Chuck on the right side
Since the 1990's, and through the Obama Administration, and now in the Biden Administration, we've had a movement in the United States that wants to “transform” our country into something that our Founding Fathers never had in mind when they authored the U.S. Constitution. It seems these radical reformers want us to become the “United States of Europe” because, they claim, that our American capitalist system is “repressive”, “unfair to the masses”, “racist”, and “exploits the poor people”. They never seem to mention any other country who has tried the alternative, Marxism/Socialism, to let us know how successful those other countries turned out. Maybe it's because they can't list any countries that have succeeded under Marxism/Socialism?
With the election of Joe Biden, the impetus to “transform” our country has taken a turn for the worse. I use the term “worse”, as the economic system these radicals are championing, Socialism, has been tried over and over again and the results were all the same – FAILURE. Some examples of the evils of Socialism can be found in the old U.S.S.R, China, Cuba and recently the once prosperous country of Venezuela, all who have embraced Marxism/Socialism, and all are totalitarian countries. Surprisingly, Socialism (a/k/a Marxism) has found adherents in our country (mainly in the 27 to 40 age group – the Millennial's) which can be attributed to the influence of our teachers and professors in our schools and colleges, whose leftist mindsets predominate throughout academia. One of the late radical Saul Alinsky's rules, in his book titled “Rules for Radicals”, is that to institute change in a society you must get students “with heads full of mush”, to believe that our present system, founded by our Founding Fathers, must be “transformed”. Within the recent past, two radical ideas have been introduced into our educational system, namely, “The 1619 Project” and “Critical Race Theory”. Both of these ideas have drawn fire because of the historical misinformation contained in their ideas, and which they have been quietly introduced in the curriculum's of our schools and colleges. Just recently, historians and parents have challenged the academic institutions to stop this form of indoctrination in their classrooms, especially in our public schools and colleges because they are mainly taxpayer funded. Also, the private schools and colleges have also drawn criticism for their attempts at indoctrination of their students. On the political level, the Democrat Party has had a sizable number of members who favor the “transforming” of our country. It seems this radical group within the Democrat Party, namely, Bernie Sanders and the Squad (Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Ayanna Pressley, and newcomer Cori Bush), have had a great deal of influence on the policies enunciated by Joe Biden and the Congressional leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Proposals emanating from the Congress include many items that could be considered Socialist oriented. Since the pandemic, which has wreaked havoc upon the world, we have spent and have proposed to spend over $6 trillion. If passed by the Democrats, in control of the government, this excessive spending will come back to haunt our country in the future. Could bankruptcy be in our country's future? Other items on the radicals' agenda are, getting rid of the “Electoral College”, packing the Supreme Court, instituting a ban on fossil fuel energy to be replaced by a “Green New Deal”, using insufficient renewable energy to power our economy in the form of wind, solar, and other forms of unreliable sources of energy. This “transformation”, if adopted would be the death knell of our country as we know it. It would be unthinkable if we let these radicals succeed in their destruction of our great country. Elections have consequences, as the election of Joe Biden has shown us. We must start our opposition by getting rid of the cancer of radical liberalism by voting out those who want to “transform” our country, in the off-year election of 2022, otherwise we might become another Cuba or Venezuela in our own hemisphere. May God help save the United States. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann
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Have you noticed that the Democrat left has pivoted away from praising a non-praising event like the disastrous Afghan withdrawal, and have now jumped onto the destruction that Hurricane Ida has caused, touting that their bogeyman “Climate Change” is the major threat facing us? In their biased eyes if it's too cold in winter, it's climate change; if it's too hot in summer, it's climate change; if it's a hurricane, it's climate change; and if we have forest fires, it's climate change. To them it's a one-size fits all – everything negative in the world, is caused by climate change.
