Chuck on the right side
We have been confronted with a different kind of immigration challenging our borders, that is
a peril to our sovereignty and security. The challengers are unlike those who preceded us, but more like the unscrupulous pathfinders of the past, described as dashing explorers, seeking more than what was offered or achieved in their own land of origin. If our elected officials do not cease operating for political party advantage and not work for the benefit of their constituency and country, we will suffer the same fate from these modern day pathfinders as did the aboriginal inhabitants in the western hemisphere and elsewhere, who were eventually overwhelmed by shear numbers, losing their identity and culture. There is strong indication this is already happening in some areas of our country by changing dynamics, created in part by questionable tactics. No question, the caravans are a planned invasion and a threat to the quality of life, culture and rule of law. Conquerors carried the banner of their country to plant in the soil of the vanquished. Asylum seekers denounce the state they flee from; but so far that call has been mute. There are few families, women, children and elderly among the adult able bodied males, who are props being used as a ploy by the organizers, to gain international sympathy, with the help of our radical liberal mainstream media, to market this fallacy. It appears to be working, considering the adverse comments made about the pepper spray and tear gas use to break up the bump rush to breach the border barriers and protect the border patrol agents. Caravan parents or no better than the fanatics in the middle east, who use their children as human suicide bombs, by allowing their children to be among those involved in the bump rush, rock and other projectile throwers. The offer of asylum by Mexico was accepted by very few, but passed up by most of the others whose real target is the big megillah or ball of wax: The United States. Our predecessors entered the country lawfully passing through Ellis Island, who were thankful and proud to swear allegiance to their new adopted country. This new breed of immigrants wantonly to reap the streets paved in gold and return with it to the country of the flag they wave. Where our ancestors blended some of their culture into America's, they want us to change and blend into their culture, while availing themselves of welfare entitlements provided by extreme liberal legislation. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos
This will come as no surprise to anyone, but liberals (a/k/a Democrats) use the public schools and colleges and universities to grind their ideological axes into the “heads full of mush” that are in their classrooms, who are there, presumably, to get an education. Nobody should say that the aforementioned schools don't teach values - it's just that the values they teach are a disdain for America, a dislike for free enterprise capitalism, and an embrace of the Hollywood approach to morality. In other words, they are indoctrinating the students they teach with a liberal left-wing philosophy.
If you watch the news (with the exception of CNN and MSNBC, which is “fake news”) you can probably deduce that our young people (a/k/a Millennial's) voted in large numbers for Democrat candidates this past election cycle. What was the magnet that the Democrats used to get these young people to vote for Democrat candidates that, in any cases, espoused socialist ideas? Some have pointed out that the Democrat “free stuff” politicians appealed to the financially over burdened students by promising that they would forgive their student loans and to institute free college tuition. These young people fell for this propaganda “hook, line, and sinker”, and voted accordingly. Besides, most of the colleges had voter registration tables set up on campuses across the nation, which were stacked with mostly Democrat student volunteers, who reminded students that it was their obligation and duty to vote for the liberal candidates who were offering the “free stuff” that these students wanted financial relief from. We all know, or should know that 90% of most faculties are staffed by liberals, many of whom dislike or despise our way of life and our capitalist economic system. Ask any student, who exhibits common sense, and he or she will back up that statistic. It's funny that these same liberal faculties champion diversity of ethnic, gender, and sexual orientation, but when it comes to diversity of thought they are eerily silent. Sir Winston Churchill summed up this thinking when he wrote the following: “If you're not a liberal by the age of 20, you have no heart, but if you're not a conservative by the age of 40, you have no brain”. Very prescient words by Sir Winston, don't you think?. Looking for “something for nothing” is a very strong emotional appeal to the average naive citizen, especially to those who have a minimal amount of basic economic understanding and knowledge. You can thank our woefully under performing schools and universities who have not explained our free enterprise capitalist system to their students. A system that was handed down to us by our Founding Fathers over 230 years ago. Our forefathers, also in their great wisdom, offered us the pursuit of happiness not the guarantee of happiness as some of our Democrat Socialists seem to want to promise us. Once our students realize that we don't want to become anther Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, and most African countries who espouse socialism, we hope that they will come to the realization that the United States is “that shining city on the hill” that offers a better life to everyone who wants to take advantage of our capitalist system which has made us the preeminent country in the world, both economically and militarily, and with an extra dose of compassion. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Well, well, how true that statement is especially when it refers to our
