Chuck on the right side
I realize politicians brag, obfuscate, embellish their rhetoric with faulty conclusions, but it works both ways. To listen to the Democrats, Trump has lied over 3,000 times in 4 years (where's the poor guy they chose to sit and write down all those lies?). That figure is just one of many that the Democrats and Biden/Harris have pulled out from their butts in trying to demean and discredit our President.
Since this year's presidential campaign started, the Democrats and Biden/Harris have run ads and made statements that are patently false (in other words, lies), but the “fake news media” doesn't report their “faux pas” like they would if President Trump made such falsehoods. Here's a list of some of the lies that the Democrat candidates have made recently. #1 – They claim that President Trump has called the CORVID#19 virus a hoax. The very liberal Biden supporting Washington Post gave Biden's campaign “4 Pinocchio's”. #2 – They claim that the Trump campaign doesn't have a plan for confronting the Corona virus. Wasn't it President Trump who set up, with V-P Pence in charge, the Virus Task Force? Wasn't it the President who banned travel from China at the end of January, thereby mitigating the number of infected individuals into the country, and of which Dr. Fauci said saved many thousands of lives, and also his ban on individuals coming in from Europe? Also, wasn't it President Trump who initiated “Operation Warp Speed” urging drug companies to come up with a vaccine before the end of the year? #3 – Kamala Harris said that Trump only paid $750 in federal taxes in 2017, according to the anti-Trump N.Y. Times, but she forgot to mention that Trump paid millions in payroll, property and other taxes along with state and local taxes. This was an anti-Trump hit piece by the biased N.Y. Times. #4 – They claim that Trump hasn't proposed an infrastructure plan, but forgot to mention that he proposed a plan to Congress 2 years ago, but that the Congress, under Speaker Pelosi, hasn't acted on it. #5 – They claim that the Trump tax cuts only helped the top 1% of tax payers. In fact, the tax cuts helped Americans at every income level. The average family of 4 saved over $2,000. #6 – The Biden/Harris team claimed they will only raise taxes on people making over $400,000. However, Biden has said that he would eliminate all of the Trump tax cuts, which means all who gained from Trump's tax cuts will ultimately pay more taxes, as rates will increase. #7 – Biden/Harris claim that they will not ban “fracking”, but both were on record during the Democrat primary stating they would ban fracking, and in addition, ban all fossil fuels by 2035. They change their views when they want to appeal to voters in areas where fracking is taking place, such as Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, N. Dakota etc. They must think people in those states are stupid and would fall for their double-speak. #8 – They claim that Biden was responsible for the Recovery Act (after the recession of 2008) that supposedly brought the country back from the Great Recession. In fact, Biden oversaw the slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression. The shovel ready jobs they claim weren't really shovel ready at all. #9 – They claim that Trump is responsible for the economic downturn since the beginning of the year, but no mention is made of China who unleashed the virus, which caused the economic catastrophe, resulting in the downturn. The recovery is well underway, as of now, and Trump claims he will bring back the economy like it was before the pandemic hit us. #10 – They claim after reading an anonymous article in the Atlantic Magazine that Trump called our fallen soldiers “suckers and losers” while on a trip to Europe. At least 14 individuals, who were on that trip, have gone on the record to refute those anonymous sources and the allegations made. Even a Trump critic, John Bolton, who was on that trip, said he never heard the President make those comments. The list could go on and on, but I'm sure you get the picture. His critics parse or twist his every word or action, in order to make him look bad in the eyes of the voting public. In the eyes of the Democrats and their lackey's in the media, Trump can do no right, he can only do wrongs. The media is over 90% negative toward Trump and the Republicans, which proves that they will not hold the lying Democrat candidates feet to the fire strictly because they hate Trump so much. So, when the Democrats accuse Trump of being a serial liar, they should look in the mirror to see who the real liars are. As the old saying goes, “People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones”. Both Biden/Harris deserve the designation of “4 Pinocchio's”. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann
1 Comment
If what you saw at the Vice-President debate, between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris, makes you feel exhilarated by Mike Pence's performance, just think if the Biden/Harris ticket wins, there's a good chance that she will become the president in the future.