Let's take the latest hysteria emanating from the Democrat left – Hurricane Ida was caused by the Republicans because they generally are against the liberals cry of eminent disaster due to climate change. Do these leftist Democrats (which includes most of the party with only few exceptions) really think that Hurricane Ida was caused by man-made climate change? Let's look at the number of hurricanes from the year 1851 to the recent present. Fact # 1 - between 1851 to 1860 – we had 19 hurricanes, 6 were major hurricanes (category 3 and 4). Fact # 2 – between 1991 to 2004 – we had 14 hurricanes, 5 were major hurricanes. (similar figures up till today) Conclusion: If carbon dioxide causes global warming (a/k/a climate change) because of humans using fossil fuels and riding around in gas-guzzling SUV's, that supposedly caused a change in the climate by the use of those “evil items”, then what was the cause of those hurricanes between 1851 and 1860? Please, don't try to gaslight me and say fossil fuel consumption and SUV's. But, according to the Democrats, any kind of catastrophe should not go to waste as a political tool to advance their agenda. And so it is with Hurricane Ida. Imagine using the plight of the thousands of victims of Hurricane Ida for the purpose of partisan political gain? Shame on the part of the leftist Democrats for their outrageous behavior, but it is par for the course. Does any right thinking person (no pun intended) really think we humans can control or change Mother Nature? Will we, by using renewable energy, driving electric vehicles, and becoming vegetarians etc., really have an effect on the climate and Mother Nature? If yes, then I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like to sell you. Joe Biden is nothing more than a presidential puppet whose strings are being pulled by leftist ideologues such as, Bernie Sanders (an avowed socialist), the Squad, and those two phony legislative leaders, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Are they really looking out for you or are they really just looking to gain political power for themselves and the hell with the rest of us? Everything they seem to do is geared towards political gain and not for the good of the country as a whole. Their socialist oriented proposals, which haven't worked anywhere else in the world, are being shoved down out throats because they have control of the legislative and executive branches of government. They are rushing their agenda and proposals as they fear their hold of the legislative branch will be ended in the off-year election of 2022. That's the reason for expediting the passage of their monstrous leftist spending bills being pushed by the Democrats, Joe Bide, and a handful of RINOS. With Biden's disastrous pullout of Afghanistan and the resulting backlash from the citizenry, Democrats are using Hurricane Ida and the threat of climate change as a diversionary tactic to take the public's mind off the Afghan mess. Let's hope that Americans don't fall for the leftist Democrats' “snake oil”, and in 2022 use their vote to throw the rascals out and bring some sanity back into our great country. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann After 7 plus months in office, the Biden Administration is proving what Donald Trump and the Republicans said would happen, during the run up to the election, if Biden was elected. From the deteriorating conditions in Afghanistan, to the crisis at our Southern border, to the up tick in inflation, and the misinformation given out by the feckless politicians surrounding Biden, it seems that to our enemies, Biden is the gift that keeps on giving.
During the campaign, Biden continually proclaimed that he was going to be a bi-partisan president who was going to bring back sanity in our country. What happened to his rhetoric once he was sworn in? Well, he has done just the opposite. No give and take, only one partisan proposal after another, without any meaningful input by the Republicans being considered. Biden and the Democrats have proposed to spend money we don't have to try to entice voters to vote for them in the future. Over $6 trillion of mostly partisan “pork” and a radical liberal progressive “wish list”, are being pushed by Biden and his lackey's in the Congress. You wonder where the common sense and loyalty to country is in Biden's Administration? All indications point to a serious mental decline on the part of Biden, and that his handlers, Susan Rice and Ron Klain, are the one's that are really running the show at the White House. They print the words that Biden reads off the teleprompter, and they restrict most chances for him to interchange with the press (even a fawning press corps) after each one of his talks. Remember a few years ago, Robert Gates, the former Defense Secretary under the Obama/Biden administration, once stated that “Biden has been wrong on mostly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades”. Recently, when asked if he still felt that way, he said; “I stand by that statement”. From the dire situation that Biden caused by his ill thought out pre-emptive pull out of our military, before all our citizens and Afghan aides were removed to prevent a blood bath by the Taliban once they took over, Biden has once again proved the assessment of Gates' statement was spot on. In addition, look what is happening at our Southern border as hordes of illegal aliens have been poring across our border, while Biden and his team have turned a blind eye as to the havoc this out-of-control situation has caused along the border towns and cities across the country as the illegals are being sent to, without local input or permission. He doesn't seem to see the ramifications of his laissez-faire policy that has caused what his ill-advised policy is doing to our country. All he had to do to keep order was to keep Trump's policy intact. Buy no, hatred of Trump trumped common sense. One has to wonder how much chaos will the American put up with with a mentally deficient president running the show? Will they try to get rid of him knowing that elevating an even worse inept politician, Vice-President Harris, to the presidency might even be worse than Biden. It is a “Hopsons Choice” . Yes, to our enemies, Biden is a gift that keeps on giving much to our chagrin, that's why the off-year election of 2022 is so important to put in a roadblock in trying to control the insane policies of Biden and his administration. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann |
August 2024
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