treatment of illegal aliens. When we give people who have “invaded” our country (even non-militarily) illegally, and we give them food, shelter, clothing, education, health care, sanctuary cities, and a drivers license, you know right away that our benevolence will attract others to do the same, it's almost like a magnet. In other words, when you reward something the more you get of it. Common sense tells us that if we weren't so generous to those people we call “illegal aliens” (according to liberals – they're undocumented workers), the flow of these illegals into our country would drop to a trickle as there would be no incentive for them to not get the “goodies” that we now give them. Why is that so difficult for liberals to understand? Is there a political motive that influences their thought processes? Could it be that they expect these “future citizens” to be reliable Democrat voters? Sounds about right, doesn't it? But, when you ask a liberal, if someone, he/she doesn't know, walks through his/her front door uninvited and demands that you take care of them, would you let them stay or would you summon the police to have them removed? The overwhelming answer of these liberals would be “NO” they can't stay, so why are they against a tightening up the border (with a fence that President Trump wants put in place) in order to prevent letting people into our country that have not been invited? You could deduce that liberals have a “double-standard” and their resistance to tightening up the border is a valid case in point. This editorials headline also applies to other situations affecting our country, like lowering the standards in our schools (the “dumbing” down of the curriculum) and not sufficiently punishing disruptive students, thereby preventing learning from taking place for the students who want to learn. Also, when people in government, in high elective or appointed offices, violate the rules of conduct and they get off without or little punishment (a slap on the wrist), you'll get more illegal behavior ( a play on our headline might go like this, “When you reward bad behavior, you get more of it”). The obvious case in point is the rules that Hillary Clinton violated while in office and still no punishment has been meted out because of a two-tier justice system, one for the well connected and one for the rest of us poor slobs. Now, we are faced with another problem that will affect society, and that is the major push by some influential people to legalize drugs. We've started with the legalization of marijuana in a few of the states of the union, with more to come on board in the near future. Again, you see that when you reward something, you get more of it. The adverse effects of the legalization of marijuana already has had a negative effect in the State of Colorado where traffic accidents and deaths have spiked up dramatically since legalization. Although marijuana is not a hard drug like cocaine and heroin, it is still a mind altering drug that does affect the person using it, and legalizing it has more people using it, not for medicinal use, but for recreational use. So, in conclusion, when you reward something, you get more of it, can be considered a sane conclusion in those areas mentioned above. It's just common sense. So, be wary of those who want to do away with our tried and true rules of conduct that have been handed down through the ages, it might just be a changes for the worst, not the better. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann When our founding fathers drew up the Constitution, it was like a beautiful portrait painting to be cherished.
What is happening are a new breed of Democrats, vandalizing our masterpiece in their pervasive corruption, like drawing a mustache and thick rimmed eye glasses on it, to change a vehicle for the people to govern themselves, into a document for power of self interest, to use in changing the aura that has been serving our country so well for over 240 years. Ugly, angry mobs are bent on destroying the Norman Rockwellimage of America that our ancestors came here and strove to be a part of and is now in the cross hairs of hate.Mobs just don't form without some organization by somebody that has a high stakes game in the works, like They don't do the dirty work themselves, but enlist mostly individuals of low mentality to do it for them, with a promise of an effortless utopian life. They are told to harass or harm any one standing in their way because they are evil. They are told it is okay to break the law in order to achieve this. Working our way through trials and tribulations in our history, guided by the Constitution, has been instrumental in our survival and it must not be marred in anarchy. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos That quote by the late diplomat and author, Jean Giroudoux, “Only the Mediocre are Always at Their Best”, sort of describes what some of our leaders have expressed in the past. Remember when former President Barack Obama claimed that the United States was not an exceptional nation? He said we were no better than any other nation, which could be concluded that rather than being exceptional, we were just mediocre.