Most observers know that she was outclassed by Vice-President Mike Pence in most all topics asked of them. Her phony smile and faux outrage was in full display as she struggled to answer and not answer the questions asked. It was quite obvious that SHE IS NOT PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL. The Democrat primary voters were correct in not choosing her as their candidate where she accumulated about 2% of all the votes cast during the primary. When confronted with comments that she and her running mate have made in the past, she couldn't or wouldn't explain their flip-flops. An example was when she was asked about whether she supported “packing the Supreme Court”, the same question that was asked of Biden the previous week, she refused to answer a simple “YES” or “NO” question. Their silence or non-answer means that they are in favor, otherwise they would've said NO. The reason the Democrats want to expand the number of justices is strictly for political reasons and not for judicial prudence. It was quite obvious that Kamala Harris is lacking in political acumen, especially in the areas of foreign policy and economic knowledge matters. She, as an example, wouldn't place the blame on China for unleashing a viral pandemic on us and the rest of the world, probably because of the cozy relationship that her running mate has had with the Chinese government. An example is Biden's son, Hunter, having a large financial relationship still with the communist government. Since Joe Biden is 78 years old and has noticeable cognitive problems, it is obvious that a vice-president should be capable of taking over as president. So, a vote for Biden/Harris is a vote for a possible vice-president taking over the reins of government sometimes in the near future. Remember, Biden and Harris both have championed a “progressive” agenda proposed by Bernie Sanders. Those proposals are: a Green New Deal; a government mandated minimum wage; open borders and free college tuition and healthcare for illegal aliens; free college tuition and paying off student debt; rescinding the Trump tax cuts for all, not just for the top 1%; favoring abortion up to the time of breech of the baby and continued subsidizing of Planned Parenthood; stopping the construction of the southern border wall; directing funds away from law enforcement; approval of “Sanctuary Cities”, and other far-left proposals that was part of the Bernie Sanders “Manifesto” that Joe Biden agreed to. By agreeing to those proposals, it put to rest the idea that Joe Biden is a moderate candidate, ditto for his vice-president. So, when a voter is ready to cast his/her vote, they must take into consideration who they are really voting for – the president or the vice-president. Kamala Harris, if the Biden/Harris ticket prevails, would be a heart beat away from being President. That should concern any rational citizen. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann The Democrats and the “Fake News Media” since before President Trump took office and thereafter, have been ridiculing Trump's slogan of “Make America Great Again”, but really they should have been ridiculing the proposed 'slogan' of the Biden/Harris campaign, “Make America Fail Again”.
For the past three years of the Trump Administration (before the Chinese Pandemic hit us and the world), the United States economy was flying high, beating all parameters of the Obama Administration. But, the Democrats and their flunky's in the media, kept proclaiming that Trump's economy was just a continuation of the “great” Obama economy. Was that true? Let's take a look at the facts. The 8 years of the Obama Administration never had an annual GDP over 2% (the 8 year average Obama's GDP was 1.7%). It was considered to be the worst economic recovery since after the Second World War. When Trump took over, he got passed the biggest tax cut in our nation's history, which benefited all citizens, not just the wealthy as the Democrats are constantly proclaiming. The average middle-class family of 4 averaged around $2500 in tax savings (Biden wants to cancel the Trump tax cuts). In addition, Trump got rid of the onerous regulations and restrictions that Obama put in place. The result of which produced a vibrant economy and a big jump in the stock market that reached all-time highs. Trump did this with practically no help from the Democrats, who were mostly interested in impeaching Trump and driving him from office with phony hoaxes and made up Russian collusion charges, of which the Mueller probe found there was no collusion or obstruction of justice. Joe Biden has had 47 years of “sucking on the teat of Uncle Sam” that produced nothing of value. All during his time in public service, he and his family became multi-millionaires. How did that occur? Could it have been he used his positions in government to enhance he and his families economic well-being? Now that he is running for president, he has allied with Comrade Bernie Sanders, an avowed Socialist, to produce a far-left “manifesto” which, if carried out, would undermine our democratic republic and our Constitution. He has come out in favor of the “Green New Deal” and the elimination of all fossil fuels by the year 2035. He has promoted a government mandated minimum wage which would actually kill the jobs of thousands of workers which he says he is trying to help. He wants to legalize most all illegal aliens and give them free healthcare and free college. He