this is a human crisis that requires all of us to get behind our leaders to beat this dreadful epidemic. May God bless the United States and its leaders as we the fight this cruel disease. Adam Schiff should be ashamed of himself in trying to undermine our president for purely partisan motives, but then again, from past experience with this less than truthful politician, he really has no shame to give. The adage, “If at first you don't succeed, try, try again” really does apply him as he tries to get he “third bite of the apple” in the Trump impeachment saga. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann In fighting the consequences COVID-19 has had on our economy effecting nearly every facet of our existence, Congress has been put to the task of finding a solution, to stop it in it's tracks, but as usual they again are taking advantage of a crisis to further political advantage for their side.
The Pelosi/Schumer families of con artists have been slipping pet projects into the emergency rescue project, diverting millions that deprive those in real need of more efficient funding, adding over a thousand pages into a bill meant to alleviate the danger of total chaos, having no connection to it. It take additional days or even weeks of deliberating debate and bargaining, ending up screwing the public to enhance their careers. Enough! I suggest during times of crisis, any bill offered on the floor of Congress, should stand alone, and referred to as a mono bill; but alas, it will never happen, because it has to be passed by Congress, putting us back to square one. Drifting off topic, is there a provision in the 2020 census to count idiots? And while science is busy trying to find a formula to wipe out the coronavirus, will it deter them from working on one, to cure those idiots contaminated with the 'Hate Trump disease'? Conservative Commentary by George Giftos |
August 2024
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