Compare President Obama's rhetoric with that of President Trump, who at every opportunity praises our country to the hilt as being the “shining city upon a hill” (a phrase popularized by former President Ronald Reagan). Contrary to what President Obama said, the United States is the most powerful, most prosperous, and most compassionate country in the world, therefore the most exceptional country. Why do people go through any means necessary to try to enter the United States, either legally or illegally, if our country was just an ordinary mediocre country? Look at what our country has accomplished since the election of President Trump. We have a booming economy with lower taxes for both companies and citizens, we have the lowest unemployment rates in history for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, women, and people with just a high school diploma. Companies are coming back to our country after moving overseas in years past. Our GDP, during the past 2 years has hovered between 3.5% to 4.2%, which has increased the revenue take by the U.S. Treasury. During the 2016 presidential campaign, then President Obama scoffed at Donald Trump's claim that our GDP should be over 3% or 4%, by saying that we should be satisfied with a 2% GDP (which over the 8 years of President Obama our GDP did average less that 2%) and that to claim otherwise, candidate Trump would have to wave a “magic wand” in order to exceed that mediocre prognostication by President Obama. When President Obama claimed that we (the U.S.A.) were no longer exceptional, he implied that we should be “mediocre” so that other countries didn't feel inferior to us. We have been the leader for most of the last century because we were “exceptional” in practically all aspects of life. If it wasn't for our exceptionalism, most all of Europe and parts of Asia would be speaking German now. If it wasn't for our “exceptionalism”, the defeated Axis powers would still be living with the effects of the carnage brought forth by Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. If it wasn't for our exceptionalism, most countries of the world would've had trouble rebuilding their countries from the natural disasters that befell them. We were there with an open hand and an unlimited pocketbook to help the unfortunates around the world. That is why we are “exceptional” and not just a mediocre country. So yes, the quote by Jean Giroudoux does not apply to the United States because we are not “mediocre”, we are exceptional and damn well proud of it. Just ask the other countries of the world. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann If you watch enough T.V. you are bombarded by ads that champion one cure after another for a myriad of diseases or ailments with names that are hard to pronounce or that they are unpronounceable, even to a literate person. After telling you the ailments that the advertised medicinal or drug products will alleviate, they list a laundry list of the dangers of using those very same products. These side effects range from possible death, strokes, yeast infections, dizziness, heart attacks, constipation, diarrhea, rashes etc., etc. It's enough to scare the living daylights out of a prospective customer of these drugs, who is looking for relief of a problem not an additional problem to cope with. You wonder, after hearing all these possible side effects, if the cure is worse than the disease?
The reason these drug companies list all these dangers and side effects of the products they are advertising, is to “cover their as---” from a possible lawsuit by “ambulance chasing lawyers” (some who might fall under the classification of being called “shyster lawyers” - a “shyster” is defined as someone who acts in a disreputable, unethical, or unscrupulous way, especially in the practice of law), who are chomping at the bit to latch on to one or more of these liability cases. Corresponding to the avalanche of drug ads on T.V. are a corresponding avalanche of ads by lawyers trolling for prospective customers who have had an adverse reaction to one or more of these medicines or drugs, and who are now looking to cash in on their real or imagined damages or adverse effects. The ads by the lawyers make it sound that the victims can or will hit the “liability lottery” if they hire them to represent them in a lawsuit against these drug companies. Little, if any, do these lawyer ads mention the fact that the law firm will be compensated by getting a 33% to 40% fee of the award given the “victims” of these drugs. Most of these cases never go to trial (only 10% do) as the drug companies have determined that it would be cheaper to settle rather than go to trial, so it's almost an “effortless” effort to get a piece of the action by the lawyer for their clients just by threatening the drug companies with a lawsuit. The practices by the trial lawyers scream out for our politicians to enact meaningful “tort reform”. Since most politicians are lawyers, it is almost impossible to get common sense legislation passed limiting the practice of the liability lawyers, most of whom will go back to practicing law once their legislative careers are concluded. With all the talk about health care, hardly any mention is made of what part these lawsuits play in the costs of medicine or health care. You could say that there is a conflict of interest on the part of many politicians, due to the fact that they don't want to harm their future income source when they go back to practicing law. It'll take a really tough leader to get legislation passed to bring some common sense back to our health care system. A populist President like Donald Trump, a non-lawyer, is probably the one person who might be able to accomplish this task. The odds are against reform, as the Democrat Party is in the “pocket” of the trial lawyers who donate many millions, mainly to the Democrats, to keep the status quo, is quite high. So to sum up the answer to the headline, it can be concluded that in some cases the cure seems worse than the disease, but, if properly handled, these drugs can be a force for good in extending the lives of people or by giving relief to the medically afflicted. Be aware of the dangers of the drugs you take and work closely with your physician to mitigate any life-threatening side effects. Conservative commentary by Chuck Lehmann Preparation determines how well one will fare in any competition. We all begin on the same starting line and finishing at the tape. There are always losers who will claim unfairness because of their post position at the start.
We are not all born with the same stature or natural capabilities, so in order to compete, we are granted handicaps to be able to participate with some sense of pride. There is an on going competition in our country called the human race, where we try to eke out a living. Three main gamesters vie for our participation in their league. The Republicans, the Democrats and the Socialists. The first group provides a regimen to follow and how to apply it, requiring hard effort for its success. The second one will tell you some effort is required, but you don't have to strain yourself, because there will always be others to help you along if you have short falls; but at times, their handicapping is misused The third one's manifesto requires no effort at all, because the rest of the field will carry you to the finish line in a photo finish, where every one breaks the tape at the same time and everybody gets a trophy. Conservative Commentary by George Giftos |
August 2024
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