supports “Sanctuary Cities” and is in favor of redirecting funds from law enforcement to wasteful social programs. He and his running mate, Kamala Harris, have refused to say whether or not they favor “stacking the Supreme Court”. By refusing to say “YES” or “NO”, they tacitly agree with that proposal that was being pushed by both Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Schumer. They also will not comment on whether they would get rid of the filibuster rule in the Senate or of adding the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico as states, thereby giving the Democrats 4 more senators which would almost guarantee Democrat control of the Senate in perpetuity. Can you imagine what our country would look like if the Democrats controlled the White House and the legislature? The people who are supporting the Democrats and the Biden/Harris ticket would be actually “cutting off their noses to spite their faces”, as the old saying goes. So, the real motto of the Biden/Harris ticket really fits what they propose to do to our country as they do really propose to “Make America Fail Again”. Wake up America and do the right thing – vote to re-elect Trump/Pence to save our country from disaster. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann In order to deflect from the violent, illegal, destructive activities of ANTIFA and BLM, the Democrats and the “fake news media” are putting forth the notion that the main problem facing the United States is the “Proud Boys”. They claim that the “Proud Boys” are a far-right group that is a threat to our country. What have they done to warrant that designation as a domestic terrorist organization? Are they burning, pillaging, attacking police and occupying parts of certain towns and cities like the far-left groups, ANTIFA and BLM?
The detractors of the “Proud Boys” are the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center – a far-left organization who compiles a list of all groups it considers “hate” groups, on that list are Right-to-Life groups, the Family Research Council, etc. and they do list some far-left groups, but their main thrust is against conservative groups), and the main stream media which supports the Democrat Party on most issues and could be called the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party. Over the last couple of years I have seen no members of the “Proud Boys” doing violent things, like burning buildings, attacking the police, disrupting rallies and speakers in public, and taking over and occupying some towns and cities, as have the far-left anarchist groups mentioned above. The only incidents, that I can gather from my research, is that the Proud Boys” have participated in confrontations against the radical domestic groups ANTIFA and BLM. If that is the extent of their activities along with their support of President Trump, should they be labeled as radical domestic terrorists? Chris Wallace, at the first presidential debate, only gave Trump a gotcha question about the “Proud Boys” while avoiding asking Biden about ANTIFA and BLM. Could that be classified as a political ambush by an anti- Trump Democrat moderator? The lies in the media are very obvious that anyone or any group that supports Trump must be out of the mainstream and must be labeled an extremist group. It's like the Democrats and the media have their blinders on as ANTIFA and BLM are being given a pass and are praised, while the “Proud Boys get labeled a far-right militant group. From what I understand, the “Proud Boys” are an extension of the 2009/2010 “Tea Party”. The “Tea Party” was a loosely knit conservative group that organized protests against President Obama and his desire to implement a government sponsored health care plan. Their rallies were peaceful and generated a large following which resulted in the House of Representatives becoming Republican after almost 40 years of Democrat control. The “Tea Party” was also labeled a far-right “hate” group. If there are a few “crazies” in the ranks of the “Proud Boys”, should that result in condemning the whole organization? The real violent, disruptive groups are ANTIFA and BLM, not the “Proud Boys” or other groups that differ in views and philosophy from the liberal, progressive orthodoxy. If the “Proud Boys” act up like ANTIFA and BLM, then they should be condemned and vilified. Meanwhile, get your priorities straight and call a spade a spade. Condemn the groups that cause mayhem and havoc, not the people who support conservative views and who support President Trump. Never in my life have I seen such an organized effort to undermine our democratic republic which our founding fathers gave to us over 230 years ago. It has got to stop if we are to survive as a nation. Conservative Commentary by Chuck Lehmann A white male traditional Christian who believes in the letter of the law, law and order and the Ten Commandments, is labeled privileged by groups of protesters defending a lifestyle contrary to Judeo Christian values. These groups fly under the Democrat's umbrella, unrestricted in their methods of protest, because their aim is not to correct an injustice, but to create a system contrary to our democracy. We fought wars and shed blood defending it against tyrants and communism. We are now facing danger from within, against an old Marxist from Vermont with a following of four females referred to as, The Squad, who are spearheading the movement beyond socialism and into an eddy of doom.
They are advancing without firing a shot due to complacency of the people who can deter them. The new breed of Democrats are in the business of manufacturing martyrs for false empathy, bolstered by mainstream media sources, taking consideration of immortalizations by them, of George Floyd, Jacob Blake and other felons, and now Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Black Lives Matter is a Marxist invention of a spider web, to entrap anyone who dares to question their intent, to numb their First Amendment rights, by stinging them with verbal venom. Ruth Bader Ginsburg was a competent Supreme Court Justice on the liberal side, reflected on many of her rulings benefitting some, not all. Her accomplishments have been respectfully acknowledged in bipartisan tribute, though she was no Mother Teresa who worked for the masses. Although her death was not due to suspicious circumstance, the Democrats are planning to immortalize her by riots and scourging the earth with violence, no matter when or how or who will be her replacement. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos Those words are bandied about willy-nilly by mostly liberals (a/k/a Progressives) generally describing their political opponents. First off, what is the definition of a bigot? It is defined as: “A person who has strong, unreasonable ideas, especially about race or religion, and who thinks anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong”. That same definition can be used for the terms racist and Fascist as well.
So, if you disagree with or express a negative opinion of another person or group, you become a prime target for being labeled a “bigot”, a “racist”, or a “Fascist”, especially if you are a Republican or a Conservative. The term “bigot”, along with “racist” and “Fascist”, are being used by liberals to alter the dialogue when a clash of ideas and opinions are debated. That is the “modus operandi” of the far-left today, when they can't argue the facts and back up their positions on the issues, especially when the debate pertains to race or religion. Even today, with no proof whatsoever, President Trump is frequently called a “racist”, a “bigot”, or a ”Fascist” by the liberal left and Democrat candidate, Joe Biden. Their hatred knows no bounds. Some loony Democrats, like Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Ca.), have been calling for President Trump's impeachment, simply because he's a Republican and they personally don't like him. Recently, Joe Biden, in a desperate move, accused President Trump of being like Nazi propaganda official, Joseph Goebbels. Is this the type of political assault that Democrats are going to use to win votes in the upcoming election? I guess you could say there are no fools like old fools, and those Democrats fit this description. One of the biggest practitioners of this labeling was none other than our former “Liar in Chief”, Barack Hussein Obama. In his many comments about race and religion during his 8 years in office, he blamed others, mostly Republicans or Conservatives, of engaging in hate speech because they protested the actions of certain groups relating to race and Islam. It seemed, no matter what the situation was, when it came to race or Islam, he always took the side of blacks (or other minorities) and the Muslims (to the exclusion of all other religions). Pres. Obama was supposed to be a “uniter” not a “divider” when he first ran for office. Well, how did that work out? We are now more divided, as a nation than ever before, thanks to the policies and rhetoric of Pres. Obama, and the racial “bomb throwers” like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the Congressional Black Caucus etc. The designation of the terms “bigot”, “racist” and “Fascist”, are becoming so hackneyed today that it is like the boy who cried “wolf” too often; after a while, he wasn't taken seriously when a true dire situation arose. These overused words are being spewed to end all conversations about race and religion. The far-left has been successful in shutting people down, in fear of being labeled with one of those highly emotional terms. The term “political correctness” has been popularized as a result of this concerted effort to stifle “free speech”. It seems the closer we get to the election, the more viciously the Democrats use the terms bigot, racist, and Fascist in describing Republicans, and especially President Trump. Very seldom do you hear them degrade Trump's policies about the economy or foreign policy. Their main attack on Trump is that he is “evil”, therefore, you should vote for Joe Biden, even though he is in the throes of cognitive decline. Now, we're confronted with a barrage of lies and innuendo about the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. Anyone who has listened to Barrett and the people who know and have worked with her, have nothing but the utmost praise for her legal knowledge and temperament. No matter, the Democrats will try to vilify her with slander and libel. What a disgraceful way to examine Barrett as she appears before the Senate for confirmation. After the 9/11 terror attacks by militant, terrorist Muslims, there was no wide-scale violence against Muslims, even though the terrorists were all Muslims. The most recent government statistics show that anti-Semitism is a far bigger problem than anti-Islamic bias in this country. The statistics show that 60% of biased acts reported were perpetrated against Jews, and only 13% targeted Muslims. So why did Pres. Obama and the Democrats keep up the drumbeat about Islamophobia when there was little of any widespread animosity and hateful actions against Muslims? Did they have an agenda? People are fearful, and rightly so, about the lives of their families and neighbors who are potential victims of these ruthless, demented, and fanatical domestic terrorists, some of whom happen to be Muslims, the perpetrators of 9/11. Yes, many so-called “social justice” protesters and Muslims are not terrorists, but most terrorists are anti-American Marxists and Muslims, and we shouldn't be called “bigots”, “racists”, or “Fascists” in expressing our concerns that the San Bernardino massacre, the shooting in the Orlando nightclub, and the mowing down, by a truck, of innocent civilians in lower Manhattan, the take over in Seattle and the mayhem and havoc in Portland, Minneapolis, NYC, Louisville etc., for pointing out the perpetrators of these terrorist acts. These will not be the only insurrections and terrorist attacks against our citizens and our country in the future. The terrorists have said so, over and over again, and we would be fools if we didn't take their threats to heart. Should we be labeled a “bigot”, a “racist” or a “Fascist” for pointing that out? Hitler laid out his plans in his book “Mein Kampf”, but the free world sloughed off his boastings as the rants of a fool, and look what happened, World War II. These militant, Islamic and radical domestic terrorists have stated that they want the world to be a universal Caliphate or a Marxist/Socialist society, with them in control. It's stated so in the Koran and in the writings of the organizers of BLM and ANTIFA. Should we be sheep being led to slaughter because we might be called a “bigot”, a “racist”, or a “Fascist”? Only a fool would settle for that scenario. Speak up America, and don't let “political correctness” keep us from telling the truth! Our lives and our country are at stake. Stand up! Support the policies of President Trump as he tries to institute policies that will make us safer from future terrorist attacks. Condemn, not only the Muslim terrorists, but also the likes of BLM (Black Lives Matter) and ANTIFA for what they are, radical domestic terrorists whose main goal is the overthrow of our government. They are NOT peaceful protesters. And, don't let partisan animosity toward our President, deter us from instituting practical solutions regarding this problem. You can't appease these people, only strong confrontation and arresting of these hooligans will deter their outrageous and violent behavior. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Joe Biden has been in government for almost 50 years. What has he done in all those years that makes him stand out as a possible President of the United States? If you listen to him, he spouts out an endless stream of platitudes and anti-Trump rhetoric. As the old Wendy's spokeswoman, Sarah Peller, used to say, “Where's the Beef”, we can direct that same question at Biden who seems to have nothing to offer but “delusions of adequacy”.
In the short period of a year, Joe Biden has changed positions, for better or worse, on almost everything he had previously said. In fact, he even changed some of his positions in the same sentence (ex: on fracking – he was against it before he was in favor of it). It's almost like he has no core beliefs, only spews what others tell him to believe. He claims to be a moderate Democrat, but then agrees to a “Manifesto” with Socialist Bernie Sanders. How can you be called a moderate by joining forces with Comrade Bernie Sanders? The far-left of the Democrat Party (with Bernie's manifesto) has espoused the following:
Joe Biden has “flip-flopped” on many of the proposals in the Bernie/Biden manifesto, trying to show his “moderate” credentials and appealing to the electorate. But, one might ask, what does he really believe? For most of his campaign, Joe Biden has not appealed to voters on the basis of what he will do for the people, but on why they shouldn't vote for President Trump. Yes, there is an anti-Trump cabal out there who will vote for anyone who opposes Trump, regardless of their platform or agenda. Is that what the country needs during these trying times? Shouldn't a candidate's record count for something? Should personality or perceived bad manners be the determining factor in choosing a president? The choice is between a President who has accomplished many beneficial acts, despite the concerted resistance by both Democrats and the media, and those who oppose our free enterprise capitalist system. They have attacked Trump on almost a daily basis, not on his policies, but on his personality and demeanor. I believe the electorate will choose President Trump for another 4 years as opposed to a candidate who has nothing to offer but “delusions of adequacy”. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann |
August 2024
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